What's happening down there?
What's happening down there?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's melting.
Waiting for global warming to make it habitable so whites can gind a new home after the north hemisphere gets fully blacked.
Cold and icy and lame. It's fucking antarctica dude the fuck do you want
Some neutrino experiments?
There's more snow and ice there this year than we've ever recorded.
Wouldn't you like to know?
not saying much. it's a chunk of ice. and snow. and it's cold. and some crazy space agency fuckers go down there every once in a while. that's it
The edge of the world, holding the waters in
Jews are negotiating with Bill Gates and Elvis Presley the reinstitution of slavery.
Yeah, the point is that it's too fucking embarrassing for all the faggots who have been hyping the climate pseudoscience. One of the reasons why everyone has dropped that dud and gone over to shill for corona instead. Same things need to happen of course, only now because of sniffles instead of cow farts.
Penguins are the real redpill. Dr Mengele took the stolen jewsperm from the masturbation machines and attempted inseminating birds to create a race of airborne accountants. They didn't fly so good.
the virus is measurable and is grounded in existing scientific fact. (((climate change))) is the closest thing leftists have to science where they think natural processes that have always been natural are broken and humans are killing the planet because millions of years of checks and balances have failed somehow.
I thought you'd never ask!
They have this internet board called 4antarctica and they have valuable discussions there and no spam. Basically every thread starts with a short introduction into the subject, so everybody knows exactly what is the specific matter we discuss. Otherwise idiots would come and start spamming with threads like "What's happening down there?" kind of.
Of course the virus exist. It's just not particularly dangerous and the media/ngo/government/board shill response is completely insane.
Die Nebenwelt
Whatever happened to the heat maps that shown underground facilities?
I don't know what is going on there, let us take a look
shall we go deeper?
say what? deeper?
weird shit most likely
oh boy, here we go, now what? deeper,..well ok
you sure want to go down?
>X files music playing in background
there is no way back
think for yourself
What is truth?
is evil in control?
who are the good guys
why there
in the middle or on the top?
what is coinkedings?
how is this possible
hollow earth?
china china china
strange place
-84.893327, -177.209490
wake up
sheep no more
based kurwa
South Pole (like North Pole) is an exit point to the outer worlds beyond the Earth.
Concave earth theory is correct.
nothing to see there
Based Q impersonators
Well played but you're an ass.
As for whats down there, I suspect the ya'juj and ma'juj wall to subterranean "locusts of revelation" is there.
Perhaps also a portal to or geographic location of the the anti-christ being held in restraint.
Certainly some ancient civ type stuff no doubt, crustal displacement and all.
I reject the flying saucer nonsense
good job winters on its way
>penguins in antartica
that's nothing. there are the observations of birds and animals migrating north in the Spring and Autumn (Fall) I'm gonna quote few explorers, bear with me
>Explorer Kane reported seeing several groups of Brent Geese, which is an American migratory bird, flying north-east in their wedge-shaped line of flight at 80 degrees 50 north at Cape Jackson, near Grinnelland in late June 1854.
>Explorer Greely makes this statement of the northward migration of bears, “Lieutenant Lockwood, in May, 1882, noticed bear tracks (going north-east) on the north coast of Greenland, near Cape Benet in 83 degrees 3 N.,” and commented, “…I cannot understand why the bear ever leaves the rich hunting-field of the ‘North Water’ for the desolate shores of the northward.” (THREE YEARS, p. 366)
>Greely also wrote about the Ross Gull, “…the observations of Murdoch at Point Barrow show that this bird, in thousands, passes over that point to the north-east in October, none of which were seen to return.” (THREE YEARS, p. 383)
>Explorer Adolf Erick Nordenskiold, leader of a Swedish expedition, recorded in The Arctic voyage of 1858-1878, that on May 23, they saw north of Amsterdam Island (by Spitzbergen), “great numbers of barnacle geese…flying towards the north-west, perhaps to some land more northerly than Spitzbergen. (There is no such land on our present-day maps) The existence of such a land,” wrote Nordenskiold, “is considered quite certain by the walrus-hunters, who state that at the most northerly point hitherto reached, such flocks of birds are seen steering their course in rapid flight yet farther toward the north.” (Gardner, p. 160)
Geothermal powered AI with a subfreezing sea water cooling system linked in with Starlink 5G global systems. Her name is Alice and your time is almost up
>internet board 4antarctica
>no link
right now it's leaning left but sometimes it gets hard
it's funny how you say they're shilling for it, then employ direct shill tactics to say that it's nothing. this thread wasn't about corona. but you redirected to it. and about how it's nothing.
>ask not for whom the shill shills, for the shill shills for thee
What is Love?
Baby Don't Hurt Me
Don't Hurt Me
No More
Penguins and ice.
Their smoking ban fucking sucks.
i also like this 2/16 image on the right side, who knows why they cut it out. Ah yeah, earth is ending there, i forgot.
>when the troll is better than the original LARP
are you retarded? you know how many people would have to stay in conspiracy to hide the fact that this virus doesn't exist?
i'm talking about shitload of doctors, nurses etc. someone would blow the steam. virus exist but it's a man made bioweapon.
atlas is coming tho and soon you will all be dead kek (with me included probably)
24/7 Penguin orgies
Lots of penguins having sex.
It's funny how you seem to also want to talk about it a great deal and post your CIA nigger /cvg/ fag memes.
You know what would be very cool, now that the white hats have uncensored the google search, how about
you misinterpreted. I agree with you, and I still fall into the camp of it being a clever bioweapon. I'm making fun of him for shilling that it's fake/nothingburger.
i was first meme flaggot
...has that been done? I actually never thought to check. Maybe that Canadian cave they censored/arrested people if they went near it is a good place to start.
Comfily watching the world burn.
Elite pedophile human farm and breakaway civilization
You're so funny.
Nazi UFOs, hollow earth and eugenics projects done by aryans.
False! It’s melting in the North, but ice in Antarctica is growing! isn’t that right?
Based pole
Yas Forums ostatnio jest do dupy i to jest niezaprzeczalny fakt.
Sztuczny spam i tyle.
Lord Shiva.
>Dronning Maud Land
>Enderby Land
>Kemp Land
Did they just give up trying to come up with names for some parts? Or did no one give enough of a fuck to go visit them? Either way, lmao @ west antarctica virgins, east chads will rule the south pole.
sounds good
I thought Norwegians were supposed to be cool. mainly I'm just bumping this thread. it's always been interesting to me, but I've got fuck all to contribute. I find admiral Byrd's interviews extremely odd, though. A seemingly credible man who out the blue starts talking inner earth... I mean it's not like he went insane overnight, so there has to be something to it, right?
>I cannot understand why the bear ever leaves the rich hunting-field of the ‘North Water’ for the desolate shores of the northward.
Someone post the blackpilled penguin heading for the mountains
Are electric universe, hollow earth both related? Have you ever heard of expanding earth? That shit blew my mind. I honestly don’t even know what the fuck is real anymore.
To a certain degree it makes sense. How to the animals know where to go? We say it's natural instinct that birds know to fly south when it gets cold, but surely it must be learned. None of us are born knowing which direction we should take, it's learned. There must be animals that are the explorers of their kind. Majority of them will die and fail. The few that find new green pastures will return and pass it on, just like we have.
Fuck it here's a sad penguin
Earth isn't hollow, but you can live on the inside because the mantle has cooled in some areas and created giant holes where groups can live.
Antarctica is the Arctic for ants.
thanks ano crazi stuff happening over there
New global Parasite Class headquarters.
>he thinks Antarctica exists
Futuristic hyperborean nazi society.
I kind of want to make a follow-up vid with some additional topics. But I'm lazy.
It's a wall of ice