Do white men like anime?

Do white men like anime?

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Anime is for faggots. Regardless of race.

Nice opinion, then again, most nice things are banned in islam.

Got em

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What anime do you watch then user?

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Anime is leftist by default therefore degenerate

Yeah, I can't stand anime and I don't get why it is so popular now (both for women and men). And now a lot of people want to go to that piece of shit country Japan thinking that it'll be nice like in those gook toons.
I would give anything to see their reactions when they actually get there.

Men of every skin colour like anime. Just like you can find furries and fucking pineapple on pizza lovers in every skin tone that exists on this godforsaken planet.

>Anime is leftist by default
What fucking reality do you live in

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t. projecting lime faggot

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Acquire better taste

My shitposting buddy just dumped her bf (partially) over spending their anniversary at a hentai screening

this is 100% acceptable. if you actually attend "hentai screenings" you're a massive faggot

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Well I used to like shonen when I was growing it up.
It seems like everyone on this site only likes obscure pedophile simulator shows though.

This ... this anime gurl has the herp

Those are piercings

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>he's not watching the current mass genocide of the entire world kino

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Anime is very pro-family and pro-conservative values. In most anime, if family is portrayed, it is shown in a very conservative and wholesome manner. Take a look at Tamako Market, Spice and Wolf, Clannad, K-On! Rarely are families portrayed as broken due to divorce or single motherhood. Sometimes, the father has passed away or is working aborad. But very rarely is it due to divorce.

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anime is for chads

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The retarded kind lmao

Too bad the last 5 chapters have been retarded garbage.

anime is a tool from the chinks to emasculate white men specifically.

it takes a true man to appreciate cuteness

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Ibuki is best dangan girl

Danganronpa is more anime than anime.

I just like the way it looks. Everything in anime is drawn to be pleasant and beautiful. In modern western cartoons everything and everyone is deformed and ugly.

Anime is a tool that I use to instill morality and conservative pro-family views in others.

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Why not? Everyone knows 2d > 3d.

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>watches cartoons
>wonders why women wont talk to him
"wE aRe bEiNg rEpLaCeD iN oUr oWN HOmElaNdS, fIgHt eVroPa FIGHT"


Yes. Why wouldn't they?

how do you say based in Slovak

Are there actually such things?
I don't want to be a homewrecker here, and hentai is of course much better than porn. But
I think that's a good reason to be dumped honestly.

>Anime is for faggots. Regardless of race.
That's probably why you're on Yas Forums then.

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Yup. Rooting for Floch and Eren + Yaegerists with all my heart. Fuck the cringe alliance. Small part of me still believes in Isayama to pull something crazy off but I won't hold my breath.

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Celeste is best girl.

Yes but I don't turn my room into a fucking FBI honeypot

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Of course, anybody who doesn’t like anime is a spiritual roastie kike

Good taste but I prefer ibuki

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I present to you...the coom room

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Who gives a shit what roasties think

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Yes white pedo virgins like anime and thats a good thing because they won't reproduce and white race will be doomed

Does the anime industry donate wads of cash to commie movements the way Hollywood does?

>implying anime is the cause
A loser will be a loser no matter what he watches you dumbfuck

Thank god we have surrogacy.
Biological child born through Surrogacy + idealized waifu >>>>>>>>> Raising chad's son unknowingly + being abused by an ugly bitch who never loved you.

Go fuck yourself, dirty paki nigger.

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God I want ibuki to bite me


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Anime will turn you into a tranny

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That's wrong

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Says the fag

Dunno, really. Our vernacular rotates around mafia lingo, popularized mostly by this one shadowbanned show from 15 tears ago. Some of the phrases there were genuine, while others were reverse-injected into the real vernacular, like "we'll go for a walk in Yelka forest", and "that ShtB (local KGB) whore won't baptize me?!".

Supposedly you can get "artsy underground" venues like that in the bigger cities. A shock really, I heard the sex was otherwise good, but mofo started neglecting her /taking her for granted, and trying to get her into tentacle hentai with jap voices was the last straw.

>we'll go for a walk in Yelka forest
What does that mean


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They wish to become one of them


You dead
Jelka a forest that became a de facto cemetery in the 90s and early 2000s.
The show that humorously depicted a stereotypical neomafioso family was abruptly discontinued after their mock New Year's address received more views than the actual Presidential Speech