>Nooooo you can’t just keep inmates in jail!
Nooooo you can’t just keep inmates in jail!
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With his wife under quarantine he wants her bull free it’s kind of obvious
>If they're all in jail, who's going to fuck my wife?
Seriously what causes this look. And don't tell me s o y I want answers.
Faggy fashion
Why are they such a trope
He looks jewish
He wants the prison cock for himself.
it goes down to our basic instincts, back when we were cave people. "the face" is a sign that the male is weak and submissive, it's a by product of soi and other male hormone destroyers. If a male is depleted of his test then he will more than likely be an effeminate soi face.
look at that jewish face, what a fuckin surprise
God gave us the rainbow as a symbol that He won't wipe out humanity due to its degeneracy again and now they've taken that symbol to celebrate their degeneracy and wave it in His face.
Pride is a sin.
>what is 2+2? But don't tell me 4
>God gave us the rainbow as a symbol that He won't wipe out humanity due to its degeneracy again
He won't wipe us out with a FLOOD again.
The county govt already squashed that. They know they can't let the feral dindus out of their cages.
Hopefully they don't relent.
But who is going to dig all the graves then?
You missed the red scarf, the main giveaway, blind faggot
>stay at home save lives
Goes out in groups to protest big brains everyone
Fascists look out!
Cook county is Chicago.
These tards want to release "all" inmates from a high crime community. Yay let out the gang members and murderers and thiefs into an already high crime area. As opposed to changing the jails policies to try and ward off the coronavirus in the jail.
I now support this. accelerate the chimp out.
My first thought when I see their degeneracy is that I’m glad they’ll get what’s coming to them when they reach hell, but then I find myself switching stances and hoping they instead turn away from their sinful ways and find God.
How does he not get his ass kicked daily? Couple good beatings would straighten this retard out.
Now he's just trying to stir up trouble for trouble's sake.
whys there a jew star in the background next to Cook County sign?
it's commies fault
Does anyone else feel disgusted when looking at such people? Idk what it is but I feel like it's something primal
I'm sure all Christian pastors celebrate hannukah
because in a normal world you could beat the living shit out of him for being the way he is and no one would care
No it wouldn't. another retard would fill the void and a marterd posse cult would take up his cause. Just for fee fees and the destruction of the country Brain washed and need to be banished from our lands. and one day for no reason at all the people voted Trump into power
Guys let all the prisoners out :^)
fucking lol, yeah i'm right with you
When this thread dies, I will make a better one for this topic. This one is weak
release the prisoners from quarantine so they can go into quarantine on the honor roll system!
Can they protest for me getting my license back sooner?
is that the vsauce guy?
He even looks like a basedjack truly clown world
Pro tip IF your an American you don't need a license
Freedom to Travel freedom to own things
That's not a thing. He's fucking fat.
it might, just might be due to autism. low testosterone is necessarily not a trait of autism but these people show many otjher traits of undiagnosed asperger syndrome (lack of theory of mind, lbtq, special interests, and last but not least the baby-like facial features and thick glasses).
Safest place to be if you stop allowing visitors.
Skinny fat is just someone who has 0 muscle and is fat. They look sorta skinny but have a gut. Usually low on test and how you end up with faggots like this.
what the hell these fags are drinking?
maybe those shits are imprisoned for a reason and normal people should be able to sleep better when they know those things are behind bars
Prisons are pretty shit in the US. You could die of cancer on a 2 year sentence and nothing would be done because the government thinks of medical care of inmates as a joke. Drug use is rampant in prison too.
Why do they always look the same? There's GOT to be some sort of gene or defect in them.
This guy looks like the so-y version of happy merchant
even his cartoon drawing has a soiboi face
Peak So y
They want criminals released because they like having crime to target normal people like you and I
y'know, there's something about the way all three of these people look. I can't quite put my finger on it, but there's this one very small subset of white people who are always at the forefront of stuff like this. I guess I'd compare it to the producers you see at awards ceremonies like the Oscars. Funny how all the producers also have the same look to them. Hmm
They make a "silly face" as a defense mechanism so that no one can make fun of them because they were just acting "silly".
Yep, that’s heresy alright.
I believe it gets to the point where even God writes them off as a lost cause.
I can understand why you would want criminals released for process crimes right now or for low level drug offenses, but Cook County Jail has many literal murderers and rapists within its walls, you really just want to fucking let these people out?
>Pedo symbol on chest.
Based and sovereign citizen pilled.