H3H3 Meltdown!

Go watch Ethan Klein's latest podcast right now holy shit he talks about how white people and particularly men have been unjustly made to feel guilt and shame for no reason, how black people weren't slaves "but were treated fairly equally to white men back then" and how the only solution is a white ethnostate he even mentions that Hitler's idea in theory was not evil

HOLY fuck guys watch Ethan's latest podcast has this guy completely lost his mind???

Attached: ethan.jpg (400x267, 20.17K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Unironically based Jew.

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Nobody gives a shit.
Do something productive faggot

Is coffee based for you?

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Why does this guy's eyes do weird things constantly on his shit podcast? Does he have some sort of brain issues?


Holy shit noway

I used to hate ethan but I guess he actually browses pol

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did that kid just wake him up lol

Post the link and timestamps. I'm not watching a second of that trash otherwise.

Found the link youtube.com/watch?v=Tnk5-icylpA

>Does he have some sort of brain issues?
Yes, both him and his wife are inbred kikes. What do you expect?

>Does he have some sort of brain issues?
Tourettes, not a particularly bad case but still

Either post a video with timestamps or fuck off. Also turn off your memeflag, Zhang.

He has tourette's, apparently.

Fake news. Fuck these kikes.

yeah he has mild tourrettes or some shit like that

Slide this kike shilling memeflaggot.

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White people are embarrassing and act subhuman. Can't wait until they get mutted out of existence.

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half right. black people were ensalved by other blacks then sold to slave traders who then sold them as property to whites in plantations. only the rich top 1% owned slaves. The science back then thought that blacks were a subspecies and thus thought it was ok. Even up until the civil war, lincoln didn't want them to stay here and tried to push them back to africa. So no one should feel guilty for slavery. Ask the Egyptians if they feel guilty for enslaving the jews.

hes probably trying to hide the fact that he kills children

X doubt

spamming reddit for years can make a youtube channel successful

Since these two are ashkenazi 100% by DNA, they literally inbred.
lmfao. And with Ethan's mental disease, and Hila's manly voice, that child is going to become an abomination the likes of which we have never seen in eons.

Sage lol

Well hes Jewish

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Lol who gave this fat pedophile a child

>Kike trying to save his burning, flaming disaster of a career and stay relevant
get fucked ethan, I'm not listening to your shit podcast

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inb4 apology tour

nice bait

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You fucking nigger shill already posted this exact same thread weeks ago

Literally who?

youtube.com/watch?v=Tnk5-icylpA Proof


>HOLY fuck guys watch Ethan's latest podcast has this guy completely lost his mind???

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this whole fucking board is literally three-letter agencies talking to eachother

smoke weed everyday rip in peace lil peep
gang gang

Reminder that Ethan told all of his viewers he was broke and couldn't afford the lawsuit when he had literally $15 million in the bank and took all their donations. Scum.

redbar is the only podcast kike I can tolerate

yeah but he also freaked out and said every person who thinks idubbbz is degenerate for letting his gf whore herself out is "an incel who has never seen a woman"

Fuck off, Ethan.

>Go watch Ethan Klein's latest podcast right now

Attached: get out jew.gif (615x346, 3.94M)

Hila isn't even Jewish, she's Middle-Eastern and got adopted by some Jews.




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She's a fucking kike. As if kikes aren't middle eastern, btw.

He's desperate for relevance

He called Idubbz trolls incels not too long ago. He's ass blasted and scared. look Idubbz, a cuck. Look at Franku, a failed normie arguably a worse fate.

fuck off with e celeb shit



Make up with Sam Hyde, Ethan.

I love this pasta

No she isn't, she's literally had one of those Genetic tests and they made a video about it a while back. I used to think she was Jewish too but apparently she's not.

Interesting. He's dropped some hints that imply he's.familiar with some of the talking points here.

What game is that?

I wonder what race this guy picks on the census.

Cannibal Corpse simulator aka Gary's mod

>Jewish guy notorious for shitting on any kind of genuine nationalism
>never talks to or interviews anyone from any nationalist group or representative
>suddenly bleating out redpills
>2 posts by this ID

Yeah, nah. Go fuck yourself Ethan. Stop posting your dumb shit on Yas Forums you talmud.

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Ethan wishes he was the Sam Hyde of e-whores

Sam is basically All Might

Idubbz was akin to Jotaro before he became such a whiny beta male. I bet his bitch smells like a dolphin

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She's a north African Jew dipshit

based as fuck
munch munch munch

Ethan is still a goofy retard. I don't care if he said some 1488 shit. He's cringe.

Sometimes it seems so, user

Franku is alright. He just makes cliche moody trap music now. It's boring but it's not cringe. MaxMofoe is doing okay too if not a bit cringe.

you must be 18 to post here

There's more types of jew than Ashkenazi.

Klein II of LA

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>mentions that Hitler's idea in theory was not evil
every jew thinks that
they wish to be like Hitler

>HOLY fuck guys watch Ethan's latest podcast
NO, fuck that money grabbing kike.

GMod is good shit

>watch some jew
>you are the lowest form of shit on this planet. You are sick and VILE, absolute scum. Fuck all of you.
-that fag ugly kike on white men

Imagine the Elon Musk

>they wish to be like Hitler
They are. The entirety of the holocaust was repurposed stories from their own mythology.

no shes Iranian,literally the first white people to exist

You are all fucking losers, they are good people with a fun show I wish them well with their new family

hila is mizrahi not ashkenazi

Do you seriously think that being a purebred man from a population of several millions makes you inbred? Are you retarded you retarded piece of shit mutt?

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>literally the first white people to exist


>comparing youtubers to your favorite anime characters

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LOL gay