The Wignat problem

>low iq
>Larps in a costume, signalling their lack of identity
>Worships Hitler, unironically
>Ignorant of history and philosophy
>Low impulse control
How do we solve this problem?

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Are you against an ethnostate op?


>Worships Hitler, unironically
So? I don’t worship the man but I look up to and have the upmost respect for him.

Not a wiggernat either

Sounds based. I'll take ten of them over a thousand of you noodle armed queers any day of the week.

We get it, you watched faulk’s new video. In the end it comes down to people being too stupid. These rally attending witnats did not get their views from sitting down and look and data or stats. They just hate browns. That’s the difference between an actual race realist and these people. You’re just making a bait thread anyway. Somebody link the Faulk video I’m too lazy.

Also this. Even normies think he’s cool today. They know something taught about him was off.

if you are not a nazi in 2020 and you are white you are literally retarded

that being said dressing up and playing the neo-nazi jew stereotype from hollyjew movies makes you double retarded


No. I'm against low iq retards in an ethnostate, though. Lol

>race realist
Wow not denying reality, what a revolutionary position. What a worldview. When I read that I picture a room full of bow tie wearing anglo faggots

their hearts are in the right place. what's the problem?

Regression to the mean. Keep learning buddy. We want the ethnostate to last more than 20 years so it’s a good idea to plan for things like regression to the mean IQ, and yet little boom boom nu/pol/ migrants like you have no idea what that is.

So what are you trying to say? Just ignore how the world works?

you don't need Nazism to make an ethnostate, Nazism actually makes it harder

Doesn't mean you have to larp in a uniform because you may or may not agree with Natsoc political philosophy. These Wignats use Hitler to fill their identity void. it's no different than a football jersey. They're very ignorant and dumb.

don't worry you'd get two bullets in your heard when its started

>How do we solve this problem?
gas chambers

adolf schicklgruber rothschild

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Hijacking this gay thread because I’m high and started thinking what Yas Forums happening threads would like during hitlers rise to Germany, oh man could you imagine the shitposts

Yes so we agree. I even said earlier that most witnats came to their views off of “fuck brown people.” The real white nationalists here probably started with race realism and read into philosophy and history.

You don't solve it. You use them as footsoldiers.

Lol. Wignat spotted. You faggots exist as meat bags for me to order around. Your pawns. Low iq products of 50 years of dysgenics. Stfu and follow orders, Wignat larper.

And you can agree that Hitler was an amazing man without putting on a uniform and getting vanned. You honestly just sound like a salty non white trying to troll.

why would based poster use EU memeflag? ashamed of your nation or scared of the law?

read the book, then form your own opinion.

I thought you were scoffing at the plebes who know this stuff by common sense and instinct and don't have a phd in it. Nevermind.

Nah, I was gonna make this thread earlier but my ban wasn't up yet. Imma go watch Faulk now, though.

even if this is true, hes not a jew because his mom is not a kike.

They'll disappear with the radical left. The radical left just died today, so in 4 years you won't hear from either of these idiots.

The only difference between these people and antifa is that they are backed by the state. You are essentially just defending the status quo when you say that antifa should be shielded from everything and these people shouldn’t. Both are usually dregs of society who go out marching. It says nothing of the underlying ideology. Tell me, what are your political beliefs bud?

>your pawns
so you're apparently not "low IQ" but you haven't intuited elementary school level grammar?

It’s kind of hit or miss dude. It’s an ambiguous area. Like nothing will ever happen without boots on the ground but those with the boots on the ground end up being retards. Everyone in the end is too comfortable.

Kill them

I wouldn't ever make that mistake and your shit language is only my third. Take a hike you nigger.

Hell yeah boom boom the world right now is perfect. I can’t want to live in Mexico. Jesus you boomers grew up in such an easy time that you think it’s still 1975.

Wignats are just dumb. They come to this place, see us larping as dumb racists, and think they're in good company.

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Also, what do you mean by Nazi?

>Sounds based. I'll take ten of them over a thousand of you noodle armed queers any day of the week.

This. Wignat is a jewish smear tactic to keep White men from organizing and wearing uniforms or waving flags of the party. OP would have called pic related Wignats.

There is nothing wrong with organizing and marching in the streets with fellow nationalists. People who do that are not wignats. And op is a divide and conquer kike shill.

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oh shut the fuck up faggots

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I do retard. It refers to high iq populations regressing down to the mean of the species over time.
Point of my response is, I'm against low iq people being involved in things

The fuck are you on? Most of us here want a race for every place. Most US flags currently are actual neocons dude. There is no peace with a multiculti society. Most white nationalists who aren’t just drones who hate brown people came to learn that the majority of problems in their nations came down to mass migration, affirmative action and outsourcing.

They're dumb white niggers. I am viscerally repulsed by them, as I am repulsed by niggers of every species.

You assume every race has the same average iq dipshit. In just a few generations the 90 iq white couple has more intelligent offspring than the fucking grandchildren of Thomas sowell. The fact that you don’t understand that these low iq whites “regress” to 100 iq while these intelligent whites regress to tucking 85 shows me you have no idea how this works. You are race realist right user?

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Who's Faulk?

Yt shows no results

You realize that if you imported a bunch of 140 iq nigerians, in just two generations they are now your lower class right? Holy fuck dude, understanding regression to the mean literally makes it impossible to be a civic nationalist. Literally over time every multiculti society will turn into a racial caste system due to genes. Nice bait thread though.

Wignat spotted. Go read a book.

What Faulk doesn't understand is that the low IQ wignats are the result of promoting HBD with no corresponding political philosophy. They latch onto shiny objects like Nazi flags and old symbols and they look towards stereotypes to see how they should behave.

The solution to the low-IQ wignat question is to formulate a more comprehensive political philosophy that is compatible with empirical truths like HBD.

There are going to be low-IQ people attracted to these ideas. They have to be made followers and not leaders. That means smarter people have to take the lead in telling these people what they should think and how they should behave. Ryan sees this as "cult-like" behavior, but it's simply leadership that must happen, otherwise people like Matt Heimbach take the initiative as king of the fools.

HBD isn't good enough by itself, it has to inform a broader political philosophy.

The Alt Hype's video on the topic:

The alternative hypothesis. If you aren’t a race realist yet just don’t even bother and watch his older videos.

How do you propose an ethnostate? Usually when I hear wignats it's from civnats or fagnats.

Do you understand that the logical conclusion to regression to the mean is ethnonationalism? The stupid whites have kids that regress to 100. The smart blacks to 85. Now run that simulation and tell me where the races are in 100 years when you are talking about millions of people.

News flash you're using edomites terminology 1st mistake.


No, I think most of the wignats never really understood it in the first place. They are technically correct but have nothing actually backing it and are retards.

Why do I need to solve it?

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Intelligent blacks*****
Not whites.

Wig nats are the shock troops we need someone to kick off the boogaloo.

So no proof?

I'm phone posting

I'm phone posting. Stfu, Wignat.

Rabbi hitler

The radical left has existed for a hundred years and has been subverting us, boomer. What the hell are you talking about?

Most race realists are Gen X & are waiting for millennials to get ass raped by tyrone to understand races are very different.

So are you race realist. Yes or no? Do you realize why the redneck in the trailer park will have smarter grandchildren than the defendants of a 130 iq black couple?

I'm pretty fascist. Have socialist leanings. Am an ex-commie.

Based. The only way it would work is if you repeated the process (effectively eugenics over centuries), just so that they end up having the IQ that the white population already has. Complete waste of time.


these anti-social retards unironically were the first to go into forced labour camps back in the Reich. These people had to wear black triangles in the camps. No joke. Look it up.

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>Worships Hitler, unironically
You don't?

Ha cute optics fag. Nature doesnt give a fuck about optics. People respect strength. Do liberals pushing transexual kids care about optics? jihadists? communists? nope You notice the group that has been LOSING for 100 years are the only ones that care about optics. Youre a fucking joke. Show me one time it has worked... was hitler and optic fag? nope he named the fukcing kike. How do you expect the masses to rise up if they dont know the truth????

We need military men with discipline, not low iq larpers.