>Go on social media (twitter, youtube, etc)
>Comment and reply to comments saying that you are just going to "stay home" on election day since Bernie dropped out
>en masse
OPERATION 'I'M NOT VOTING' : this kills the leftist
Other urls found in this thread:
tell people to call the dnc (202) 863-1500
Leftie here
Would rather have Trump than Biden. If not voting means I’m voting for trump then I guess I’m voting trump.
How about telling them to vote for Trump to destroy the DNC so that the DNC learns not to trust centrist candidates - they won't of course, but that's beside the point
Obey your rock climber
That's the spirit
i'm not standing together with catladies
not voting!
I'm voting Trump too to spite Biden. I'm hoping there's millions of us.
They will pay.
>telling them to vote for Trump to destroy the DNC so that the DNC learns not to trust centrist candidates
That's too tedious. Keep it simple and tell them you're just staying home because it's pointless now.
Bump, report in using a new tab
Think it might be a bit soon lads. There are 7 months to go yet, that's so much time for the powers that be to see this if it's successful, address it, and create their spin for why Bernouts should vote for Biden. And as always the sheep will lap up whatever logic they use.
>Think it might be a bit soon lads
It's not soon if it's kept up the entire time, which it will be. That's how many of us work.
make them vote trump
they fantasize about getting raped by us
Daily Reminder that Biden shills are trying to dissuade Bernie supporters from claiming their refunds because they are afraid that Biden cant fundraise the massive numbers of small donors that Bernie was able. They are being instructed to tie up the refund hotline and website so Biden keeps all of Bernies money per FEC rules after the primaries.
Call out all Biden Shills!
I encouraged this in another thread. Hope it's working.
>make them vote trump
That makes it too obvious.
I never voted in my life and I never will, because I do not consent to be ruled by pedophiles and psychopaths. No faggot is going to represent me who would shut down the entire fucking economy over the flu.
Former Bernie fag here
It’s absolutely amazing watching Biden crash and burn
>implying the goyim opinion box even works to begin with
>I do not consent
Yes you do. By living in the United States your consent is compulsory. Go live somewhere else, trash.
>I do not consent
Had r/politics made the switch to being biden lovers yet or will that happen with the overnight patch?
Make me faggot
I wonder if anyone ever came up with rules for Star Trek chess
>over the flu
It's a highly contagious form of SARS with at least a 10% death rate and there will never be a vaccine.
>constantly berate the opposition for fielding trump, who in their eyes is an evil racist rapist
>now their only choice for a candidate is an actual evil racist rapist
>Had r/politics made the switch to being biden lovers yet or will that happen with the overnight patch?
Given the nature of leftists, it's in the works I'm sure.
>It's a highly contagious form of SARS with at least a 10% death rate and there will never be a vaccine.
Its the common cold and you have no idea what the death rate is, because they've only tested the people with the worst symptoms. But, yes, there will never be a vaccine for it, but I bet you'll still take the vaccine for it.
Retweet, comment, like! Gogogogo!
I was thinking about getting pic related for my dual sport.
Who the fuck would donate $836.21? You should change it to a round number for realism's sake.
>no link provided
Some people be like that.
What nice, round number would you like?
Yeah, fuck voting, stop being a VOOTER!
But it would be funny to abuse a demented old pedophile.
>Consent is compulsory
American Education everybody
I hate Biden as much as the next guy but the GOP is suppressing voting rights through mail in ballots, telling people to risk death to vote, and instituting slow burning corporate totalitarianism. The Democrats at least have a chance of being convinced to pass progressive policies. The Republicans want to actively destroy it all to install authoritarian rule.
>gets pulled over five minutes later
Fuck this is good. Keep em coming
Can also LARP as POC's and blame Karens for voting Biden. POC's would do anything to spite Karen - not vote or even vote Trump.
The time for this was 4 years ago. Biden doesn't need help losing, and won fair and square.
>the GOP is suppressing voting rights through mail in ballots, telling people to risk death to vote, and instituting slow burning corporate totalitarianism
You could have just said "i'm in support of voter fraud" instead of typing out all of that.
America’s religion is neoliberal corporate totalitarianism, fucktard, and first world liberal colonialism is to blame for it being fucking EVERYWHERE. American conservatives are fucking LIBERAL.
Then i just ditch off road and lose your ass pig. You dont want to know what happens if you catch me.
Shut up you fucking faggot
>gets shot by the cop as he's trying to pull out his gun
You hope it goes that way.
Assuming biden have 50% chance of being reelected if he wins, the question is:
Is HowBadTrumpIs > HowBadBidenIs + (0.5 * HowBadBidenIs)?
roll on! get on Twitter we are doing this!
>Heh fuck our elected officiates, fuck the power
>*contributes to the tax base that funds the systems they hate*
Yes, very big brained position you have there. Just leave.
I'm Bernie or bust.
Right now, thinking voting Trump as a middle finger to the Democrats. I sure as shit never voted for Hillary and will never vote for Biden.
Why do you assume everyone is a taxpaying slave like you?
Learn how to properly pour a beer.
This is unironically the best way for them to get their candidate on the main stage in 2024.Right now, the far left always turns a blind eye to the fact that their candidates get taken out at the knees and then go on to vote for whatever the DNC wants. If they went one single election cycle and just stayed at home, Dems would lose to Trump but the DNC would be forced to listen to them the next time around. As it stands they have absolutely no leverage if they keep turning around in voting for whoever the DNC picks.
But, the Democrats have made the far left so maniacally anti-trump that they will never not vote for the Democratic candidate.
a fellow biker br0
>pour a shit crap beer
Just dump it all lmao
Are our political views influenced by this? How depressing.
based & drunkpilled.
Let's raid Twitter
This right here is the best reward of victory. To see your enemies fall into the spiral of cuckdom so that they willingly kiss your feet and do your bidding with a smile on their face.
This beauty is IRL mindbreak. Go and vote for Trump, little cucklets.
There are more options than voting for Biden or Trump. You can spite Biden just by voting blank, third party, or just writting in Bernie.
Doubt it. The DNC are too high on their Anti-Trump fumes they believe anyone will just vote against him.
>Who the fuck would donate $836.21?
It looks like a tax refund. But then why woiuld a Bernie supporter have a tax refund.
I don't feel the need to artificially accelerate this - I'm already seeing it run rampant among my Bernie-supporting acquaintances
Saw this exact conversation on normiebook
>Person A: This wasn't an election, it was a sham. The DNC knew who it wanted as their candidate from the beginning. Everything went exactly the way they orchestrated it. They were never going to give Bernie a chance.
>Person B: So does this mean you're not voting, ____?
>Person A: What's the point?
>Person B: Well if you don't vote, you might as well vote for Trump...
>Person A: I don't care anymore
>Person C: *posts several images of Biden sniffing children*
>Person C: creepy rapey fuck
I know these 3 people fairly well and would consider them a microcosm of the American Left, so I suspect this conversation or something similar to it is happening all across the country
Also noticing a trend that normies are all about the "2020 is just a bad year" meme so they're adding 4 more years of Trump to the stack of just another bad thing that's inevitable that they'll have to accept
They're supremely demoralized and seem to have an intensely negative reaction to ANY older Democrats telling them "blue no matter who"
I'd add that Person A is the most virulent Bernie Bro I've ever come across, and is now openly calling Biden a rapist, corporate shill, and stating clearly that he has the opening stages of Dementia
The ButtBern is real
Have you told them about the Sanders campaign refunding donations yet?
What do you guys think would be the best hashtag against #BlueNoMatterWho?
#RedOutOfSpite or #BlankForBiden
Yeah this, but also talking to some lib friends it's sounds like they've reached peak demoralization and won't even bother trying to stop Trump from grabbing 2020 by the pussy... seems pointless trying to subvert them from the inside at this point.
>tfw still not tired of winning
I didn't get involved in the conversation. They know I'm a Trump supporter so anything I added would be seen as targeted interference and possibly upset the beautiful balance of them currently eating each other.
Quite simply #FuckBiden but it might need to be less vulgar