Why do people care so much about trannies? Why not just live and let live

Why do people care so much about trannies? Why not just live and let live

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> Why not just live and let live
41% don't let themselves live.

not an argument

>Why would an oppressed group be more likely to commit suicide

Because trannies encourage shit like this:


to be more specific, its pedophiles != trans people

interesting how straight white males do it so often

What are you smoking? Relative to what?

" A U.S. government study, titled Report of the Secretary's Task Force on Youth Suicide, published in 1989, found that LGBT youth are four times more likely to attempt suicide than other young people."

To be even more specific + honest, trannies = pedos, there's no real difference.

if youre using anecdotal evidence i'll use mine to say that i don't see a strong correlation between trans people and pedos, unless you look on discord, where everyone is trans, pedo, furry, etc, but thats its own group

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Because they chemically castrate themselves, mutilate their genitals, and actively prevent their body from healing due to most likely having untreated mental disorders and propaganda that hypes up unrealistic expectations of the outcome of the surgery?

>live and let live
You mean live and let them indoctrinate vulnerable and unstable teenagers? Fucking kill yourself


That one angry gamer dude is a huge fucking cuck.

straight white males are being oppressed though
drag has nothing to do with transpeople. Dragueens are just faggots in dresses

>just live and let live bro

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Half of em dont let emselves live why should we ?

Only 2 jokes

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I would live and let live but if you go into a subreddit like /r/asktransgender you see that it is a group of people obsessively reassuring themselves and others that they are making a healthy decision and shutting out anyone who suggests it might not be a good idea

>Why not just live and let live

We would but the trannies insists on shoving their agenda in our faces.

Furthermore, its never enough. It started with them just wanting to be trannies. Now we're at trannies reading to children naked in public libraries.

Next thing you know trannies will demand that straight men be force to have sex with them. The crazy train never stops.

what are you doing on plebbit to begin with?

What am I looking at?

funny how that was what we said about fags 10 years ago and no one believed us
really makes you think

Yeah what kind of irrational person has an issue with an entire demographic of mentally ill pedophiles?

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what the fuck

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I think we will see a wave over the next 10-20 years of many kids that were adopted by LGBT couples that were sexually abused.
See how that goes down, but I imagine it will be covered up and down played.

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They're responsible for a lot of the evil in the modern world. Being the kikes foot soldiers, eradicate them and (((they))) will fall easily.

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Because LGBTBBQ people don't shut the fuck up about their sexuality. I don't go around advertising I fuck women. The faggots always dress incredibly inappropriately everywhere they go, especially music festivals.

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Why do trannies care so much about attention from others? Why not live and let live?

We live.
They die.
Kill them all.

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Why is pol obsessed with trannies?
Like wtf I see you guys spam some tranny shit in unrelated threads, boards and unrelated imageboards

What happens the other 59% of the time?

Neck yourself, mental illness should be treated not glorified

If we reach 100% we won't have to argue at all

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They are still trainwrecks, but the crash is more prolonged.

why though? why are all the fags and trannies obsessed with this shit? they seem to have no interests outside of it besides marxism

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Depression, drug addiction, psychological abuse of loved ones

This is why the tranny fad needs to stop now. We are hurting people with this shit.

Too late.
>line has been crossed

They will hate blacks and gays soon
>most entitled protected classes, acting entitled.
>trannies get the rope first

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I like transgender folk. Good to see them get more rights and acceptance.

did he ded?

Metal illness celebrated as being "body positive. " you would not tell a bolemic to embrace their disorder, you would not tell a schizo to embrace the voices, yet trannies are told theyr are completely natural and are encouraged to embrace their disorder, to the point they are given meds to alter their hormones, and even have their body mutilated.

Its disgusting and it needs to be called out for what it is.

>live and let live

No. Trannies and their enablers began their mlm movement by trying to marginalize and"other" normal, or what they call "cis" people in an attempt to seize power to control the language and the narrative. You cant start a war then demand peace and civility from the other side. You can take your bullshit and shove it in your newly axed wound.

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Any of (you) noticing that a bunch of anti-tranny images on his thread are 404ing?

Best part about them is that they're a self correcting problem. You don't even need to tell them to kys and they'll do it.


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> 2003
yikes... i mean.... kikes...

Fuck off. I wouldnt care if they werent constantly pushing their fucking perversions on children and into media and into other places they dont belong like womens sports. But they do, so they can all fucking die. Thank God so many end up killing themselves anyways.

that was back when most of the community were fetishists like Yaniv, we're better than that now

And whats a trans woman? A faggot in a dress that also cut off their dick.