
> "muh second amendment"
> cant even own 75 year old metal tube
Americans BTFO

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I laugh at amerimutts who go "muh second amendment" but don't actually do anything with the guns they have to prevent the tyranny being brought upon them right now, at least in the uk people seem to be starting to fight back.

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Americans are weak submissive people.

how? by watching tv without a license?

Bundy Ranch.
Remeber when the militia made the Feds back down?
Don't forget it you faggots.

who even pays the tv license

Dude, you forgot to turn on the proxy

ni hao! taiwan is independent!

but I can own a sten gun...

you actually can

yes, after an extensive series of steps

lol literally what are people doing in the UK to "fight back"

show me the evidence

The vast majority of your faggot gunless nation

this machine kills ARYANS

Yes you can with the proper paperwork. Also op is a flaming faggot.

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english are nearly genetically indistinct from germans. anglo/saxon/jutes come from the danish peninsula only 1500~ years ago.

This. Its such a disappointing larp - all those years of going on about "muh guns" and then when the NWO rollout starts, do they do anything?. Sad, but sort of unsurprising.

Jan 20, 2020 - Some 22,000 people, many of them armed, flooded the streets around the State Capitol Richmond to protest gun control proposals from the new legislature.
Gun grabbing, dropped.
Weak brew OP.

>shall not be infringed

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Yeah, because he's a pro-Israel controlled opposition shill lmao. Way to fall for the theatre.

I can technically get one "with he proper paperwork" retard - point remains its infringed. You won't do anything except cope though, "muh freedumbs" lmao.

>Buy in store
>Fill out Tax and registration paperwork
>Send it an $200 to ATF
>Wait 9 months for the ATF to process it (not a legal requirement, just a manpower issue)
>Get approval from local sheriff

It's faster and easier to get a machine gun in the US than it is a double-barreled shotgun in some countries.

The suppressed side of youtube has tonnes of videos of random muzzies getting shanked by EDL members, they're just fucking impossible to find because the jobless white trash that upload them are incapable of naming conventions

His name was Philip Luty.

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How much is a machine gun amerishart
How many have entered circulation since 1990

>fighting back
Don’t make me laugh, Achmed. One of your countrymen is in prison right now for making monkey noises in a soccer stadium that happened to have a nigger in it. Thousands of your countrymen are in prison for tweets. People in your country have literally had sharpened sticks confiscated from them. Meanwhile, my glorious nation has had 2 incidents in the past 5 years where armed citizens stood up to armed federal agents. The feds backed down both times. If both of us were to walk up to the nearest police officer and tell them that niggers are subhuman, I’d get a strange look while you’d get a prison sentence.

except we can.

Everything pre-86 is legal. Stupid faggot tax stamp to buy one but they're legal; just prohibitively expensive

I could literally anonymously red flag you and get your guns crushed and dog shot

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>the U.K. people are fighting back!
Imagine the mental world Pajeet here must live in where this is a rational statement.

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who wants an unlocked piece of shit tard farter

a sten will probably run 5k.
was in a store where someone was picking up a Smith 76 for three, was pretty cool, he got a silenced barrel for it too

Yeah just go to Home Depot if you aren't a massive faggot

>he actually believes this is how it works
Go ahead and do it then. I’d kill a lot more cops with my legally acquired handgun than you would with your contraband bicycle wheel :^)

neo nazi cope lmao

If you're not in the civilian market you can get access to shit tons of automatic weapons pretty cheaply.

>proper paperwork
I think it's you who is the homo

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a fellow Tim Dillon viewer

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Lmao. What did it accomplish? The feds put more resources towards racist podcast producers.

when are you burning down your 5g towers

even us english without our guns do more

difference in guy buying is night and day, Washoe County Nevada VS Commiefornia. I gave them my old address on my DL and walked out with my AR in less than 5 minutes. Amazing country. I will buy a machine gun one day, or just illegally convert. Fuck you Britain and Australia for being such massive pussies and banning.

"muh second amendment" is actually "muh masses should have power". the masses have never had power nor can they have power. the second amendment is just another bullshit talking point to keep you distracted. the legislature demonstrates over and over that they will ban guns and the masses over and over demonstrate that they wont do shit

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> muh armed gay pride praise diversity parade.
> we're not racist and love sodomy please let us keep our guns for another decade.

what pisses me off the most is that these amerilards have all these guns yet don't use them for anything

gosh imagine what the english would do if they had them

>at least in the uk people seem to be starting to fight back.
Against what? And no you're not. You're as pussy as fuck as you've always been. You're giving us a hard time about not getting into a shoot out with cops and your police don't even carry guns bitch. All you have to do is chase them they will run. I've seen Muslims chase 10 brit bobbies around. Now go pay for your TV license you fuck.

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>grandpa has a deactivated Sten that would take maybe 10 minutes to reactivate
>he plans to give it to me

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You used to have them and you didn't do shit with them.

>gosh imagine what the english would do if they had them
still stab people and throw acid

>gosh imagine what the english would do if they had them
Again you don't NEED THEM. Your cops are NOT ARMED. So do something faggot.
> US citizens are pussies for not getting into shoot outs
> We're too pussy for a fist fight


Lots of foreign muck get murdered each year by the english but the news won't tell you

Also people are starting to take down the phone towers

Armed police are a thing you know, they would come if the regular police are really struggling to handle somebody

>Lots of foreign muck get murdered each year by the english but the news won't tell you
No lots of foreign muck murders you and your government gives them a free get out of jail card bitch.

says the fucking chang

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You would do nothing.

True, we just need to beat them at it

That's why there's minecraft servers

>they would come if the regular police are really struggling to handle somebody
No they're not going to send a swat team after you.
I saw a group of British citizens chase cops out of their neighborhoods about 2 years ago.
Since then I haven't seen shit out of you people.

$200 tax stamp and some paperwork you can, but yes the NFA was the start of the slippery slope

What’s your grampa’s address? I promise I’m not glowing.

You act like that shit doesn't happen here.

And you're doing anything?

we all know you do

What country has it better for firearms?

>implying I can’t built one

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>You act like that shit doesn't happen here.
It doesn't or if so, name the time. We arrest and convict them here. Don't talk out of your ass.

>”your police don’t even kill scores of bystanders, sleeping shitposters, and dogs.”
>thinking this is a btfo
>pays for NPR out of his tax instead of an avoidable licence.
>thinking this is a btfo
This mutt probably thinks the pic is a service vehicle.

Don't you need a loicense to shitpost like that?

>at least in the uk people seem to be starting to fight back.

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Maybe not, but you guys have an upper hand compared to us on the grand scheme of things.

It's always amusing to see American flags use Jewish tactics to avoid addressing any issue. It's always deflection always a "Mohammed" (even though their own country is 60% nonwhite while European nations have what, 3% muzzies?) and when you point out how their defensive of the indefensible does nothing but protect the jews, they recoil.
Really makes you wonder how many pol users are just JIDF plants.

>This mutt probably thinks the pic is a service vehicle.
It is a service vehicle that's why there's fucking lights on it and shit you dumb fucking inbred islander. There were news articles about them.

>seem to be starting to fight back
how's that rape gang problem going muhammed?

>Thinks he will walk away from killing cops outside of the boogaloo

I actually shoot clays professionally every weekend, alternating skeet / sporting and do the odd bit of full bore rifle shooting on the side.

Police are men in the funny hat right now in the UK, they are a laughing stock. If Boris dies then some real social unrest is going to spill over, the fact he had an overwhelming majority in the GE and then dies....

You have no idea the tension of the people over Brexit. This virus will literally be the least worry of the government.

It's even funnier because the one thing Mutts can't cope with is anyone implying they aren't as free and hardcore as they claim

A fucking STEN gun? Arguably one of the worst piece's of shit ever made? Oh yeah, I cry myself to sleep every night I can't possess a misfiring piece of British desperation...

I think the government is seriously worried about keeping order but are struggling.

>Americans Americans Americans
What is this mental illness other countries have with unconsciously sucking on our 15 inch American cocks all the time?

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>”your police don’t even kill scores of bystanders, sleeping shitposters, and dogs.
No they just fucking repress you and otherwise don't do shit at all.
>pays for NPR out of his tax instead of an avoidable licence
National Public Radio? Yea well you pay taxes for BBC Radio too faggot. So that makes us even and we don't have TV licenses.

>Woo! Land of the FREE baby!!! YEAH


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>implying UK politics aren’t chock full of puppets

Yea your leaders are fantastic too. Please. Not sure what good leaving the EU is gonna do when you have quite possibly the most repressive government in Europe. Hell I figure the EU is taking lessons from the UK.

we are but we don't pretend they aren't

>but we don't pretend they aren't
I think you just did.