>mormon church has stockpile of food, water, toiletpaper and other supplies for up to 4 years for all members in Utah >you can request any amount that fits your needs if you claim you are in troubling times to your bishop and they will give it to you as long as you are an active member >all food and supplies are grown, farmed, made and manufactured in Utah by LDS workers
Is your church self sustaining? Does your church promise all of its members living conditions when times are rough?
No? Better start working on that. God Bless Mitt Romney, God bless Russell M. Nelson, and GOD BLESS UTAH.
>Just join our cult and we'll take care of you! >You'll learn some secret handshakes too!
Nah I'm good. I'll go to a church that actually preaches Christianity
Adam Perez
Can't wait for all those assholes to shoot themselves and I can burn the doors open with an acetylene torch and take all their boxes of FLOUR
Wyatt Lewis
no, im an atheist, its good for America to be non-religious
Xavier Scott
>my commune is a commune >can you say the same about your non-commune We promote a self sustaining culture that doesnt fall apart if a church gets robbed by africans
Noah Sanders
Independent, or wut?
Christian Collins
or the burghers can just send the army, wipe you out and take it, way easier lol
Cameron Hernandez
What about the Holy Underwear? Do they have plenty of those in the LSD Church?
Cameron Gray
>its good for America to be non-religious It really is not.
Kayden Thompson
I married into a Mormon family. My wife grew up lds but stopped believing when she was 16. Still have great relationship with her senpai.
Evan Stewart
They wont give you shit senpai. No refunds.
Jordan Young
Abosolutely user. Just hand over 10% of your income and buy some at our church-approved stores
Carson Young
Lol, Just as evil as the Jews.
Easton Myers
Yeah, but don't be a christ cuck.
Kayden Ward
No. But we can just take the masonic Mormons stuff. Faggots
Matthew Hall
Mitt "corporations are people" Romney
Carter Hall
The Mormon church is also certainly a degenerate cult and needs to be purged like the rest.
Grayson Robinson
>Don't believe the religion that proves whites are God's people Kindly piss off, Gonzales. Christogenea.org
Jace Torres
I though LDS members are responsible to buy their own year's worth of supplies. I assume that means weapons and tactical supplies too.
There's some Mormon compounds in northern Mexico that are pretty hardened and weaponized.
>Can't be bothered to do 5 minutes of research >Thinks Jews are somehow using the single man they hate more than anybody in history to... Control people? >While they're pushing the atheist agenda Must be more of that 4d chess I hear about.
Mason Green
Lol, the entire world is going to see just how degenerate the Mormon "church" really is.
Nolan Powell
You mean the polygamy, the incest, and the pedophilia? Yeah, we know about that already.
Lol, that doesn't even break the tip of the iceberg of Mormon degeneracy, trust me, and you, and the entire world will see, screen cap this.
Kayden Ortiz
why would a legitemate church have to prepare, other than provide confessions
Lincoln Gonzalez
The entire world is going to see what is so bad about them.
Wyatt Jenkins
Both of those whores look Jewish
Nathan Diaz
their polygamy is often times combined with incestuous relationships and pedophilia. On top of that, their theology is simply gnostic ideas that their founder got from Freemasonry.
i grew up in Idaho in a small town filled with fucking Mormons. I grew up a Mormon myself. one thing i can say, even though their cult is fucking trash.. they are fucking based when it comes to racism and prepping.
>ITT Satanists show their jealousy of based Mormons >How dare you build a self sufficient community you must succumb to the devil's tool of manipulation
Angel King
Mormons may be sectants but are a based one so I respect them for what it's worth can I hab some toilet paper ?
Ian Martinez
The Mormons mind their own business.They are targeted because they dare to go off the grids. Your only attack on them is false flag disinfo that has done nothing constructive ever and only to sow diversion. Smells like the devil's work to me.
Oh, and they sure as fuck do bother people. Why don't you try moving to Utah and see how you're treated if you're not a member of their stupid little cult. apnews.com/07145585aaf44d4e8edaa389109a2cd7
Oh, and being a bunch of degenerate pedophiles is not exactly harmless
Give anything you can't just say these guys abduct children as if they are some sort of kikes or something
Say what you meant just say it
Sebastian Harris
More like Jewtah
Thomas Stewart
Truth They also have 'blood atonement' which is just kike blood libel Damned to hell, but good on them prepping. Too bad they are so insidious that they take away people from Christ They believe Joseph Smith, a Mason, to be the other 'blood atonement' these faggot satanists.
Samuel Harris
Lol, be patient for a while, not today, but soon you will get all the information you need on why the Mormon "church" should be outlawed.
Kevin Gomez
I wish i was mormon they all look so happy and have a huge family
Mason Morales
They do, and the world will see, also abducting children isn't anywhere close to being the worst thing they've ever done ;)
Daniel Butler
>Mormon cuck pill >Says Jesus is brothers with lucifer >Says God is a created being >infinite gods >in reality subverted so hard by Satan believe they have the American Indian Jewish Book of Mormon with 0 historical evidence even though their civilization was purportedly larger than Rome; also that you will become a god of your own polygamist planet.
Fuck off Satan I already left your church; Christ is king, repent today, Joseph Smith is a false prophet very simple.