That is almost 33,000 people a year. Should we ban cars?
Everyday, 90 people are killed in car crashes
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We need to ban electricity
What you have to understand about cars is that they don't actually exist.
post the FBI crime stats and tell me niggers aren't a bioweapon
Every 30 seconds some red neck comes up with their stupid logic to explain their world view.
Should we ban idiots?
I think it's actually 3,000 a day worldwide. If you counted pedestrians it would likely be another 1k or so.
Smoothbrain arguments
>Comparing to car accidents
Nigger tier argument
Investment-return wise quarantine has less crippling effects on economy than banning cars
No, because it's not economically feasible. Giving up your right to self defense with a firearm is even less feasible. What else is at the root of both car accidents and suicides/homicides with a firearm? Alcohol.
Please explain how I am wrong. Cars are killed more people this year than that Chinese virus. Prove me wrong faggot. You can't.
Yes. Cars are going to be looked at as complete barbarism 100 years from now. The fact that civilized society thinks it's okay to put anyone with a pulse inside a two-ton, sixty mile an hour machine is ridiculous.
lower the speed limit by 5 across the board
enforce people from driving to close behind people
and add shoulders wide enough to escape to on every road in case someone needs to maneuver safely
No you fucking retard, you can’t just ban cars. Ban roads instead make the cars unusable or make them too expensive to buy.
T. Jewish genius
You're retarded. Back to the daily lower the speed limit on interstate to 55. Nothing happened.
Only good American is a dead one
nah we should ban wheels
Unironocally yes. That's why flying cars with auto pilot AI will be a thing soon.
>>it must suck to be you,fag
ride the bus, bigot
Jimmy Carter tried that drive 55 and lost his job.
Why do you hate cars?
Yes. Unironically. Keep the highways for semi-trucks. Keep the majority of produce and jobs local. Let people run and ride bikes everywhere. The people in this country are so fucking fat and disgusting. We need exercise.
Ban forks. They can become weapons too.
>Should we ban cars?
Yes, everyone should ride horses
A drunk retard can't run over your entire family with a fork.
Yes, absolutely.
they are probably more dangerous
you keep saying that but you hide behind a memeflag. is it because you are IN america?
When have you ever heard of a 14 carriage pileup on the trail
no, just bad drivers.
horses cause death too. Slaughter them all
How many cars are in America, how many cases of Corona virus?
When the same amount of people driving in America are the same amount who have Corona then lets talk about the death cases.
Fucking Bush waking backwoods red neck niggers
Everyday, OP posts 90 images of his anus on r/faget.
Should we ban reddit?
I can see you right now. Telling me how not gay you are, while you are sucking my balls. That's pretty fucking gross,fag.
I cant ride my gun to work now can I
>The fact that civilized society thinks it's okay to put anyone with a pulse inside a two-ton, sixty mile an hour machine is ridiculous.
I didn't know pussies came in XXL
>banning Alcohol.
Ya we tried that one and ended up with the most overreaching ban happy government that ever was out of the ashes.
good thing of lockdown is almost zero car accidents, less noise and pollution
I could picture you, suck my balls and telling me how gay you aren't.
It's been statistically proven that speed limits do not reduce traffic fatalities.
Yeah you're totally not a transfaggot when the first fantasy that comes to you in an argument is some anonymous neck beard sucking your tiny balls.
I we just ban Coronavirus, then nobody can get it, right?
Nobody cares what nuffins have decide to play at. The world moved on, there’s about ten asshats including five pakis from britpol who just don’t get it.
Check one of them out in person and look what they are up too
It's not gay if the balls don't touch.
Why don't we just ban COVID-19? No one needs assault flus.
If by “ride” you mean putting your gun in your mouth. Sure, you could ride your gun all the way.
Now this is the guy trump should be talking not that faggot Fauci
Fuck bro FUCK
I'm gonna stay inside, where the cars can't get me
>There are 20,000 vehicle-into-building crashes every year in the United States. That's 50 to 60 accidents every day. Every day in the US more than 20 convenience stores are struck by vehicles. That's more than 7,300 convenience store crash incidents each year.
Epic bait
Yes we will all ride unicorns and shit magical sparkle dust! you have seen the light my friend i just wish others could.
It's not a fantasyi,t's what you do, fagboy.
Why don't we just ban cars and make motorbikes mandatory? It'll clear up traffic and probably raise the overall IQ of the country by a few points.
I know the plug.
Everyone needs to stay home. The cars are killing people. If you drive, you are a murder. Only essential citizens may drive.
The average person shouldn't need to drive a dozen miles per day just to go to work and to get groceries. If we can eliminate the need for most cars, we should.
This is an excellent solution. Then drunk drivers would only kill themselves.
report in with a new tab
100 a day killed in car crashes
2,000 died of corona in the us today AND GROWING
And the nuffin tries to use it as an argument
>”Where are the lines of people”
>”There would be hundreds of millions of people in this car park right now”
>”You big phoney”
Stupid turd.
>muh billionaire debt market is loosing money
>no way should we all be at home
Says the 10 year shut in
Greta is that you?