/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3056

► Detected: 1,506,361 (+75,442) ► Died: 88,100 (+6,066) ► Day: 90 (-04:11:17)

— 4.3 billion people under lockdown —
— 213 countries and territories infected —
— 4.8x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —
— 3,123 strains have been sequenced —


UK is undercounting deaths, according to official data

German report says coronavirus worse than expected

Another city in China is placed on lockdown

There is now evidence for SARS-CoV-2 reactivation

Low antibody levels raise questions about reinfection risk

REHVA experts unambigously mention airborne transmission

14% of "recovered" in Guangdong test positive again

25 year old nurse dies in Iran

17 year old in the US dies after being denied treatment

Survivors will need rehabilitation due to neuromuscular damage

China denying virus tests to keep numbers down

Corona wipes $5 trillion off world stocks

US unemployment claims doubled to record 6 million past week

Virus might be an escaped vaccine trial

China could have prevented 95% of deaths not silencing whistleblowers

21:47: 229 new cases and 5 new deaths in Washington, DC
21:46: 221 new cases and 5 new deaths in Rhode Island
21:44: 52 new cases and 12 new deaths in Oklahoma
21:33: 151 new cases and 7 new deaths in Arizona
21:28: 178 new cases and 7 new deaths in Wisconsin
21:15: 186 new cases in Missouri


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Other urls found in this thread:


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Tom is an ER nurse that works in another state for a few weeks at a time. Pay is better by going to where you're needed instead of staying local. This is me talking to my sister. He just got back in town. He won't leave the house.

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>tfw no mommywife to quarantine with
its not fair bros

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Updated it including the log-scale
If I did something wrong please correct me

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Predictions for the next few months?


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Now you all realise what an excellent job the government of china did. Just look at the United States, so pathetic and weak management of the virus. They never were as good as China.

How many deaths away from yesterday's high score now?

USA #1

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Finally a question about Chink retribution on the live stream

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Structural Genomics of SARS-CoV-2 Indicates Evolutionary Conserved Functional Regions of Viral Proteins
by Suhas Srinivasan 1OrcID,Hongzhu Cui 2,Ziyang Gao 2,Ming Liu 2,Senbao Lu 2,Winnie Mkandawire 2,Oleksandr Narykov 3OrcID,Mo Sun 2 andDmitry Korkin 1,2,3,*
Data Science Program, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA 01609, USA
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Program, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA 01609, USA
Computer Science Department, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA 01609, USA

Viruses 2020, 12(4), 360; doi.org/10.3390/v12040360

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Thanks for these threads op, you fucking madman. Merci bien.

kek cope more Pirraeus worker faggot

Bad news for you: there is no cure for retardation.

If you doesn't consider this as the last expansion of Corona-chan you need to go to /d/ and stay there

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This is probably one of those greek communist shitters.

>1.5 M infected

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a lot of black people gonna die.

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1,000,000 dead when?

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Is Boris dead btw?
Wasn't he supposed to be out of icu by Tuesday?

tits > ass

Does ADE occur in people who developed a lot of antibodies from their first infection or people who developed very few antibodies from their first infection?
Medfags I know you’re in here lurking

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Nice balls nigga


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Which live stream?

welcome to my world circa 3 months ago after seeing the videos leaking out of China


Absolutely unbased

Rerminder that YOU made that chart and I called it.

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Gå i seng Lasse

based, molymeme is losing his mind and I am loving it, based doomer boomer chink killer

It's gonna start with India China

So my chest feels kinda tight when I breath all the way in but seasonal allergies starts now and it's been warmer the past week so how tf do I tell if I'm getting it or this is just my allergies? I can still smell fine and I don't feel sore or have a fever. Is tightness of breathing typically the first sign or is it others?

2 month perhaps ? If it keeps going the way it is

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so excellent that they even didnt report the official total numbers of tests done to their population.

when will the zombie mutation hit?

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>ordered a cheap watch from China back in february
>it arrived today

The fuck I was thinking.

Checked and based

I'm sure China will cover the losses

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Neither, it occurs usually when you develop antibodies to an antigen that is too dissimilar to the actual antigen to cause immunity, but similar enough to hand antibody bind to the antigen, facilitating antigen uptake into the cell.

Pretty rusty but I think this is correct.

Look a legal retard everyone


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slowing down or nah?

no medfag midlet is going to know that, particularly not about coronachan, at best they could try to tell you what dengue does but most medfags here wouldnt have ever dealt with dengue

The world divides into pro and anti China

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The virus needs to spread faster here

I never thought about that. Fucking hell

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look at the toilet on that bitch

Virtually nobody is pro China
It's just that there are a shit ton of chinks
If you added up all the white nations and threw in Russia and Turkey, there would still be more chinks than that

There have been advancements in high caliber lead therapy.

So... It's down to 2 weeks again eh?
Then we'll have 350k deaths and 1,05million recovered.

That is schizo talk. Do you have any proof that we lied?

Don't give you money to chinks bro, you help ccp's economy

Utah here, our state just announced quarantine/stay at home request is extended until early July (it was end of April before). Anyone else getting extended? Is this order coming from the CDC or what?

So I'm confused and am getting conflicted information. Is it currently getting worse or better?

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Faster than poop?

There is no cure
There is no way to stop it.
Submit to dispare

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think for yourself

Reminder that the media now realizes it's nothing and is trying to roll back their doom and gloom

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Bit over a month.

Worse, it seems

Denmark on full acceleration mode after Easter, sending kids from daycare through the first 5 grades back to school and daycare under the notion that they should practice social distancing, wash their hands and cough into their elbow. Which, for anyone here who ever spend any time with kids, is obviously not realistic in any possible way. But muh economy


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Lockdowns are definitely working in regions where they are in place

Big knee gang report in.

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You sure which way Russia is gonna fall?
Or the Africans?
Or Pakistan?
I mean Russia crashed OPEC so they could sell cheap oil to China during their time of need in January and February

My sis tried to catch me jacking off so I stopped and finally asked her if she's doing it on purpose? She just giggled and said you wish.

The virus situation is nothing compared to the economic downturn,savings are drying up soon. Prepare for the biggest chimpout of our lifetime.

is she hot?

>W- we were only predending!!

hey fellow nurses you know we got 16 vents for somethign which doesnt exist today

and theres nobody getting tested in our parking lot but thats ok because the tv said we needed to social distance

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Gasmask dystopia timeline

Considering there is literally no cure in sight for a while; I'd say it can only get worse each and every day ..

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>Do you have any proof that we lied?
My, my, you uncovered yourself, chink.

sister-fucker-in-denial user, is that you?

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The George Soros, Bill Gates and Chinese connection.


It's at the states discretion. The cdc is telling infected people to go out. If you are a trumpfag, please go back to work, israel needs its zogbux. if you have a brain, stay home.

Yeah because the summer is always the highest point for viral respiratory infections.

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>Covid deaths
99% are with comorbidities with an average age of 81. Any death with covid was ruled as a covid death in Italy, which they only test the sick in hospital. The average age of death is higher than the average life expectancy.
>This is killing so many people!
No it isn't. Total mortality per country and globally is below average. If this was killing more than normal, we would see higher mortality.
>Muh death rate
Research, SKorea, Japan, Taiwan, Germany, Austria etc show that 80-90% of cases are asymptomatic. This brings total fatality below 1%.
>Case # skyrocketing!
We are testing more, it only makes sense. This also brings the mortality rate lower.
>What about the testing methods?
With a false positive rate of 80% reported by the FDA, it tests for the same genes in the common cold.
>But this country has a high fatality rate!
They only test the people who are hospitalized. When compared to the flu by hospitalized, flu has a mortality rate of 10%.
>Muh stockerinos/get to work goy
The people who are the freest from stocks and Jews are small businesses being destroyed from this while mega corps thrive. 45 million unemployed. You think it'll get better?


Update: models now predict 60k deaths in the US, or 20k less than the flu last year and less than the flu this year.

futafags are god damn degenerates

>The world divides into pro and anti China
No opportunity for negotiations because the UN has lost all credibility.

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Dutch Research suggests that people with mild Coronavirus symptoms may not be immune


yea I remember monday headlines like it was 2 days ago


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Just fuck her already.

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Good, now I can go back to pulling off life support for coma patients

Heh, I made that. Pardon my inconsistent IDs for the next three days, I rustled some jannie jimmies.

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I've slept over 10 hours a day for four out of the last five days.
Is this my body's weird way of fighting the virus off or what?

not enough tests. I'm sure it's already spreading like hell in India.

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Better in flattening the curve.
Worse by time while we learn new details about the virus.

We're doomed, now it's just a battle of how long can we prolong it

I hope the muslims get deported to the ocean after shtf

>2 months
Yes I think so. Checkout the new slider on this site. It spreads like mad in March, then starts growing in April. It has to spread, then it can begin exploding in areas. It can take about 3 weeks for newly infected to begin having problems.

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Back to work trumpfag.

Do you ever sleep Argiebro?

How much longer can the lockdowns stay in place without people chimping out?

Bump, help plz

Will stocks go down again?

Not only that

new paper from cdc
R0 5.7
>R0 5.7
R0 5.7
>R0 5.7
R0 5.7
>R0 5.7

>High Contagiousness and Rapid Spread of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2
High Contagiousness and Rapid Spread of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2



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Is this the reason why they’ve never been able to produce a functioning SARS vaccine? Because it would trigger ADE for a slightly modified version?

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>I rustled some jannie jimmies.

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Here, didn't the chinks start the world war in the fallout games? And isn't that set in the future as well. Eh, eh.


That means yes. Do it.

>could have gotten an ahegao and lactation progression
>ended up with this shit
bravo world, bravo

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As an Indian born in America it's always seemed to me that the motherland is held back by the impossibly large number of poors. It's cool that our families all have servants and shit but would India be better off if like, 2/3 of the population was wiped out? Seems like it would be easier to close the wealth gap and spread education if we didn't have a billion people.

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Depends on how much the Fed pumps, and they’ve been pumping like crazy

Rolling for zombie mutation. Maybe when the comet passes.

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Not necessarily because of lockdowns and HQC. Then again, there was that thing with infecting tigers...

shit man idk can't tell if this happening is genuine or not in the bigger scheme of things. It's a crazy virus that can transmit cross-species, has an R0 of 3.8 at a bare minimum, can remain in air for hours, but lockdowns are mitigating it to the point where it's basically a flu.

I just noticed that Murray's projection website included projections for Europe. Bongs better buckle up.

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> airborne
> high R0 (4-6)
> infects animals
> survives on surfaces for hours
> doesn't give a fuck about climate
> incubation period of up to 14 days
> reinfection may be possible
> mutates quickly

does this virus come directly from hell?

if this thing mutates into something more deadly, then thats it for humanity. Even if it wouldn't actually kill a huge percentage, the upcoming wars over resources would.

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the indian wave.....

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>Trump bashing WHO

>Russia crashed OPEC so they could sell cheap oil to China during their time of need in January and February
You're a retard if you actually think this.
Oil demand collapsed and then the saudis and russiana started fighting with each other by producing more oil than ever, cutting off their nose to spite their face.

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Tedros redemption arc when?

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>does this virus come directly from hell?
Well it came from China, so yes.

So do Americans still believe it’s all a democrat hoax?

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Is that a bad or a good thing?