So his reelection is guaranteed now?

So his reelection is guaranteed now?

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yes but he will get shot by a muslim. mark my words. in the first 6 weeks after retaking the world

>talking about muslims
Every time

Nothing is guaranteed

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nah. virus will over within a month, but the economic disaster is only getting started. MSM will run stories about the incoming GDP and unemployment numbers for the next 6 months and Biden walks to victory.

Trump will get BTFO. The economy is shit and his handling of the COVID crisis is shit. A senile Biden is better than a as-usual Trump.

Depends on how well the economy recovers from Corona-Chan.
I can believe it honestly, if that happens and Pence gets in, we might see a new war on terror, at best the Evangelical Pence believes this is the end of days, and he is the second horsemen of the Apocalypse, and causes a true war on islam and not on "terror".

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Kraut's Law

He's gonna lose... and loose badly.

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Not if Cuomo is the DNC's pick for Biden's running mate.

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If the virus is gone by the summer and the economy gets back on track yes

It has been for quite a while now.

He had the choice of saving the economy or saving lives and he chose to kill both. He isn't getting reelected. always was

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For The Greater Good

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With the way people (or should I say CNN?) react to his covid response, I'm actually not sure. In fact I think he's less of a chance than Biden.

>>nah. virus will over within a month, but the economic disaster is only getting started. MSM will run stories about the incoming GDP and unemployment numbers for the next 6 months and Biden walks to victory.

There will probably be an economic pent-up bounce once the epidemic eases.

The WuhanVirus did mess up the economy but as economic downturns go, a "natural disaster" that no one foresaw cannot be blamed on Trump. In fact, Trump OWNS the topic of economic recovery—he has been consistently harping on it since before his election. The Democrats have been avoiding it, preferring to go with "social justice"-type of issues.

The public will go with the guy that presided over the US economic rise after the malaise of Obama/Biden.

Now, if the economic slump continues for a long period (a year or more) after the virus burns out, then the public will start to get impatient and turn away....but the election is too soon to save the Democrats.

>we're going to see the saddest debate of all time live on national television thanks to Biden winning
>we might actually see Hillary become president if she's VP and some how manages to bump him off
With all the shit going on I'm not sure what the future holds.

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B-bros......What did Zion Don mean by this?

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was an impeached president ever reelected?

If that happens no mosque will be left unburnt in America

His odds would have drastically improved if the commie was nominated but I still have faith he'll sweep desu

Bernie Bros are welcome on the Trump Train
MAGA2020 KAG2020


I hope Trump went and found Corn Pop and uses him in his campaign.
That would be brilliant, assuming that shit is real, and the nigger is still alive.

Pretty much. I've seen some lefties declaring that they're gonna vote for a third party but there is no way they get enough votes to even remotely challenge GLUMPHF. And a lot are just flat out not going to vote for demented Joe.

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Never mind. He was real, supposedly, but nigga dead now.
You can never tell with the media and politics. I could easy see the entire thing being made up and elaborated upon by both sides to see who can make up the most outrageous vote-grabbing story and the media just going along with all of it like fucking idiots.

Team Biden has already committed to running a wahmen

fear of the virus is going to reduce voter turnout. Trump fand love the guy, biden won't be able to get anyone to risk the virus to vote...its no contest.

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He doesn't get to pick the VP, the DNC does.

I think only Biden's apparent dementia has sealed Trump's victory. A competent Joe Biden could probably stand a chance at winning.

Yes. The economy will recover, COVID-19 will eventually end and he will use every ounce to point out he led the country through the crisis, not Biden, and Biden's mental state is in such decline he will probably scare away support from former Bernie and sensible Democrats.

Its a win guys, but don't act like it yet. Still work to do. Time to meme Joe Biden into the fucking ground.

false prophecy
kgb did 911 via iran/saudi arabia.
bangkok 83
iranian revolution 4 yrs prior
Jan 1978 – Feb 1979
wuo=falseflag directors
2014 leak of 20 yrs of hand transcribed kgb noc lists etc helped expose this.
>Overflights, mapping fiber-optic networks, “strange activities.” Moscow’s West Coast spies were busy.
here's the road map they potentially followed
>take your meds
harassment campaign
>mk ultra
>mk = Member of Knesset
kgb backdoored the jews w/ humanitarian aid bait, blackmail, threats of war w/ muslims that they psyoped into unknowing army for political gain like video related
get clued in. dodge red pill bullshit
q is putins spy net operating in the white house
trump might be being held hostage in open air for all we know.
learn the code to filter trash out.
war on drugs started by the new communist party of america by leveraging church ideals to create a spy net. the wife beating was done by everyone but mostly by immigrants to boost stats for the cause.
the stock market crash was financial terrorism as payback for workers rights as was the titanic.
view death list. built to sink.

>2020 is in the bag?
Unless he fucking dies, Yeah. And that also means a lot of people own me a lot of money. I'm slowly starting like this time line. Shit is wild

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It's a ploy to shoe horn in a female president. Biden is going to die, and they probably intend to make a big show of it on the media. Obama speeches, some Republican cuck thrown in there to show how bipartisan they are. And then, all hail the queen, as they showcase the formal inauguration of the first female president. Who, of course, did it on the back of a man.
Biden is in pretty bad shape, obviously. NO way he can handle the stress of office in his mental condition, and there's no way a campaign manager could not know that.
They're gonna run a female, and then pat themselves on the back about it, and it's gonna be all you hear about for however long she manages to last.

Didn't happen after 9/11

You're stupid af
Hell no
Shouldn't have lied several times about cv

and he will survive

the dems are gonna cheat, stay vigilant.

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Question is whether Pence has balls to nuke the source of that muslim infestation?

Yes, but we need to still get out and vote to absolutely humiliate the Democrats.

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Yes they are going with Biden.
He is a minute away from wondering who the people in the pictures on his wall are.
I will be surprised if he makes it to the convention before dropping out.

The test will be how often they let him speak in public. The spotlight is on.

It came close though. With Sikhs suddenly not wearing turbans.

Nothing is guaranteed user..... We must still fight

Unless Cuomo gets a sex change or identify as a woman of color then hell no

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Imagine being you.

Nothing is guaranteed OP. Biden for his senility does have crossover appeal with working class people (Something Hillary did not have)

It's Trump or a black female president.

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Even the guarantee that nothing is guaranteed.

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I kind of want to see Biden step down and be replaced by Cuomo. Having Trump make fun of the fucker's nipple piercings during a live debate would be priceless.

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Yes, who the fuck voted for him over Hillary will vote for Biden over him?

Fuckin saved, thank you

dont u guys think u might be getting too cocky here? wouldnt having biden be the nominee be the best move for dnc? if bernie was chosen, good chance the boomer fossils that wanted biden were going to turn to trump, most of the whiny genY/Z i know of are just not going to vote instead of turning to trump

The best move for the DNC is dissolution. The only think keeping them from getting slaughtered right now is laws.

Nah, we're all going out to vote just to dab on those faggots.

No, they will keep the country locked down through November
No debates, no more primaries, no conventions, etc
Voting will be mail-in only, and Biden will "win" in a landslide
In late December the DNC will admit that Biden is dead and that his VP, Harris, will be president


No. It may be dependent on who Biden's running mate. After that, we can determine who will win the election

There's that word again

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>the dems are gonna (((cheat)))
Ya don't say
>also checked

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- Incumbent advantage during a crisis: nobody wants to change their horse during this shit

- Free Trump Rallies Every Day - the press conferences are free publicity, huuuuuge.

- Joe Biden? Who's that? Biden is forgotten now that all rallies are shut down, no convention, no shaking hands and molesting girls, nothing.

Finally, if dems try to steal the election Trump will fucking cancel the election and make himself president for life.

So yes, Trump wins.

100% m8
