It's the PRIME time to capitalize on this, now that Bernie is out of the race!
Go onto twitter and talk about how you got a refund from bernie, and how you just need to talk to the right people. When bernietards ask who, just don't respond. Try to get it trending with #bernreturn
Original thread
Last thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

Rememnber, some of them can be tricked for a SECOND time!

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Ella rai

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1. I heard that HACKER Yas Forums is trying to tell people that #BernReturn excludes Non POC! Make sure you tell those Racist Bigots that we don't fear Natzis here! #SandersForPresident #Trumptards

Be patient, not all campaign managers know of #BernReturn yet. Calmly insist or call again, or ask for the superior #RIPBernie #bern2024

Bump. Cross hashtag so people can see

>not masking the thread OP with the intent that it's real

Guys, fuck with the stupid Bernie Bros and tell them that the refunds are fake kek some of them are actually biting that the refunds aren't real

Alright guys what refund amounts do you want on your receipts?

Okay now screenshot this and use it as ammo

Maybe say that if you aren't getting your refund, there are a backlog of requests that they need to sort out.


I just want to provide examples for the lads, remember to keep them off the trail

Attached: 1586387341918.jpg (750x263, 125.24K)

almost certainly a Yas Forumslack


Hahaha these fuckheads are believing that the refunds are fake!!!

just do some values under 100-200$ that are divisible by 5


Can someone make a fake email thing saying “sorry for the wait! Due to high volume or requests, we might take some time to process your refund. Expect an update in about 12 business days!” and then make a tweet with it complaining that they don’t want to wait so long for their refund because corona has bankrupted them?

Don't troll under obvious Russian names. How dumb are you faggots? At least try to pretend to be an American that actually donated

good idea m8

hmm I wonder how they found out this was a raid...

Attached: Capture.png (934x840, 70.11K)

This, more posts like these

Yes, please make OPs saying “come on guys, spread the news so we drain the dnc! Don’t let them have any ad money!”

too sad burgers rarely understand layers of irony

DON'T BE TOO OBVIOUS, remember to sound and look like an American for christs sake!

Attached: 1586389140902.png (1192x200, 74.88K)

Hey guys, time for a raid. Let’s all hop on our fake twitter accounts and spam that the #bernreturn refunds aren’t real. Reminder to cross pollinate other trending hashtags to gain visibility. The less money in the hands of commies the better!

oh shit

Show it as a percent of total donation, not 100% - sounds more realistic

i will try to make it and see, but i already said that i got the money. I'll just post the pic here and someone else can use it.

Already saw someone posting a fake screenshot of a refund button.

Attached: he-man.jpg (1000x722, 138.04K)

That user is going down in history



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$250 please

lol, fuck

Well, we are fucked

Google jannies seething


Use #NotMeUs. Thats his campaign slogan and captures the idea of getting a return. The donation wasn’t to him it was for Us.

This. I know some people here think we should be spreading this so that the dnc has less ad money, but honestly I think it’s funnier to trick libtards into not getting their money. Just keep spreading the lie that the refunds are made up, as long as they don’t call on the website they’ll never find out.

Here is another user's attempt, what do you people think?

Attached: 1586389222424.jpg (576x772, 292.12K)

>>too sad burgers rarely understand layers of irony
It's ok, I love multi-layer irony.

why would they blatantly search that onto google? Obviously it's the shill operatives thats warning people

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-08 Bernie Sanders is out Will his movement persist .png (994x139, 20.45K)

Well shit

This guy gets it.



Attached: kek.png (378x357, 81.47K)

Saw it too. The faggot made a clear paint edition lol

>Tyrone Jackson

Attached: 1477693677794.gif (325x235, 1.59M)

FUCK it, treat this like a blitz raid instead of a real campaign, it's the thought that counts, if enough people become aware of the lack of refunds then it still will get them mad

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Remember. No Russian.

Attached: 7d5.jpg (680x357, 45.1K)

>yfw Bernies campaign has to come out and publicly say "No Refunds"

Attached: 11564613165.jpg (760x428, 48.86K)

Change the font.

Posting. Well done, user.

>we're new
Posts here immediately show up in Google search results.

The key is to not make threads with titles that explain the trick, instead make threads with different names so that GOOGLE doesn't pick it up

Someone forgot to put there browsers to incognito mode

time to skidaddle

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kek this is some dastardly and muttly level fail

new thread for real info

normies are going to derail this op because they want to 'help' and be part of the le epic 4chinz haxor club. Can't believe these idiots don't realize how obvious they are with a pepe avatar and russian alphabet name

>laughing at Tyrone Jackson as a handle means I'm new

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jesus man

Just use the image as the title.

>>new thread for real info
Thanks fren, you're a life-saver!

I know that some cunt who studied gender and feminism in Islam will read this post for her next opinion article.
Want to lick my salty balls, cunt?

Attached: 1571204709676.png (303x566, 93.58K)

Make a new thread with a new name

>being this new



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Its not like they constantly monitor these boards. It was never going to stay a secret. That changes nothing.

My thought is Bernie was forced to withdraw for a leftist agenda. This is how I think they see it going down.

1) Bernie drops out
2) Voters move to Biden
3) Biden vs Trump election
4) Biden wins (won't happen, but they think it will)
5) Biden makes Hillary his VP
6) Biden resigns due to "health issues"
7) Hillary takes over as president
8) God help us all..


>new thread for real info
Looks like Q was right, disinformation is necessary teehee

Any ideas?

Attached: berniebro.jpg (741x149, 23.72K)

That should be the goal here. It can be traced back to Yas Forums too easily right now, but if enough people ask bernie directly about donation refunds, he might actually be forced to come out and say that they're not coming. That'll be more than worth it

Attached: chara smug.png (522x452, 98.64K)

good idea

Can I get a #BernieRefund even if I never donated? It would go nicely with the $1200.00 Trumpbux I got. I also laugh at every refund a real bernie bro can't get because I got their refund first. Obviously doesn't work for credit cards but for cash donations it does. But I'm sure there is unlimited refunds to go around, right socialists? That's why I am owed a #BernieRefund even though I never paid in.

Neets rise up! Neets always win!


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Good job


Next thread is gonna be more subtle, thank you lads

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this nigger was liking and rting my bait like 5 minutes ago wtf

Attached: kek13.jpg (646x687, 68.61K)

Tyrone from ATL

user from other thread, here’s my humble offering of version 2. I’m no professional but want to help

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what was the subreddit you were using to get all this salt?

the funny thing is that this is so successful because its ACTUALLY what he SHOULD DO so people eat it right up

Attached: 1483546052476.gif (270x138, 1.71M)

Newfags missing the point and larping away, hes refunding and you are giving him an excuse to point towards this forum to shut it down. Why do you was there a whistleblower within a mere minutes of you launching this faggot make-believe psyop?
You start playing along, cunts.

>inb4 Qtard ragefit

Make some better alts for next time we do this, people. If normies scrolling through this hashtag are seeing all the frog avatars and jew names it's going to be dead obvious it's a hoax. Was promising at first but it's falling apart thanks to memeflags.

this font actually looks real
nice user

we the jews now

FUCK. Ok two things. Change the name of the OP threads. Also change the threads to LARPING in a way that implies the refunds are really real:
>Alright guys thread number 4! Make sure to spread the news of refunds as much as you can. We don’t want the dnc getting that money, they could use it to stop emperor trump!

Call them Russian bots trying to hurt Americans

I like this one. Somewhere, in a sweaty room, a bunch of Jews are kvetching really good.

100x better than the others

yep. Don't use the hashtag in the OP. Using it in a picture should be a problem



It's the main Bernie subreddit, the absolute hub of his fans like the_donald is for trumpers

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Attached: 1574480616558.jpg (731x731, 78.76K)

>lockdown alcoholism/binging
Don't mind the slurring and broken english.

OP delete thread

>inb4 Biden retires after some time and then the people funding him doesn't get back his money too

I won't but maybe it's time to find a new hashtag or something, this one leads directly HERE for fucks sake


Attached: vlad1.png (1053x553, 745.98K)

This. See

Someone make a thread I'll post on it confirming it's true.

thanks user, I dont know how to use that site, thanks god, the only time I went there was to collect salt from BREXIT results

Faggot, the refunds are real. The absolute state of this board, its (((playing))) itself.

you don’t even live in America fag

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-08 at 6.53.36 PM.png (840x1200, 552.64K)

he funny

Attached: madman.png (1170x194, 72.22K)

$20. I feel I could do a lot with $10. If i got a $5 refund I could give all $2 to a holocaust museum and they could spend the $1 on educating the public. You'd be surprised how far $0.50 can go in educating people.


If you all jump to that one instead, I'll make a new one right now, are we all in agreement or should we use this one up first?

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>overseas endorsers

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-08 at 6.49.25 PM.png (838x1194, 559.26K)

this must be the most russian post i've ever seen


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Don't forget to use Russian looking sockpuppets arguing for the "refunds are a lie" side and call Bernie a worthless old Soviet relic. Really feed their psychoses and biases. Then other anons can reply with Mueller memes.

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Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-08 at 6.51.45 PM.png (840x1198, 558.15K)

>it's time to find a new hashtag
and every time the media reported that sam hyde killed people the first results lead to knowyourmemes and Yas Forums
most people won't google the hashtag. Just keep it going

Checked, the digits don't lie. Go new thread

wait a minute.....

Better to make new one now

Anyone stating #bernreturn is fake, is a DNC Establishment Operative trying to make sure your money goes to the Biden camp. Demand your #bernreturn just say no to #bidenbucks

So you prefer the old sojewlist keeps the money? Great thinking, subtext is gold - I am glad you aren't picking it up, you'd just hand it to the next conartist.

Alright, jump in lads

I made some changes as you all asked and added some different amounts that match the donation amounts on his website. I'll stop spamming now.
Thank you!

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-08 at 6.52.45 PM.png (846x1202, 575.73K)

do it for $20


Attached: 30.jpg (844x1204, 123.46K)

>oy vey shut it down


Attached: 27.jpg (844x1204, 122.84K)

Germans can't into funny I see

Well it was fun while it lasted

Attached: fun while it lasted.jpg (899x643, 36.46K)

Attached: file.png (1319x376, 65.14K)

Don't let the DNC steal your hard earned money. Take #BidenBribes out of the DNC''s hands. Get your #BernieRefund asap.

Biden for sure is not going to be the candidate come November. He's going to have a heartbreaking media health fail and be replaced by someone else.

Here's the plan, boys: we need to hijack the hashtag #bernreturn and convince all of the bernouts that they won't get their refund back. We can't let them get all that money back. Keep them broke!

Trump 2020!

press f12 to enter the developer mode
don't edit the screenshot in paint like a pajeet

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Only $15 for a tasty Mexican Calzone at the Auschwitz cafeteria.

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This guy is making me kek

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Google Voice


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