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i mean, they look a lot cleaner when they are dressed properly... also women are incorrigible attention whores
Women were a mistake.
without a doubt almost every "sexy version" looks like every other classless trashy brown slut, wew
Disgusting parasites. The crawl to the army because they know war won't break up because of nukes.
She would probably be running toward bullets while you were running away.
The memes are real!
>implying women would ever risk their life for anything but bbc
Both the roastie and user would be running away from bullets. Only dumbasses and poor fags want to work for ZOG
Imagine these in combat situations.
Your mother made a mistake by not aborting you, you fucking weak beta
Where is Chelsea Manning?
Constant arguing over petty shit until something happens in which case they would have a complete mental breakdown and destroy morale of the unit.
>Imagine relying on women to protect you
>goes to Iran
>returns pregnant
shut up pol cuck, your dad should've rolled over and shot you on the wall.
You're lucky I deleted all my female army webms.
free fuck dolls for the enemy
Wars are not fight like fucking Vietnam idiot, most of the war theaters now are sand niggers with old Russian rifles and G.I.s sending coordinates from 1 mile away to spray them niggers with lead in the mountains.
Most of the face to face combat happens in urban areas when soldiers have to do patrol missions to bust sand niggers hoarding guns and women are not allowed anywhere near both of those scenarios, women are keep safe at the base doing absolutely fuck all and their only purpose to be there is to relief soldiers balls after a long day of patrolling is no secret that every female who gets enlisted in the army gets 20 cocks a day either voluntarily or by force
I want to be a "War Prisoners Camp" GUARD, just picture the fun!!!
I can't wait for that, real female soldiers understand that their vagina is a liability and way too strong a barganing chip in the hands of the enemy
It’s actually a biological weapon, imagine the diseases these thots carry.
I would
There is a tiny fraction of women in the military that have a grip on themselves.
A tiny fraction.
Having fun in lock down? Your country is going to fall and it's going to fall hard. Remember this. You are doomed, pal, there is no way out of this for you.
6 fingers?
keep wishing irrelevant faggot
>also women are incorrigible attention whores
This, why can't i play a game of CSS without women attention whoring in the server? There were 4 females playing, all playing with their real pics, and of course they get love from the simps.
video is pretty accurate, there's not many white women in the military. Maybe there was that one blonde one but I couldn't see her eyes, she may be half something and not even totally white.
Straight women usually never see combat, they can always get pregnant and get out of it. It's usually the dykes who want it.
>not a single white woman
Yep, it's America
It's funny because like 98% of women in the military are in support roles. The vast majority of them don't touch a firearm ever again once out of basic.
>Having fun in lock down?
It's not so bad, i'm already a homebody kinda person anyways, so i don't really mind this. And it would be nice if this country fell apart, but i doubt it will from this... Let's cross our fingers that next year we get an Ebola-Covid19 hybrid. Now that would be epic.
The cluster fuck of women in combat begins with navigation fail:
>On March 23, 2003, a convoy of the United States Army's 507th Maintenance Company and the 3rd Combat Support Battalion elements, led by a Humvee driven by Lori Piestewa, made a wrong turn and were ambushed near Nasiriyah. . . .
That's why they're kept out of combat situations.
I didn't run into a roastie until I got fucked up and got sent to recovery.
The only thing worse than female servicemen are their simp superiors.
Morale was in the dumps. They get away with everything, they don't do anything. Why? Because they're women and burgers are inherently beta
are they all non white?
>Sir, it's my understanding that we can only get 4,000 lbs of supplies to the entrenched forward operating base at this time. Our troops are out of fresh water, food and ammunition. What should we send?
>Just make sure it includes at least 500 lbs of feminine hygiene products.
Good thing none of them are war fighters.
Are women in the military really getting fucked that much?
the military is just like the dmv now
Seeing NCO's do this shit infuriates me. You are the example, you are the role model, you are the future.
"I am proud of the Corps of noncommissioned officers and will at all times conduct myself so as to bring credit upon the Corps, the military service and my country regardless of the situation in which I find myself."
In that video they are, many of them are white trash. Some of them seem alright, geeky and meek but then you remember they've been ran through a million times, looks can be deceiving.
The American military is full of goblinas lol.
Military is nothing more than another avenue to welfare
Air Force = most of the white women. And nearly all of the decent ones.
t. zogbot armyfag
This is why non-whites should be kicked out of the military.
Safe from what?
Meh thread. Would fuck this one, though.
This uniroincally. Like 85% of Combat Arms is whites. Special Forces and Fixed Wing Aviation is even higher percentage.
I mean come on, it's like a 1000 to 1 - male to female ratio.
There's also SHARP getting jammed down from the top.
25% of the co / nco eval is a big box you check, amounting to "I am good to women."
so is America lol
Its cause shes the biggest slut you saw eh paco?
Nuke china
Send her to Sanjin and let her get a TBI from a VBIED or IED or too And then let's see what tune she sings and dance she dances. What a self indulging , clout chasing military THOT. Someone dispatch her to do actual service overseas and let's see her social media page then.
This. Imagine being a man that hates women.
Keep us safe from whom?
Spic Sierra.
Post your military femoids.
>A housewife she isn't, but if she save my ass in a pinch then she's as good as anyone.
There was one who collected a nametape from every stooge she fucked, and stuck them to the ceiling of her car. Nearly her entire ceiling was covered with nametapes.
Wrong, that kind of stupid shit can be found all over. This is a global phenomenon, the result of pretending women are equal to men.
I forgot that fucking creed so fast after ets.
I don't have to imagine. I got to see them in Iraq. I got to see them in the morgue after being shot or blasted by IEDs. The unsanitized and uncensored after action reports all described them as useless and cowardly under fire.
Imagine believing he was serious.
>she's as good as anyone.
Not a bit of muscle, with a fat lazy ass. No, she's not even as good as a mediocre male soldier.
Plenty of them were hot. But that's not the issue.
Dude I've caught female privates getting railed out behind vending machines, under temporary buildings, out in the middle of where the unit does pt at night, in the smoking pit etc etc. The military for females is no different than the typical college experience for females, but the military females somehow do even less work than the students. It's a joke, the whole military in general is if you're not in a combat related MOS.
watch out, the demographics have radically shifted
if you served in the 90s the demographics will probably be unrecognizable
>but if she save my ass in a pinch then she's as good as anyone.
Don't hold your breath in that situation. The last thing they'll do is stick their neck out for you.. like ever.
Just like in the police force. They are only in the armed forces because globalhomos put it in their brain that they should do everything.
Not likely, Kike. Since she’s a woman nobody would kill her for running the other way.
Traumatise thots into tradbots NOW
Mom let the hyaena use her computer again.
>Plenty of them were hot
in what world does the military actually keep Americans in America safe?
>women in uniform
thank you zog, very cool
It's designed to weaken and destroy our military. Do you see more infighting and less banding together among men where females are involved?
La guardia goblina...
she has a bit of muscle
She's somewhat bangin but sadly, probably won't have many kids. And so the stock degrades...