During the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more female drivers...

>During the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more female drivers, especially truck drivers are selling themselves to pay for lost hours in pay


This is crazy..

Attached: Truck driver.png (1384x606, 276.9K)

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>those tattoos and piercings with those tits
What a waste of a perfectly good set of tits

>females turning to their one and only true profession when the times arent fat anymore
exactly as expected

The tattoo is horrific, but you can remove the piercings, can't you?

Good set of tits. Look natural.

Oh man does anyone have the mean that says "what women think theyd do in an economic crisis vs what they'd actually do" and the top pic is the chick fromthe hunger games and the bottom pic is a bunch of hookers ?

You're kidding, right? Her tits are fine

She went offline but going to whore again.

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>especially truck drivers are selling themselves to pay for lost hours in pay
wut? radio keeps playing ads from trucking companies looking for drivers.

Great news !

>tfw no trucker whore gf

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You are a top fucking lad, finbro. Thank you.

nip rings ruin tiddy sucky

>work got closed a couple weeks ago but we were paid for the time off fortunately
>shop thot went around on fb last night asking people for $10-$100 on cashapp
>collectively got ignored
>"until further notice" furlough announcement was made by the company this morning
Roasties are getting antsy.

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Wow, she's a truck driver?! She's really hot. I would definitely rape her if her truck broke down and I was a weird rapist haha

God damn I caught myself simping when a girl I’ve known since high school made one. I had to see her mammories.

They're cracking

What the fuck

Just pander to some simps and you’ll get your bills paid in no time

>women chooses to become a whore instead of looking for alternative methods of employment
Wow! Look at what the white male patriarchy is doing! Poor woman has to resort to PROSTITUTION!

kek. so true. all that empowerment goes right out the window once the state isnt there to provide food and tampons.

Ugliest tits I’ve seen lately.

user said that if he was a weird rapist, he would rape her ifmher truckmbroke down, implying shes a truck driver and user isnt a weird rapist, icmyou catch my drift

Women would unironically beg to be able to sit around the house and clean if this wicked country fell.

Just imagine how fucking deep the propaganda has to be for you to willingly turn down a life of leisure for a life of hard work?

Imagine that in an another timeline She would be like Pic related.

Please let me out from this experiment of simulated reality.

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shes hot as fuck thanks shill op

It really is their natural go-to for getting money. In the past, it's how they would get a man and get supported in a relationship, and now they can just get money. This will always be the case

Too real

4channers who have these sorts of standards are the type who do nothing but look at models in their mother's basements.

Reading comprehension friend. He said he tits are fine but due to the piercings and her tattoo, she as a woman is a waste. Thus god wasted a good set of tits on a trash woman.

Only had 1 attractive truck driver come into my warehouse ever. Everyone one of them was a smelly paki, slav, or beaner

I like the triple double, however, the holes remain even with the jewlry removed

>Imagine that in an another timeline She would be like Pic related.
Unfortunately we have been born in a timeline where the people who rule over us are literal blood sucking cannibal jews who are hellbent on destroying any and everything good in this world.

And they can only do so because our own people are too fucking brainwashed and retarded to understand that they're even slaves.

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But don't men treat the mother of their children worse than employers? That's what my cat lady professors told me! Did they LIE to me?!

I know what he said. I meant the piercings and tattoos didn't ruin her tits at all. One tattoo won't waste tits. Her piercings are hot too


it's okay to have compare and standards on the internet
more likely the problem is people like you have none in real life and we have to listen to your worthless fucking regret and shame filled cope all day.

>Men in times of crisis
>Pic related

>Women in times of crisis
>Just sell my pussy loool feed me

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Idk what "theyre cracking" means? Elaborate

You assume too much, the reality would be
>lets kid go play at friends house while she goes to fuck the shredded milkman

She’s sexy as fuck.


This. She woulds be perfect without them.
You can like what you want. But piercings are degenerate. Admittedly, they are just a sign of a whore that I would never want anything to do with. Still, its a waste.

They don't really count, but Fastenal girls who deliver shit and sometimes restock our vending machines are absolute rockets (as far as a women are concerned in a shop with 40 guys, even a 2/10 gets knocked to a 9 just by wearing yoga pants) every week. I can also say that in the last 9 years, yes I've only seen one actual decent female owner operator, and even then, she was a mild cute, very homely looking woman.

Youre degenerate as fuck and will likely die of AIDS after you start to see nigger anus as "hot"

the good news is she can take the piercings out and it will heal back

I so want to get laid but I’ve been in isolation for 6 weeks and do not want to catch the lurgy.
I do not tamper with my todger like a spotty juvenile. I’m fit to bust. I just dont know what to do?

>shredded milkmen
There is a reason why milk employers only hired old bald dudes as milkmen.

>it's okay to have compare and standards on the internet
Let me stop you right there retard. You're a fat, acne riddled basement dweller. You have a receding hairline, your skin is pasty, and you only go outside to get groceries. (this is where you say "projection", but you know it's true)

You probably go on celeb threads on Yas Forums and due to lack of interaction with people in real life, you think Kim Kardashian and Emma Watson are representations of above average women. All the while living in America, the fattest country on Earth, where 70% of the people are overweight/obese, dress like trash, eat trash food, whore around, and just generally do fuck all good.

That probably made you feel good to read. Made you feel better about yourself. Well it shouldn't, because they're disgusting pieces of waste, just like you. And because they are so disgusting, your standards are clearly created from fantasy and social isolation. Fuck yourself, retard.

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The pain in her eyes is wonderful

Fastenal girls? More like Fastanal girls - HA! Got eem'.

It’s italian, my italian neighbor used to say it to his wife all the time and it means they like to suck on some cock and balls.

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In actuality, a cheap whore. LOL

Yeah but the personality problems will persist. The tats aren't going anywhere either.

It's crazy just how good ethots are doing right now. People say they're doing terrible but that's horseshit. There's never been more single men than there are now, and these men are stuck inside without women, so ethots are rolling in the cash. E-thottery is a part of the new normal now. Enjoy your egf fellas. It's all you're ever getting. Tip her now.

Pierced nipples are an attempt to create permanent THO. Women who get them are self conscious about the default state of their huge areolas and hard-to-find nipples


>She's married

>not tampering with your todger like a spotty juv.
Use the lever for leverage against the degenerate sex jew.

>why COVID19 hits women the hardest
>women have to resort to prostitution! omg!!!

>meanwhile men are dying more from COVID19
>meanwhile unemployed men don't have the option of selling their bodies/lewd pics and have to survive on scraps

Yeah society is totally male oriented guys muh institutional sexism and rape culture amirite

(anyway isn't women doing this perpetuating rape culture even more?)

Have sex.

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Well spoke but I might need and English to English translation. Lot of interesting and big words for me fren