Could Trump pull off the unthinkable?

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Would rather them secede like they said they would than see it go red

Not in California. The Dems have a complete lock on the entire vote fraud machinery of Cali.
Google 'ballot harvesting'

Are you mentally disturbed friend?

I fucking wish.

You realize there's a better chance of Joe Biden winning North Carolina, Georgia, and Texas, right?


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lmao fuck no redneck
we hate his guts here

Maybe if the majority of Californians die from the plague, or the homeless revolt and establish mad max despotism west of the Sahara.
NCR when?


Will Trump support M4A?

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Wetbacks and ballot harvesting. Outside of a revolution to take the state back no.

If he had a federal housing plan.

As much as I'd like this state to turn red, nope, it's still 60/40 here

the dems will lose their base in california from the virus killing all the homeless and basedboys

Probably not.

Trump could flip Minnesota, New Hampshire and Nevada but California would be incredibly unlikely.

Cali will never be red again.

Arizona too

THIS I know lots of people here who openly and secretly support trump, the dems have this state rigged it's the new ficking Chicago

why does pol give a fuck if cali votes red or blue. christ, you're all just a bunch of jeb bush conservatives these days

It'll just be red for a different reason.

Yeah. In fact, is there any state from 2016 that can shift from red to blue in 2020?

Too many illegals and too little voter ID. Not gonna happen user.

Im retarded. From blue to red I meant.

Ok I'm in the Bay Area and it, and the state will still be liberal shitholes in 2020, but there is hope. Last election 3 tax raising initiatives (which usually pass by a huge margin) failed. There is a resentment building up in literally everyone here towards the liberal establishment. Everyone from the spic gardeners, flip nurses, pajeet tech workers, and whites are hating the status quo. Shit is getting more expensive and the quality of life is going down. The homelessness, rent, and literal shit are wearing on people. What happens in the bay is indicative of the rest of CA. Give it another 10-15 years, you will start to see CA become more purple.

After what I've seen him accomplish. I'd say so, he would have to do it the right way, and go all in.

Now this doesn't mean they will vote red. The spics are dirty communists to their core, but it means they just won't vote if the democrats keep pushing their usual suspects. This will enable the more sensible, CONSERVATIVE, voices to prevail.

Trump will get 25% of the black vote

Like communist red, or red from the inevitable bloodshed?

accomplish what? kickbacks for his cronies? seizing supplies from blue states?

>30% WHITE
>30% WHITE
>30% WHITE
>30% WHITE


We're not voting for this shitbag

These two are possible
Minnesota if Amy isn’t vp (trump lost by 1%)
New hamsaphire (record trump turnout this primary)
And these are less likely but not impossible
New Mexico

Judging by the handling of the coronavirus, many people, especially in blue states are not gonna be impressed by him.

If every Bernie voter went renegade, maybe, but won't happen. They will stay home or cave, and there are plenty of rich white liberals and gibs voters to fuel a generic democratic candidate to victory.

Quite sad that Nixon and Reagan were from here. Even Orange County had a Democratic congressman

Literally impossible until all Mexicans and Asians are ejected

Only if organized voter fraud is reduced by a voter ID law, and that's not going to happen in the people's republic of commiefornia.

First one, then the other.

If Trump was doing a truly terrible job handling the coronavirus, then the US would be disproportionately impacted; it isn't and lots of people recognize that even in blue states.

It's doubtful but my fingers are crossed.

>what was 1960 election

In this clown world?Doubt it.

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When Biden is put on a debate stage he will literally lose any edge he might have. His brain is mush.

Nah, they will bus around everyone and both public university systems will encourage other forms of fraud (UCI encouraged asian foreign nationals to vote in the midterms).

Minnesota and New Hampshire are definitely possible.

Nevada seems to be leaning more and more left these days.

Colorado and New Mexico are just not possible realistically.

And Virginia imo is not a swing state anymore. Even with the gun rallies, it's a blue state now, just like how Ohio is a red state now.

Even with gun and abortion shit I think Virginia is blue by 5 points or more, maybe around 10. Northern VA and DC suburbs ruined that state

I only put New Mexico because of the third party vote getting like 10% there. Trump lost the state by 8%
Also considering the state is less white than California, he lost California by 30%
But yeah it’s unlikely to flip

By European standards it's on par. By Asian standards its bad. Even assumimg China is lying, western democracy tends to slow things down.

I don't think debates matter at all. Bloomberg was demolished in his first debate, and his polls were unaffected.

This has been in deep planning for years and now the trap has been sprung just like his new ownership of the reserve.

>doors will shut
>eyes will see
>beloved will fall
>avenged are us all


If they weren't likely to literally stuff ballots, yes, I think he could. He'll have to have a hell of a ground game getting poll watchers, etc. etc.

I didn't know they had so much 3rd party. But it's probably because people feel safe to vote for a different party since it goes blue no matter what. Happened in the south in the 90s.

Reagan made short work of that.
Another 1postthread. Sg

>Even with gun and abortion shit I think Virginia is blue by 5 points
I disagree, but I tend to. People forgot to show up things were so good and they figured it was Virginia. They won't forget in 2020, and I guarantee you that the DNC lost votes on the gun grabs.
Yes, but he lived in CA. He had natural ground.

Why do the doomsayer's neglect this?

What does >natural ground.
Have to do with blanket amnesty for over a million beaners?

Trump lost NY

Do you really want spics in your political party?

To be fair, he was never a politician who represented NY, unlike Reagan. Politicians have an advantage from there home state, not celebrities.

With the democrats running the state's voting machinery, probably not. However even without ballot harvesting and the like, it would still be VERY hard for Trump to win- the whites are particularly cucked and the non-white population is huge

True but with limits. Even a cuckservative like Mitt Romney had no chance as former gov as Massachusetts, to win that state, versus white guilt personified, Obama.

CA went for Reagan and every Republican before him as far back as Eisenhower. It was a red state back then and was much whiter than it is now

>gas is under $3 in the Bay Area
He has a chance
Unironically I've seen exponentially more conservative thought this year than 2016. I work in Berkeley and hardly saw Bernout propaganda this time.

Something Even Better.
> inb4 one post by this id.

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Forgot about Mitt Romney being MA Gov. Don't know how he messed up so hard with that one.

He will.

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>votes count in infested areas

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I think it'll be closer than last time for sure. However, he has a lot of ground to make up as Hillary won the state by 30 points last time. Making a small state swing by 30 points in one cycle is difficult, and making the biggest state in the country swing by 30 is probably impossible. But who knows, Trump is different

Clinton lived in NY as well, and NY is typically sinful, so they hate the Conservative Christian pandering much of the Republicans have made in the past. Or at least that's the D&C game someone has determined to play. So the duped populations of sinners in general think of Republicans as Christians, and certain groups within the Republicans love that cause it gives them easy vote roping.
It's all a waste of time, we're a dead society from the base up. The TV and the apparatus we've claimed is our security have either been undermined by people who are inherently have no morals, out of perceived necessity to complete the jobs, or we've always lived in a duplicitous society. I'm pretty sure I'm watching the end of the US, not only because of outside influences.
It's been said a hundred dozen times, but the Hollywood Athiest jew should never have been allowed to be a leading force of anything, their lessons are insecurity because their foundations are only sensual and naked power chasing.
To keep a union as complex as a Constitutional Republic with limit Government and max Freedoms, the population cannot be twisted toward selfish behaviors, hedonism, and sins in general. Abandoning God, the core of equal justice for all humanity even if the government at the hand never sees you, as our zeitgeist, by allowing homosexuals, pedophiles, and adulterers in Hollywood and New York to split our personalities via hypnotic inserts, has left us depending on no man, because "there is no judge." If I know I don't have to trust myself and/or cannot, trusting you would be just foolish.
It's over, unless something major undoes decades of brainwashing into hedonism. And the media, which is by and large clearly jew owned and operated either by incident or intent, isn't going to change itself.

Part of the culture of California is hating whites. Hard to win when that is the acceptable status quo

I don't believe there's a chance he'll win CA, this won't happen in just once cycle, but trust me no one is gonna jump for Biden

He’d have to get southern white voter levels


Based beans

Nah, Commiefornians are enjoy their martial law and draconian dystopia.

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Someone get Mel Gibson on the phone, he's a jew, right?

Checked. Chaos digits say yes though

>shitskins not allowed to leave the nest
>A constitutional free white man

Try talking to the students. Things are getting worse over there.

In 20-30 years we are all going to consider most Hispanics to be white people. It happened to the Irish, to the Scottish, to the Greeks, to the Italians, and to the eastern Europeans.