Sorry No Gibs

> Lithuania joins Germany, the Netherlands, Austria and Finland in rejecting bailouts for brown southern Euromutts with stinky feet

Thread Theme: Erika - German Song

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>Lithuania joins Germany

Hell yeah.

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Who cares. I have 4 houses in Alto Adige and provable Austrian ancestors.

Move along.

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Never forget how they reacted, when they were told to be responsible.

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let's hope this shit country can finally die, in all honesty the only thing our politicians are good at it's pocketing money

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Fucking based.

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It's okay Hans, we'll just move to your country and keep breeding your women.

There are mostly Spanish women here looking to get bred by a white man.

Enjoy our greedy golddigging whores. Theyre not easy, just because they love BBC for one night.

>Theyre not easy
Not for you. Doubt they love fucking us Spanish because of all our money, lol. Germanic sluts just love Latin cock.

Ofc they enjoy exotic cock, but not exotic children or international marriage.

Thanks for sorting out and selection.

the level of cope of nordcucks is astonishing.

Noone cares about your money

>not exotic children
sure, that's where all those Migrationshintergrund kids are coming from.
Since you don't mind to pay the kid's bills feel free to name him Carlos after me too.

every time you think about regining national pride remember this gif.

You will never have the lands back, you lost more than half of your territory.

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You are a cuck if you believe they love manlet cock. the type of whores that went for Latins 40 years ago now go for niggers, but these are only a very small portion of lower class women.

Greedy italian hands obviously do.


The manga ending was meh

germany makes everyone else seethe with envy

>skin colour the main feature of race
Who’s behind this post?

and they killed all the people

See also

International marriage ends in chaos and are most of the time economic worse than an analogue marriage of two of the same socioeconomic background.

yes, really kike money of us

è una questione di mentalità

in italia usciamo da 20 anni di berlusconismo. ovvero un metodo di fare business che non si è adattato da 40 anni a questa parte. La gente è digitalmente ignorante e pensa al proprio orticello la parola base è abbattere i costi quindi 0 benefit e stipendi il più basso possibile.

dall'altra parte hai una pletora di nazioni alcune che ragionano come noi ma che ignoriamo per selettività e dalle altre parti si cerca di massimizzare valore prodotto e retention delle persone.

tl;dr finchè saranno sempre i boomer a comandare in italia non se ne esce

Tell me pasta nigger, why Germans couldn't just do the reverse?

only to our government to support the terroni but here in Veneto nobody cares about you incels.

You will always be losers, Austrian, a lesser version of Germany with a pathetic little state.
Trying to compensate with big talk in understandable but cringe nonetheless.

It took only 100 years to italianize South Tirol, some more decades and German won't be spoken anymore.

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kill yourself faggot

I can't wait to buy some cheap houses Rome. So i can return to my roots.

Who cares Adolf, these are marginal people.

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Fuck off Vietnigger shill

Rather a small state with the economy of Netherlands than being a shithole like Russia ... or Shitaly.

Of course its the leftist voting terrone filth, who else.

Im sure 60% of german kids are slav-german mutts and med-german mutts

nice cope.
I've studied in Germany and every single one of my Spanish friends who stayed ended up with a German, some have kids already. Normal working German women. Even the shit south americans had it easy there.
Even my Flemish gf at the time wanted to move to Spain with me.
So much for a small proportion.
Your women wet their panties for any spic and you know it.

In 1939? Sure


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cazzate piuttosto che cedere l'italia a voi neet preferirei distruggerla.

Sono diciannovenne ma con la DC l'Italia è cresciuta economicamente

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Czechs are ok in my book.

t. Western Austria.

can't wait for the EU to dissolve so Germany can lose another war and half its land and people again.

>Crashing the EU with no survivors.

Yeah you are right your boomers are to blame, and they fool most of you by blaming other European countries. The average Italian isn't poor, they just didn't want to pay enough taxes or consume less government services.


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It is mostly polish...
My gf is from there and all her 3 brother are married with germans

>Rather a small state with the economy of Netherlands than being a shithole like Russia ... or Shitaly.

coping at alarming level, you are not even in the economical backbone of Europe

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but more rapefugees are cool i guess

>Nuclear Weapons
Literally created by a jew team of scientist

European Union Mission Statement
To promote peace, its values and the well-being of its citizens. offer freedom, security and justice without internal borders. sustainable development based on balanced economic growth and price stability, a highly competitive market economy with full employment and social progress, and environmental protection
>the well-being of its citizens
But if you really need help, well ... fuck you.
sincerely, the EU

Nice cope a friend of mine lives with his heiress girlfriend in Spain now. Have fun with "those girls" i know exactly what type they are.

Where are our gibs desu??

The eternal kraut always delivers, and the italian butthurt simpletons always take the bait. Grow up you morons, learn to recognize a slide thread when you see one

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As a pseudo Spaniard that knows about politics in Spain, and as a citizen of Spain I can say that it is for the best for there not to be hand outs for Spain at least. The government of Spain is hilariously incompetent. Whatever loans are given out will be misused and have no effect on the economic or health outcomes of the country. The no loans scenario for Spain will result in dead Spaniards, the loans scenario will result in dead Spaniards and debt. It hurts to know my country is filled with idiots, and how easily they are manipulated. The government promoted feminist demonstrations while the epidemic was starting, they knew what would happen. Fuck them, and fuck the idiots who defend them. Arriba España putos.

Ok realtalk now

as much as i am against eurobonds for the brown part of the EU we have to help them or the fucking chinks will do it and thus manifest more controll over the eu via proxyvote

we saw that shit when the EU wanted to condemn the chinks beause of the muslim deathcamps but greece vetoed cuz these niggers suck small yellow dick now.

tltr: We cant let the yellow insects win.

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but you are not ok in their book, nice try cuck though

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>World largest empire
Are you mongols now?

Good enough to beat shitaly per capita.

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They prefer anything but a German, really. The German subconsciousness see themselves as a loser nation so the women crave fresh genes.

Il tuo post contiene un riassunto sulla debolezza del sistema paese.

Ora, il sistema economico mondiale chiede velocità, innovazione e tanti investimenti. Non essendo le PMI in grado di adeguarsi a questo gioco il loro destino ineluttabile è quello di estinguersi attraverso il fallimento o l’acquisizione in gruppi più importanti.

Non c’è soluzione, occorre e questo lo vedo estremamente difficile, investire tantissimo in high tech e favorire la nascita di nuove tipologie di azienda. Se ne parla sempre tra amici. 3/4 della gente che conosco è immigrata (Germania/Uk/Svizzera). In parte per via degli stipendi da fame: molti di loro sono persone competenti, capaci e sicure di se stesse. Indi stage e stipendi da fame non attaccano.

>muuh blue banana.
At least they are not mutts, who beg for handouts.

>nafri mindset inherited from his nafri ancestors

per l'appunto, sono stati i boomer ha fare il '68
e quando hanno sostituito i vecchi della prima repubblica le cose sono andate di male in peggio

Sorry, You fuckers are arrogant pieces of shit with no real power, chinese on the other hand...

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Prepare for world war.

>created modern globohomo civilization

Without Rome you wouldn't even have current water at your home, you silly german

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I live in Veneto so who cares but still GDP is the only thing you can brag about.

And by the way South tirol is still italian

Fine we encamp the meds later.

>ha fare

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Women are stupid, they think Hans is "boring" with his practicality. Just give a fraulein some beer and she'll unwind about how Hans is boring. Remember, women only remember how you make them feel, not what you say or do. Stop boring your women Hans or they'll all go for Pedro and Carlos because he can dance

Why are you all arguing about who’s White?
>muh shitaly
>muh Austria
We are all European. This is proven beyond doubt; that some European are paler than others has no bearing on us being of the same race. ‘White’ is a description of us in comparison with others races, it isn’t the be-all-end-all. We all agree that a pale-looking Afghan isn’t ‘white’, so why all this conundrum over olive skinned Italians? We are all Europeans.

Yeah, yeah, later, later.
Now pay up, I have a siesta to take and my debts aren't gonna pay themselves.

>t. Anprimtard

>provable Austrian ancestors.

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>we have to help them

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Ok, Gottfredo.

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>Germanic sluts just love Latin cock.
You idiots need to stop this bullshit. Makes you look like a total nigger retard.

germans following the anglokikes. muh money.
dont even have an army you pathetic losers you would get raped by poland alone this time. cucks

rome was cool i guess
but now the med states are borderline failures, with failing economies, shittier education, lower achievement
electronics, the internet, inventions, modern science your entire way of life is due to northern europeans, not some shitty med philosophy from 2000 years ago
meds had their time, but it's all over now

in 200 years med countries will all have dry desert like climates and crop yields will fall, while in northern europe they will rise - so prepare for the gap to widen

but keep shitting on muh barbarians lmao

The chinks will make them in to an African colony.

> Stop boring your women
It's not like they can help it, autists gonna autist.

Not just GDP, but per capita contributions to EU fond for your lazy south niggers.

no it's unironically based, i love watching your wife fucking nigger cock besides onions and plastic are based

> 3rd largest Arms & Weapon Manufacturer on the Planet
> no weapons

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Why doesn't the Italian government just tax its citizens? All Italians have more than enough money. If they paid their taxes and didn't hide it away from the government, then there wouldn't be shitty bridges in Italy that break apart and kill hundreds of people driving over it, poisoned rivers full with toxic garbage making little kids sick, and there would still be more than enough for a social welfare state in Italy.

No matter how one cuts it, every Italian government, be they right-wing or left-wing, refuses to tax their own citizens. And then they cry that they don't have the money.

shit that actually makes sense

Greece has the most Tanks in the EU.

Just guess why. Why should we kill all those engineers and doctors, when we have Greeks.

copiare il sistema economico di altri stati non serve a niente.

Bisogna puntare di più su un miglioramento dell'agricoltura che è stata danneggiata dall'UE e riprendere il controllo di molte aziende siderurgiche o comunque pesanti.

L'IRI è stato un esempio per il nostro paese su come gestire l'economia industriale.

riguardo alla tecnologia il genio italico non invidia nessuno ma dovremmo comunque basarci sulla Cina o gli USA all'inizio.

Inoltre anche l'industria bellica italiana è sottovalutata, in Sardegna produciamo missili di altissima qualità ed è nell'interesse nazionale avere un'autarchia degli armamenti.

Yeah Poland does not depend upon German hardware to fight a war. Also if you think peace time armies are an indication of the size of army a nation can bolster you are utterly retarded.