How hard it is to buy a gun from the dark web in europe...

how hard it is to buy a gun from the dark web in europe ? my rip grandpa gave me this but his wife threw it in the trash.. so I need it in this gay country u know to be respected

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when coronavirus lockdown is no more, take your car, drive to croatia and buy a gun there on the black market. its cheap.


all of the dark web links are glow niggers waiting for you to send money you tard

you're going to get scammed
those sites were all honey pots or scams
even the drug websites didn't like gun retards

Ask your local mosque

drive to Marseille harbor, say you are a alhamdulillah muslimin allahu akbar and you want to kill french people. They give you an AK for free.

also this. just go to the balkans.

what the HELL is this bro an assasin-tier .45 ?
where you get that, anyone can id ?

I can send you one, but it will cost ya because I gotta send some other junk and disguise the parts in it

Fucking based post

ok I will try this maybe with my hijabi gf lmao
ok yeah sure thing mate do u have a webmail?

\k\ can

>how hard it is to buy a gun from the dark web in europe ?
just buy a cross bow.

I got 3 fully automatic rifles in the shed for you Gaston, just just come and bring that sweet euro

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Woah nigger-neck slow your role. It's a Smith & Wesson model 41 AIRSOFT trash. It's not a real blaster.

Wish/Alibaba. They mark it as airsoft, but certain factories also sell real receivers and chambering, just look at the photos and talk to the chink if they have "accessories" for a real gun you want to make.

They'll send the parts piecemeal, and mark it all as airsoft. It's mostly how our local chink and viet mafias smuggle cheapo Ruger and even CZ copies into here. The build quality is meh, it's a chink copy after all, but hey, still a gun (and much better than anything diy).

It's an Italian Famas.

Wtf, I love China now

I'm actually kinda jealous, because of the black market presence in the Balkans, you guys who have no gun privileges actually have access to better giggly gats than I do in the land of freedom.
the list of things I would do for a full fun pkm are disgusting and numerous.

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>ok I will try this maybe with my hijabi gf lmao
When you do use the gun to kill her and yourself you dirty fucking traitor.

I know my gunz, this is pretty fucking rare no

you d u kno its airsoff


Crossbows are for ßøýboýs real men use a ballista.

>pic related, it was my grandfather's and he passed it down to me on my 12th birthday when I became a man.

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Been wondering. Crossbow or a recurve bow? I mean crossbow has a lot of stopping power, but takes a while to reload. A recurve is faster and pretty much good enough against anybody not outright wearing armour.

Where would i find this black market anyways? I tried the ching chong markets in the czech rep. and they shooed me away

Weapons are very difficult to be found on the market, you need connections or affiliation to drug traffickers they are the only ones with pieces. Instead of wasting thousands of euros just buy a slingshot and learn how to use metal balls with it.

>buy a slingshot and learn how to use metal balls with it.
Why are you gay ?

Do you have any connections?

>Much better than anything DIY

If you have a 3D printer and some other basic equipment, I would argue this is no longer true:

How am I gay? There is no permit required for a slingshot and if you get hit by a small metal ball in the eye or head you will be really damaged.

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There was at least one legit one that got busted, they were only conversions of higher quality steel blank firers though and I don't think he was doing huge volume based on the size of the workshop.

Basically if a factory sells close replica gas guns and airsoft, by close i mean they have pretty much same receiver as original, only with airsoft gas firing mechanism bolted on afterwards, chances are you can mod it to get back the real deal. Ditto for gas guns with only symbolically welded barrel. Just be sure to have a decent dropship site, so you don't end up like this burger:

Obviously auto-mods and silencers attract attention. AFAIK only small semi handguns ever get here this way.

Find the whitest, most Russian looking drug dealer in your vicinity and ask for an AK. Not a great rifle aside from reliability but probably the one most likely to be functional if bought from shitty sources.

>relying on lucky crits
No stopping power, you'd get fucked

Unless you get a machine gun you wont get stopping power either.

inb4 op murders an arab on a beach just because

all I have for the incoming collapse of civilization is an old .22 squirrel shooter. The usual jokes of,"the only thing you'll do is piss someone off" incoming while I just remember headshots do more damage because the bullet only has enough velocity to enter the skull, not exit. So then the bullet just bounces around turning brains into soup. Hubris is lethal.

3d printer


>A pouch with a ball is better than a pistol

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In America we buy guns at the store and even walmart sells them.

Look at the mag. No feed lips. Also some weird dimple thing atop the slide where the barrel sites. There also isn't some weird lever thing above the trigger on real model 41's. Just google image a model 41. It's a airsoft knock off.

Enjoy death

Where did I say that? I only said if he wants stopping power he needs a machine gun not a pistol or semiautomatic gun.

Try your so'ybean slingshot vs a 9mm see what happens

Imagine how many stashes from Yugoslavia have been forgotten all around the Balkans.
You need someone who can speak for you and good connections and voila

And how you avoid being robbed or killed by slavo-gypsies?

>do more damage
in theory
at the right angle
and distance
in the right location
none of which usually happens IRL
always better to have full caliber if anticipating engaging with the worlds top predator
particularly if hyped up on meth or the like

Gib discord

ok fair enough, also finding that weird a gun in france is less than probable, it is a S&W , either a weird real one or a fake

Hit me if you need a gun. I can get you pretty much any of the popular handguns you want. 1911/Glocks. Crypto payments only.


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Yugos and Istans really seem to be the only ones left with surplus soviet guns. Rest of us have sold last bits of embezzled surplus by mid 2000s to 3rd world shitholes.

>Wife threw the gun in the trash
Time to throw the wife in the trash as well.

>thousands of euros
guns are 100-200 euros depending on quality
AK-47 is 500 euros

Seems legit

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Have fun finding someone to sell you the gun and bullets for 500 euros on the black market.

If you can get 100 tons of gold, aliens will contact you to sell you a plasma pistol.

Let my .45 roll you like a turkey and then tell me about stopping power

>black market
top kek
you just have to be friends with a drug dealer

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Why did Europeans essentially give up their guns? I still don't understand

This fkn retard

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Was ist letzte Preis für Glock + Munition

>you just have to be friends with a drug dealer
So black market got it.
Nobody will sell you a .45 on the black market, you only find glocks or czs

Would be useful if the chavs marched on me in formation I suppose.

have you acquired a firearm in the matter you described?

>Nice .22, Pierre.
>Maybe next time you faggots will figure out why it's a good idea to stay armed.


>Nobody will sell you a .45 on the black market
>you only find glocks or czs both of which make a .45 pistol

>fellow anonamouses
>tell me, are you armed?
You’ll have to take a good guess ossifer

A glock would still fuck you up dumbass they also make glocks that shoot .45 you’re fucking retarded

lol this french nigga glows

He needs to get off the vidya he probably thinks a full clip of 9mm wouldn’t do shit because it doesn’t in COD

To stop a (((communist uprising here.

In Balkans and *Istans, not really. People having AK,M88,CZ99 in their attic is fairly common, and not really prosecuted if you're caught with it, unless you're stupid and wave it in the public. It's just how it goes in most seriously post war countries.

All you do is obliguely ask what their family did during war, and that you'd be interested in buying a souvenir. It will get marked up a little bit, probably, but it's so provalent you don't really have to deal with any shady types in there.

desu when I saw the flag I didn't expect a well formed argument so nothing of value was lost.
Yeah, I know, it was my grandfather's that I've shot a couple times along with other guns so I'm not full retard but it's better than nothing...or a slingshot. It'll scare off retards and morons with think it's a BB gun giving me plenty of time to focus of target. I know it's a joke gun but it's all I have when the world collapses, no joke pls

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>my grapa's wife

Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.

Go to the balkans

im guessing these arent on amazon

Only 9mm pistols are found on the black market, you might get some novelty here and there but you will not find bullets for them in the long run. And I only offered the idea of using slingshot if you dont know anyone inside to sell you a weapon.

>not having they bayonet fixed from the start
>not going full pirate mode

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No not on amazon but ,

in 1940 during the "Régime de Vichy", they took our gun to prevent from a revolution against the collaboration, we're omega cuck and our 99% of our people are against owning a weapon and way way more against concealed carry, they cant even think of it as a viable possibility
> muh mass shooting in 'murica

fuck u je n'ai aucune raison pour glow pèdè

8/8 m8

Annoying false laugh , but he's ok .