C'mon people, help me spread the good news about the man's new recompensation plan, make sure to dispel ALL myths raised by trump supporters regarding it. Bernie's dream isn't lost yet!
We can't let these berniebros get their refunds
It's true, he's returning the money back my fellows!
fucking love /pol
imagine if we hacked bernie into office haha just kidding...haha unless...
fuck these russian bots
The one time a McShekelsten hands out money and Yas Forums almost gave him an excuse to shut it all down. Let's help him bankrupt himself.
/pol don't let them get their refunds, clog the lines!
I didn't use anything yet! I'm just posting an user's suggestion
Plus you fucks better be more subtle than THIS
Fuck off Kike they deserve to lose their money.
Woah, can’t argue with those digits. Apologies user forgive me
And remember, be PERSISTENT!
We all know you spastic, keep it subtle we're showing up on the first google page!
Literal retard
Don't let the DNC steal your hard earned dollars to use as #BidenBribes! Get your #BerneReturn today!
Don't believe the trumpshills who are trying to make sure your money goes to the DNC and Biden. They don't care about the plight of the workers, they don't understand our fight.
This makes me discernibly turgid.
no fuck you we can't let that commie get away with this! he might run again and WIN if he shows this good will now!!!
Bernie is such a good person!! I'll be sure to tweet all about my refunds!
It's working!
Chaos for the chaos lord
I don't want berntards to get any money back, they must starve! also the trannies will get medication with the been return. fuck me we have to stop this.
Doom for the doom throne
This is the new way of communicating kek
All these tweets from obvious "alt right" and russian skitzo twitters. @pepeisgod1313 isn't subtle. This will be turned against you guys, again
a hello there, fellow gommunists
i just wanted to watch society and people suffer during the chink flu, now this 3 mansion fagget is ruining my fun by helping others. We must not allow this cunts,meme to stop this happening.
you're required to depending on rules in your state, unless you are pushed out and don't wihtdraw etc
it's generous of him to withdraw so his donators get their money back
Enough of this user. Even though it’s fun to troll lefties, don’t you realize that it’s more important to troll the dnc? If the money isn’t refunded, the dnc will get it for ad money.
>Jacob Foglestien
Just stop creating threads, the newfags will shit it all up.
>the evil hacker Yas Forums filed fraudalent refunds
>the evil hacker Yas Forums is responsible for the delay of refunds, we totally want to refund but they are cyberattacking us.
You know damn well that the NPCs will fall for it. They fell for his campaign to begin with.
Let's do it lads.
Operation Bernreturn
#Bernreturn #bernie
Yeah, so? Thats the point.
carthage is jealous
At this point it doesn't even matter that the info is out, might as well make a small happening than let it be nipped in the bud, it's the thought that counts too, just getting it into their heads that there are NO REFUNDS is the victory itself
Isn't the idea to create chaos? Now nobody knows if there is a refund or not.
i love you retards. GET OUT THERE AND DO YOUR PART!!!
You’re right. Also guys make sure to go on Bernie’s website and make a refund request yourself! Even if it’s for a relative or friend you know. We can’t just spread the truth and expect others to make calls and emails for us, we should directly help.
I wonder what happens if I push this button?
Image is weapons grade
>Guys even my super low donation got refunded!
Here's one I scavenged from the other thread, what do you lads think?
the problem is that Yas Forums trolls are hacking peoples information to steal their refunds and then when people try to claim theirs it shows up as gone
Original OP here. Encouraging chargebacks is brilliance. Go for it!
Holy shit they even refunded my 2016 donations! I'm not broke anymore!
It’s better to just spread the direct truth that there are indeed refunds. We want to drain the dnc’s money. Spreading doubt might discourage people from requesting refunds.
well, it is under $1000
so I kinda think it would be eligible for refund
fucking kek
nigga, consider the following:
1) This is called post-irony since Bernie is considered to be a Russian hack and I'm posting from a Russian account
2) In the previous tweet I said I was an "overseas endorser"
3) My 2 tweets are funnier than most of the shit here, some of you idiots tweeted like 50 times, not suspicious at all
4) My account is old and developed unlike your fakes registered 5 minutes ago
5) I'm doing it for lulz and my Russian subscribers, not changing the name for a 5-minute raid
6) I supported the hashtag and my tweets are long hidden from normies unlike your repetitive shit from (((tyrone shackelsteins)))
7) stop samefagging
I am higher on so many levels nigga, don't teach me to raid
There is another shill thread pretending to trick people into getting refunds. We are being raided.
i wish i was american. getting 600 bucks after misinvesting it must feel good.
Some faggot stole my Yas Forums refund and I want my Bernie back! They used this fake Corona virus to knock Bernie out of the race just when he was starting to mount his comeback.
>we are being raided
they'll fuck off in a few minutes
wait til you find out about biden's ties to the toilet paper industry
>keeping the big donations
Aquarium fish always go after the flakes
>7) stop samefagging
But my nigga, we have IDs
Anyway if you truly have a plan, then keep going!
True, I'm already trying to Correct The Record as we speak
Daily Reminder that Biden shills are trying to dissuade Bernie supporters from claiming their refunds because they are afraid that Biden cant fundraise the massive numbers of small donors that Bernie was able. They are being instructed to tie up the refund hotline and website so Biden keeps all of Bernies money per FEC rules after the primaries.
Guys we really need to be posting more on reddit and other platforms
>Within the past month
I thought joe biden was dead? Has anyone seen him lately?
>I'm working sooooo hard
>Oh no, looks like it was rejected
>Looks like no refunds for you :(
aaaaaand it's gone
Retards don’t understand that donations aren’t under any kind of obligation to return, it’s a “gift”
Good tweet.
This is horrible user. Someone has to stop it! They are destroying our economy and now trying to prevent vulnerable populations from getting the money they need. These monsters must be destroyed!
>Well sweetie snookems, you're just wrong, go tell your shitlord master Trump I got my donation back just fine xD
Yes i know.
Bank to reddit where you belong kike