Seriously, Yas Forums. I can't tell if Mississippi is a state or a giant grazing ground for cletuses and obese niggers.
What goes on here?
Yt chicks getting cockblasted by BBC.
it is the embodiment of the southern stereotype.
obese, corrupt, cartoon villain upper class
backwards looking delusional white hillbillies
underclass of niggers living in an upper-tier third world country existence
Very cheap cost of living, confederate flag, segregated, racist, green, and lots of rivers and farmland. Kinda boring but not a bad place to live imo. If you live in a rich neighbourhood you won't be surrounded by low IQ rednecks (which is an overblown stereotype but does hold some truth to it)
poor as fuck
legit 3rd world tier in many places
Piece of shit state with zero redeeming qualities. All states that touch it have similar issues but at least of some unique qualities
What is wrong with the names of the departments? Imagine living in fucking YAZOO COUNTY
Depends on which part we're talking about. If we head to the gulf coast area you have richer white areas like Ocean Springs, with its laughable stupid high food tax and gated communities, and the beachfront areas with its casinos in Biloxi, though anything north of Keesler is spic city. If we head a bit east from that, we hit Pascagoula where they make nuclear subs at Ingalls. If we go north of Pascagoula we hit Moss Point where its nigger central. This is all on 90 on/pretty much on the coast.
Pretty much all named after someone, a fish or an Indian tribe. Without using wikipedia, I don't know who or what Yazoo is.
Hattiesburg and Laurel are kinda not bad places to be.
Nigger, you have a city named Maipu.
I can’t understand a word they say. The niggers, and there are a lot of them!, speak some weird kind of creole maybe? The blackest gorilla niggers live there too. Everyone lives in total shithole trailers but they manage to have a lot full of cars and a few nice trucks. Very bizarre
You 601?
Its a weird combination of French, English and Spanish. There's a lot of cities named after French families there, like Gautier. Pronounced "Go Shay." The Gautiers still live there.
>the blackest gorilla niggers live their too
That's because they dont race mix
Stereotypical redneck trailer trash shithole full of niggers and backwards rubes obsessed with Jebus, guns, football, meth, NASCAR, and Trump. Third world tier.
Believe it or not, blacks and whites tend to stick to their own kind in Mississippi. Racemixing is still less accepted in Mississippi rather than places like NYC or LA.
America might be a 1st world country, but it's got quite a few 3rd world states holding it back. Of those 3rd world states, Mississippi stands near the bottom in terms of development
228 here.
There are a few isolated enclaves of successful white people. Other than that, it's basically Haiti.
Fuck niggers.
228 or gtfo
I live in a city of 60k on the mississippi. Beautiful neighborhood, huge white families living in early 20th century southern victorian style mansions. The niggers know their place and dont come into our areas. Now most days i either work in the community garden with qt girls i will marry one day, read on my expansive porch and wave to neigbors passing by, sip sweet tea, and let my hate for browns fester. Then I sit on my fourth story widows walk and watch the sunset over the river every evening listening to the laughs of a prosperous white community. Southern life is peak ~comfy~
Ex-Louisianafag here, Mississippi (white) girls are hot as fuck.
Everyone I have ever met from the Sip is cool as hell man.
Nithign on the coast but thunders tavern on one border, and yuppie commune pass christian on the other
they have subsubletted houses, so it's like an apartment where someone has the living room, someone has a bedroomn, one person has a closet.
Can't make this shit up.
user is correct.
i don’t know what it is but they look good(pending they aren’t fat) and that accent is unbeatable.
Yeah, our communities are still distinctly separated. We live apart within the same municipalities.
Not much.
I got a dog from Moss Point as a child
>He was a good boy
Can confirm everything he said is true.
Except calling anything in Biloxi "beachfront", while technically on a beach, is being generous
20% sand
60% bird shit
10% glass
10% rock
The South Africa of the united states
Girls from hot places LOVE cock. Nothing better than sweating your ass off in a southern summer banging some slut.
Many such cases
>In muh mustang
There appears to be a lot of water in Mississippi. Id guess there is plenty of farming going on.
probably the opposite, too swampy
There is a lot of tree farms, actually. Pretty much along every highway where the trees are the exact same type, exact same height? Tree farm. You're right about it being a swamp, though. And its not too uncommon for the temperature to equal the humidity. I've seen 100% humidity without it raining.
Fascinating. I dont think there is anywhere in England like that. Is Mississippi still anglo-American wasp majority?
I go to UM and it’s not as bad as you’d think. Also from NY, so it’s very different. Way fewer libs. Students are dumb as hell though.
Yup. The accents are annoying.
Yeah there are huge farming communities and a lot of sandy loam and other fertile soils.
Most of the potential of the place is ruined by niggers, but nothing beats just riding 4 wheelers in the woods and blowing up shit with a shotgun when you 12-13 years old.
I live in Tennessee which is white except for Memphis which borders Mississippi and we recognize Mississippi and negro land
Curious if there are actually any faggots or trannies here. This is the kind of state that I'd be legitimately surprised to find them in desu
Third world shithole that's 40% nog. It's America's trash can.
I went to school in MS in the 90's, and there were a few. Everyone left them alone though. You only call someone a faggot if they are straight. Not much point if they are actually gay I think.
I do not know; I would not been one of the privileged whites being born outside of Mississippi, brought there when I was very young, and being poor.
When I went to school, we had 1 gay in the entire school. He was also black and ended up committing suicide a few months before graduation. I graduated in 2005 or so.
NE Mississippi is pretty nice. Mostly white, low cost of living. Kinda slow, but enough to do.
This is true about the south, our negros aren't those uppity types you have out west and in the north. You would think slavery still exists by how they still fear white people till this very day. The blacks stay in their areas and don't venture outside of that. The blacks that went North and west were the more educated and they were also the ones that hated white people the most. The blacks that stayed in the South liked their lives
So you like most southerners contribute absolutely nothing to this country and are admitting that your existence is distinguished by not being a feral nigger? Southern whites, especially the effete rich ones, really don’t understand how awful they seem to the rest of the US.
I'm a Mississippian. I'd be glad to answer any question you filthy niggers have
you mean dey gots niggas there ?
Do you own a golf cart?
they gots niggas there ?
Well we don't really like you very much either faggot. We should be seperate into two countries today. At least we have a culture still unlike the rest of generic America. The south is clean and beautiful unlike your UNited nations polluted shit holes.
How the fuck can the south be clean & beautiful if it's full of dindus and fatasses?
Named after a local Indian tribe called the Yazoo. Tons of American place names like this.
I agrees I agrees lawdy lawdy I agrees
Segregation is a thing.
yassir. them niggas be down souf babay. Get yo ass down round jackson and you be in em
You obviously haven't been to the south
For real ?
niggers, white trash evangelicals, ass melting humidity and bugs
They all move to New Orleans.
I was born in Mississippi. Left when I went to college. I go back to visit a few times a year. It is the worst place in America. Every person with an IQ above room temperature flees.
Pic related is your average mississippian
Former 228 here. Bay St. Louis. Loved it. House on the beach, $600 a month. Bars don't close. Impossible to get into trouble. Weather is pretty good, until it's not. Then it is wipe the town off the map bad. Lots of blacks, don't recall speaking to any. Simply no interaction. Life moves slow. Important to be well connected, but even then tough as a Yankee if trying to do business. Of course, I was young living in a beach town where the bars don't close, so it is likely that I was a shitty businessman. Would love there again but the prospect of being wiped out by hurricanes every 10-20 years is for the gays.
>Every person with an IQ above room temperature flees.
Thus the current state of the state. Fuck you for not trying to better your home state, nigger.
They actually prefer calling whites "boss" over "sir." I don't get it either.
See, I look at that and think to myself its a bit misleading. You have the part north of Jackson where you're fucked and then you have the mid part, between Hattiesburg and Jackson where you're slightly less fucked and then you have the coastline up to Hattiesburg where you can actually make something and do something.
I’ve heard this before. About Florida even. My buddy said the niggers down there are real friendly and polite, at their job anyway.
for reals ?
t. In the mid south area
Why would I want to live with you half wits. Your damn governor is named Tater
Tfw when a shitskin on Yas Forums has never been to the glorius city of Yazoo
>last in everything
What about outlook on life? Are MS folks generally happy?
Mississippi elected a former bank teller named Tater to be their governor.
Grew up in the Mississippi Delta. From Memphis down to Vicksburg, from the river to I - 55 pretty much. The Delta is the niggerest part of niggerdom. All those shitty stats you see on Mississippi are because of that area.
Even in my small town the nigras lived on one side of the tracks and the Whites on the other. I am old enough to remember a quasi segregation. Downtown was for Whites mostly. The nigras had their own stores, even a grocery run by a Chinese family. It wasn't legal segregation, it was de facto. Even though the Delta was 78% Black, it was a decent place to live because everyone in the caste system knew their place.
All the White kids I grew up with have pretty much moved away. So did I. So did all my family. Fond memories. Mostly because I didn't have to put up with niggers underfoot constantly.
cheers to that
Bro were quarantined noones contributing shit you mongoloid. I have a career in healthcare and i come from a line of professors, doctors, composers, lawyers, and congressmen. Dont hate on me because im not some lower class mixed race mutt that has no prospects in life like yourself. Loser
Nope. Dont come from yuppie new age fag money.
Then I doubt you live in the well-off areas. Golf carts are a trend there and literally everyone owns one, you fucking lying ass poser.