>Implying black brown jewish trans people can hold their own in one on one combat with the BUGS
Never gonna make it
Sounds based to me
woah normalizing middle eastern wars woah occupying afganistan is normal
This pic is so wrong in so many aspects, it blows my mind
>faggy movie version of The Federation
No thanks
Daily reminder that John Rico is Filipino in the books
Meanwhile at the real Space Force
Why did the spic sign up?
Filipinos make excellent soldiers
You grow up in an inhospitable jungle for your entire life getting treated like shit and eating literal garbage and you'd make an effective one too. What we consider hardship for our soliders is normal to them. A filipino commando or marine would kill the shit out of an american one.
Wrong. They have no courage under fire.
and flips are none of the things on that list
good thing the bugs are swinging limbs instead of shells
unironically anyone who root for humanity in this movie is retarded
They seemed to do a pretty good job murdering muslims on their own land when they took that city over there. The footage I saw online showed they were pretty fucking capable.
>jewish soldiers
Why not just add unicorns while you’re at it
>muh bugs
yeah merchant, keep saying yourself that
Read the book you illiterate mongoloid. Anyone who has just seen that shitstain of a movie isn't allowed in this thread
Fucking Christ, IF ONLY . . .
>Implying jews actually serve
>Implying niggers see combat
75% of combat deaths in Iraq were white men even though they make up a smaller percentage of all armed forces. Nonwhites are desk jockeys while the whites are the ones who die for Israel
>not realizing that there is only 1 side, the humans created the bug menace so they could have carte blanche for invading distant worlds and expanding their armies
>Implying they would even still exist beyond a charcoal layer in Earth's geological history.
The book is fucking boring, take the movie for what it is, you boring old fart.
are the infantry under fire from small arms fire or not?
It's fucking hilarious.
I saw a comic last year about sending troops to borders and one of the US soldiers had a word bubble saying "This isn't what I joined for!"
Yeah, you joined to destabilize the Middle East for no reason.
I bet low-level Jews love to join up as Military Police, then use their power to terrorize and harass real soldiers.
That's disingenuous given that whites are a vast majority in all combat trades.
It's Klandathu. Fucking moron.
They are brown
they join the national security apparatus from one of the top floors instead.
>paul verhoveen thinks argentina is in asia
is this some 1492 joke I'm too young to understand?
Daily reminder that everyone's mixed race in the books
American whites run the military like a family business almost. While families will enlistkn different or the same branch for generations, some of them for a century or more.
>. A filipino commando or marine would kill the shit out of an american one.
As would a Russian one
>unironically anyone who root for humanity in this movie is unpolish
> manlet shitskin mongoloid vs tall aryan warrior
Remind me again how the Philippines got their name from?
das rite brown boi
Of course they are, nonwhites don't fight they sit at a desk and receive a paycheck. The US military is a glorified welfare organization
From the jew york times
They also make the best ladyboys
ya that dumb ass line in that comic made me REEEEEEEE
>only whites allowed in the Space Force
Great recruitment tool.
The movie is great, but just in a completely different way from the movie. But yes the bug warriors have paralyzing blasters, while the workers are harmless but disgusting
granted some are nearly indian in complexion, 90% of the ones i've known were chinese-dark and only a few shades lighter than japs
Democrats actually think this REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
The book is not a great action piece but it has good philosophical discussions and it invented power armour
>macragge's honour
Where the fuck did the blueberries keep it all this time? Why the biggest of all glorianas wasn't out there obliterating heretics, when billions were dying?
Yeah that one.
I think this is the original, they corrected the text or something
So... brown.
If you offer citizenship, a gun and let me blast chinks I'm all in. Don't even give me benefits biatch, just more ammo.
God this is so retarded.
For one thing, protagonist of Starship troopers?
Motherfucker is Juan Rico, it's just that not much is made of it because Heinlein wasn't a squealing, masturbating progressive that felt the need to get a pat on the head every time he filled out a token. He had his non-white characters treated exactly the same as the white ones.
And that's without even going into the politics of the book, one of the fundamental concepts of the Terran Federation is that anyone, ANYONE could opt in to serving, so long as they were mentally capable of comprehending the oath they took.
You could be a god damned paralytic and they'd find something for you to do in order to prove you wanted to be a god damned citizen. It was blind to race, culture, creed, ideology, there was one factor:
Do you want it bad enough, are you willing to wrestle your citizenship from our belligerent hands?
And if you don't? Well, we'll just leave you alone. No punishment beyond the judgement you lay at your own feet, no rights violated, no harm done to you, you just don't get a say in how things are run because you've proven you can't take it. Don't worry about it, most people can't run an iron man cross country, now go back to your life civilian.
But sure, alright, let's ignore this entirely equal and fair system, this look at a potential 'what if' ideology entirely different from our own so we can wank off about how literally everyone that isn't an enlightened low-t Californian that subsists on nothing but onions and the warm glow of authoritarianism is a primitive untermensch for not thinking the way we do.
And that's without even touching the movie and the bullshit that Verhoeven got up to when he had the chance to shove his spindly spiderfingers in by writing it off as Fascist and trying to make the Federation the villains in the most shameless, cock helicoptering in the wind bit of Hollywood anti-humanism that's ever been put to film.
Fuck these people. Yes, I mad.
Illiterate detected
>are the infantry under fire from small arms fire or not?
The bugs have weapons. They prefer short range shit because they don't like to be caught out in the open for obvious reasons.
Duh because it's a dystopian future.
They literally had to become fascist in order to survive because liberal ideas had plagued the planet to the point where resources were scarce and millions were dying.
Movie is kino
Most Filipino Ive met are darker than japs koreans or chinks. They are also scarier. They're pure jungle Asian. The type of asian that will cut your balls off and feed them to you if you piss them off enough.
Lmao I didn't even catch that, the original tweet has "enrolled"
>>paul verhoveen thinks argentina is in asia
>is this some 1492 joke I'm too young to understand?
wait is that real? They accept foreigners in the space force? time to get in a plane
The movie was written by a leftist who despised Heinlein and didn't even bother to read the book.
He somewhat failed in his aspired task of shitting all over the book's concepts, but it's still a pile of shit.
I call them mexican asians and they seem to agree with the characterization
>implying this site isn't full of mutts arguing about who's more mongrelized than the other and just how white they really are .
>leftist are so retarded they make the most redpilled movie in history
They remind me of mexicans too. They definitely have that really strong family us first vibe when they're together and they do stick together. Theyre also usually catholic like mexicans. They also get violent like Mexicans and can get really creative when they want to fucking kill you.
Are the books any good? The movie was kinda trash. I know it was going for that B-Movie parody feel, but Casper Van Diem is just the worst.
Because the book made Rico from Buenos aires, ie we’re all brown mutts in the future.
It was in the yards for repairs.
Meanwhile he's white in the anime.
The book is really fucking good. It's good enough that they teach it in some military academies as a way of getting officers-to-be to think about what it is the purpose of an officer is and how they should act towards their own subordinates.
No, it was just that in the book the Terran Federation is a truly "global" society with free travel and all races and cultures working together for the good of all
It's really quite a pro-multicultural book but Verhoeven characterized it as a fascist system in the movie because he's a leftist dunderhead that immediately equates militarism with fascism when in the modern age it's enlightened globalism that is the leading force for forever war
And now, three years later, could you imagine Trump enforcing the borders and, say, besieging the sanctuary cities?
>most redpilled movie in history
>Doesn't even compare to how redpilled the book was
I found this book by accident when I was about 13. It made me think differently about the world in general. So it's understandable why I hate the movie so much
>War reporting is accurate (100,000+ dead on the first day, no lies)
>Sky marshall held accountable for failure, replaced by a black woman
>Everybody who serves gets to vote in democratic elections
Verhoven thought people would see blondes with guns and go "NAZI BAD" but didn't realize even his "anti-fascist" movie made the ebil fascists look pretty damn good
And they speak Spanish.
On the note of religion, all of the Asians I see at Catholic Church are flips but it's frequently the women and they're with white men
They do that all the time. Just look at John Carpenter.
There was only one
>he never read Heinlein
Oh, sweet summer child
The book is really good if you like the ethical dilemmas found in war.
It has little to no action in it.
However going from enlisted to commissioned myself it's almost entirely accurate.
>you trade your rifle for a pencil
>job is now less physically demanding, but the mental stress exceeds what a lot of people believe
>moral choices that will assuredly get your comrades killed and is that worth obtaining a particular objective at any moment
It's really good.
>People who have never been in the military.
Know lots of people who trained with Thai's and Filips. They are pretty savage but their training isn't great. Most Americans will out-shoot them and pretty much any infantry/combat arm could stand their own in CQC.
You get an idea of the military from the one fat dude you saw in uniform and the PC agenda Obama pushed. Most of the military hates that shit. Especially the Army and Marines.
>As would a russian
On nonononono
>three of the Russian soldiers were beaten so severely that they required urgent medical attention.
Books were way better than the movie. The movie can hardly be said to be based off the book, Verhoeven made the movie as a satire/mockery of the book, because he's a cocksucking faggot.
when i was in the army all my NCO's were midwit niggers up the entire chain of command until king nigger himself.
It's because they were a Spanish colony for even longer than Mexico itself was - 333 years as opposed to Mexico's 300
My dad owned the book back in the 80s I've read it enough times to know it almost entirely by heart.
The movie would not have sold at all if it was a pure drama.
JC is a lot more redpilled than you believe.
Love the guy, he drops red pills in interviews all the time.