I keyed a Bernouts car

In honor of Bernie dropping out I decided to extend an olive branch by keying the fuck out of a car

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Don't lower yourself to their level.

That doesn't make you any less of a faggot than they are, OP.

Absolute pussy leftoid tactic

You're a degenerate faggot.

IP napped, information secured. Forwarding it to the local police. Get some self-esteem, my dude.

Okay fag

Shut up, pussy

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>nonwhite confirmed

nigger behavior

Is this what u wanna be doin when Jesus get back?

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Don’t fuck with another man’s car, it’s never cool.

>not at least writing "ridin with Biden"

Oh so are you a self hating Bernie bro? Who the fuck keys cars you stupid cunt.

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Keying someone’s car is the ultimate kike move

wow what a raging fag you are

>if youre against behaving like a nigger then youre a pussy

estrogen filled nigger detected

Fuck Sanders, but that's a real pussy move, there. Don't fuck with another man's property.


>do crime
>take photo evidence of said crime
>post evidence along with a confession to the internet



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All of this bernfaggot salt


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If you have to be 18 to post here

OP on suicide watch as entire thread reminds him he's a faggot

This would've redeemed OP.

Probably fake but either way you are a faggot that should kys or

you nigger

Nigger tier behaviour
kill yourself OP

>Don't lower yourself to their level.
t. faggot

Huh, I guess niggers do post here.

congrats retard you defaced a part of the United States wealth.

Congratulations, you're a nigger. Now kys

Good work OP, but it would have been better if you had keyed their fucking eyes out. No sympathy for commies.

not cool

I’m from a former communist country that thinks being a communist should be punishable by law but what “you just did” is fucking retarded. Nignog-tier.

Are you a nigger?

Nah, fuck Bernie.
He's a spineless communist cuck and I'm loving the salt today.
But that's still mutually exclusive from your nigger tier behavior, OP.

OP is 100% based. Delusional Bernout failures are seething in this thread. Y'all got used and abused TWICE by believing in that dumb faggot.

Wow, rude!

stop acting like a nigger

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proof that neonazis are as bad as the extremist left

Have some morals, nigger


Total nigger behavior.

Screen cap this and watch what I do to my neighbors floor tomorrow

>cant accept people have other opinions than yourself outside of your echochamber
>you are a huge pussy, yet you feel compelled to do something. You must triggers the libs, OWN the libs.
>you decided to key their van. does nothing but annoy them

>if youre against vandalism of private property you support bernie sanders


Should have keyed right around the sticker so there was no question as to why.


Old pic bait thread.

It's funnier if you carry around a permanent marker and just write NO REFUNDS under the sticker, maybe with a little smiley face if you have time

I think you're the pussy, too afraid to face the owner in person so you resort to keying a car like the bitch you are. Plus you don't realize that politics are a way to keep us divided and unaware of what the government is actually up to.

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I do not support your nigger-tier behavior, OP.

Only niggers key cars

Fuck that shit

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>Does a shitty destructive prank for no other reason than because they are opposition
>Furthers nothing and actively gives them a reason to hate us or use this as an example to say they are right

Yeah retard, I'm sure all the people disagreeing with you being a sociopathic faggot. If a leftoid keyed your car you'd be on here screeching about how they are loonies. Get your head out your ass.

I'm not a burnout.

Fuck off cunt

>I keyed a Bernouts car
Whoa edgey.
Did you suck someone for money before or after you did this?

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Shut up, you dumb nigger. White people are having a conversation

Oh, Im sure theyll get right on that too

I've seen this picture before. You guys are being played.

Ooga booga bix noods
>Translation: Get off my board, nigger

Bernvictims arent men

Oh noes the same pack of kikes who already hate my guts are gonna hate me even MORE now that I did this, lmfaoo.
Seethe faggot, I’m glad I’m ruining it for you shameless dick chuggers, fuck your optics

admirable commitment but that's not the way to do it
should've at least done what this user says

Cowardly and despicable, OP.

Every cuck itt can expect worse very soon

>admitting to a petty crime on the internet
Ohh wow you're so edgy. I see high school students are really bored right now

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Lmao all the salt in the thread but its okay to do it to racists right? Fuck this guy fuck his property and fuck your opinions, use their tactics against them. That means if they go around pinching nazis in the dick, we go around pinching them in the dick. How are you idiots this dense. Its a fucking keyed car not a dead baby and the other side has been damaing our property and assaulting us for our political beliefs for the better part of a decade. Hes lucky all OP did was this. Fucking do nothing pussies, stay at home because you know youre not doing shit about this. Faggots.

This 100%
Only BERNVICTIMS seething itt

>dude its ok to damage other people's property cause im butt hurt by literal faggots
Wow amazing. Youre no better than them

nigger action but also BASED

nice try rabbi

Lmao@these cuckolds here
You want to line commies up against the wall but O NO, NOT LE SABOTAGE

This is a war of attrition, he shoukd have disabled the vehicle permanently with sugar to that gas tank

you deserve to get raped by a pack of niggers OP.

>just random scratches no message
absolute faggotry

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>Kia Soul
>man's car

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Nigger tier edgy teen behaviour.

You dont engage on their level. You must demand they reach your platform.

Using senseless destruction and violence against someone you disagree with is literally the screeching loony left and nigger behaviour


Theyve earned turkish rules, honor is for white people only

Either you're
1.) doing some gay-ops for reddit karma by pretending to be Yas Forums-tard who "attacked le-innocent-sanders-supporter"
2.) Such a faggot that you stooped to acting like an autistic leftist
Either way. It's pathetic

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Hey faggot nice opinion, too bad we dont give a flying fuck about it. This is accellerationism and you can stay at your computer not doing shit faggot. The person wouldnt even be able to prove that their car was keyed for political reasons if it werent for this post.

low IQ activity


OP did a funny, faggits SEETHED

Die from the Israeli virus mario fuck you and fuck your opinion.


>Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth

You're insane and retarded if you think we work on an even playing field as the commies. We don't like them and I'd love to see them get everything they've done ten fold back at them. Doing retarded petty anarchy isn't doing anyone any favors. Cool you made a random NPC mad and now they are going to use it as ammo against ALL of us. The advantage we have is that we aren't using the petty lowbrow bullshit the commies do, why would you ever want to become one of them? It's their downfall. Fuck you if you think acting like a little whiney impulsive nigger is a victory for us.

>this is excusable because the other side dumb!

I hope someone smashes your fucking teeth in and I can't stand the communist kike, but I can't stand a lawless nigger even more.

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Better be a larp because you posted evidence of the crime.

Low IQ post with no facts but he sure has a worthless opinion. Faggot

>it's ok for US to act that way! surely us acting in the same manner wont cause normies to turn on us like they did with the screeching SJWs and bored WASP soccer moms before

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youre a little bitch. thats some basedboy antifa shit. trump supporters dont do that. fuck off.

I love how everyone is falling for this bait lmao

I couldnt care less about commies but wtf dude? They did nothing to you.

>didn't even check them digits
>thinks acting like a nigger is the solution
>doubling down on said niggertry
>OP didn't even write "riden with biden" on that bernouts car and you're applauding him
user you're such a baka ass faggot, I swear.

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shoybhoy not based. wtf.

You're retarded. Congrats

The faggots in this thread are exactly the reason the white race is dying out. I hope your deaths are at least "honorable" you pathetic retards.

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Saw this weeks ago please eat a dogshit butty

your peepee is small

maybe they can use their refund to buff it out

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>not keying random people's cars is why the white race is dying.
U sound so stupid rn

What a dumb retard thread

You are a fucking mongolid. If your aim is just to be right then any action is justified. One should back up their views through knowledge and virtues otherwise you are just a screeching monkey for your tribe.

Senseless destruction serves no beneficial purpose. It does not raise awareness but just vilified the just cause one believes in.

Neck yourself if you just hate with no reason.

Thats exactly what a faggot leftie would do

You did good OP

fuck the kikes in the thread