USA is #1 like always leading the way in the next big gold rush. Just a few grams of moon dust sells for millions and we're going to be mining space rocks n shit.
USA is #1 like always leading the way in the next big gold rush. Just a few grams of moon dust sells for millions and we're going to be mining space rocks n shit.
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Get affordable healthcare for your citizens and then go mine the moon
No nigger!
We’d need to get rid of all the black and brown parasites that abuse our system first. Let’s stick the third world back in the third world and force niggers to either sink or swim.
who needs a wall when you can get moon rocks.
Shut up chump. We'll buy your country's hospitals with our space money.
Build space elevator
Moon’s helium-3 is abundant.
Stop spreading fake news.
The future is bright.
This is what we need. Space industry. Thank you God Trump. Now please build a launch loop.
This. We'd have Jetson's tech and moon mining by the late 80's if it weren't for them.
The moon isn't made of rock.
How is Mars visible through a solid moon?
For gold or oil?
Lol, this is so stupid
The cost per flight payload/kg would be immeasurably high
Let’s say we “invent” a spaceship that can carry profitable margins of resources from space. It would cost trillions of dollars for such a spacecraft to be created, tested and used regularly
The sad reality is, we have to use what we got on the planet we inhabit
I would prefer affordable eugenics.
>Spend a gorillion dollars strip mining moon for useless rock
>Fuck up the tides back on Earth
>Unimaginable damage
Stop posting anytime.
You construct and launch the craft from the moon where the gravity is very low.
Your sóy aspirations of space mining will never happen. You're stuck on this rock with browns until the sun burns out.
Could you even imagine how fucking much mass would have to be mined for that to happen?
If you are an amateur, (like the mouth breathing retard in the video) you assume that you can see though the moon. When what is actually happening is much more complicated. The telescope gathers light from an area larger than the moon and if you don't focus it correctly you can get this effect.
I can. I wouldn't put it passed them.
Damn, how will Reptilians ever recover?
That's a cute excuse for having Mars in line of sight through the fucking moon.
And then how does it get back lol
also college education
Moons hollow... you'd be surprised how little you probably have to do to fuck everything up.
H.G Wells predicted it first.
Light can bend around objects. It's like the first thing you learn when you get a telescope. After all it is a device which bends light.
Why go back unless it's something exceedingly rare on earth?
There's nothing on the moon that would be useful for us on Earth. You can get a bit of water, oxygen, and fuel for space operations, but asteroids are the gold nuggets
>The cost per flight payload/kg would be immeasurably high
given current iterations of the relevant technologies, sure
how do you think advancement happens? because you just sit on your laurels and never try to go further, because it's "impossible"?
I've got some bad news for the aliens crashing on the moon right...
This is the American wayy.
If you don't like trips to the moon don't get one.
having an orbital gas station sounds pretty useful
Brainlets detected.
Thats productive schizophrenia...
Those kind of people blow themselves up on giant fuel bombs or pay to blow other people up... if they are successful then they die on the moon or mars because theres a big push to get there just because. Elon Musk
The Alliance has been made. All systems a go. Thousand year solar Reich incoming.
>mine the moon
>folks make a good chunk of money
>US gets Norway tier system
Helium-3. Someone already said it but never hurts to repeat it until everyone is aware.
>Enjoy yourself
The Moon has been bombarded with asteroids for billions of years so it is likely covered in mineral wealth that would be easily accessible given it is geologically dead.
You... fucking moon is god damn hollow you fucking god damn smooth fucking brain. I referenced the Time machine you stupid fucking louse...
Helium-3 motherfucker why nobody mention this? Fuck you shills
Just drop the load over Canada... seriously what could go wrong
>muh helium 3 meme
>150 tons of regolith per gram of Helium 3
>62 GJ of energy
You'd have to already be doing a very large mining operation for oxygen and water to make it worth collecting the trace amounts of He-3 as a byproduct.
Most asteroids are just lumps of carbon and water. You won't be getting many valuable materials (to Earth) from impact craters. Everything changes when you talk about in-space resource utilization of course.
I hope you die in a car crash
The world's helium supply is dwindling ,the moon has shit tons of helium
Not Helium-3, just regular helium
What happened to the Space Force?
They are crashing illegal aliens on the moon
>the moon is a physical thing that can be landed on
>these goyim believe the pagan Helios-centric ideology/world-view
>they also believe space is what the governments and their scientists tell them
If we waited to solve all economic and social problems, we never would have made it to the moon in the first place.
we will be able to fund that after we mine the moon
kek the moon is a fucking alien base. NASA's resonance tests prove as much when it reverberated for hours
weak, how much more of space do we own? I would assume all of it
we already have affordable healthcare, it's called stay the fuck away from the pharma industry
NASA's resonance tests prove the moon has a hollow interior. go ahead and look it up brainlet
If you aren't a total fucking bum, decent healthcare is affordable in usa. Dont believe the propaganda.
Let's go play grab ass on the moon instead of stopping the United States from becoming majority non-white.
> The sad reality is, we have to use what we got on the planet we inhabit
You are thinking about it all wrong friendo. The material mined in space or on the moon, will sold or used for other uses in space. Creating fuel on the moon for example would in essence create a whole new market, which would let the first to lay claim to bring immense profits. Because its not going back to Earth anytime soon. So a monopoly is easily created. Then we get war in space and boom suddenly the incentive to go to space is at an all time high and carrying materials back to Earth is dirt cheap.
>#1 as always
China is already years ahead with a plan for a base and mining helium 3, you snooze you lose, burger.