This man represents the American "culture". Why are they so proud of this bros
This man represents the American "culture". Why are they so proud of this bros
And this too
>meme flag
chign chong ching chong
oy gevalt
Don't act oblivious to your culture, mutt.
Jewish agent used to niggerfy young kids
This white nig disgusting me
He sucked the most cocks and ate the most babies to become so famous though.
>t. actual chink
Go eat bat soup
>Being relevant after 2008
Eminem is the blackest man on the planet. Change my mind.
Made his fortune off black culture.
The American culture isn't held in the large cities. It's in rural areas and that's why (((actual))) country music is the best music.
Rick Reuben is a jew and has nothing to do with white culture. show your flag chink.
This is American culture and it’s beautiful
Mom’s spaghetti
>Says Country music is best
>Literally every song can be summarized as "My girl is in my country and protected by my God"
Neither Eminem nor Lil Peep are relevant or even still alive.
>Why are they so proud of this bros
You mean (((they))), meaning (You)
Hi, kike.
who are these guys?
There's theories about who right is, but left is (or was) the real Marshall Matthers.
there is 2 of them?
That was one of the best psyops of all time.
All the stupid white kids trying to be rappers wearing baggy jeans.
Amazing how effecftive they always are.
Are there "2" Paul McCartney's?
stfu faggot, that wigger hasn't put anything good for the last 15 years
This is depressing.
Because he started in a poor place, and through dedication and effort took himself out of that place.
He's the example you cannot get in Europe, because anything you earn in Europe gets removed from you as soon as you get above pay-check to pay-check. Socialism, like Communism, is enforced Class.
Lmao this is the dumbest shit ever
Country is wonderful, go listen to Ernest Tubb
>hates gays
>hates Jews
>Stole the only thing black people claim as culture
>Raises his daughter actually decently
Why do we hate Eminem again?
>hates Jews
he is probably jewish himself
wouldnt surprise me
>hates hews
Probably a jew
>hates gays
is deeply in the closet
Isnt she from a broken marriage and he didnt even raise her?
Because he was a white trash rapper that talked about hating his parents and society which seemed to have resonated with suburban whites kids growing up in the early 90's and 2000's. Now he's just coasting off of his past fame and is way past his prime.
He has a mastery iver the english language comparable to Shakespeare, and he literally came from under the bottom to be one of the most influential and respected musicians of all time. Also niggers hate him
Modern pop nu country is fucking torture to listen to. Johnny Cash is real country
>he's alive, dozens of his old school friends are not
yes, coasting I'm sure.
The only rap I listen to is still just 2pac and Eminem.
>hates rich whites
dat nigga ugly
>rich (((whites)))
KYS Chang
Mans finally got my respect.
>This man represents the American "culture"
meme flag says so - it's gotta be true.
Are you in a time warp?
He's a faggot who looks like an old lesbian who's a millionaire many times over who acts like he's a street nigger. Sadly, he is American.
no he doesn't. and this man makes me embarrassed.
Nobody is 'proud' of Eminem other than southern racists and trailer park meth addict whites.
He's America's Justin Beiber. Just as embarrassing
Everyone who thought he was cool either grew up and realized he was a faggot or overdosed on drugs
Doesn't even know what the internet is. He literally has no idea what Yas Forums even is
For me, it's Weird Al.
He's openly admitted it. Even said it in a song, I believe.