Yas Forums I'm about to break my fucking laptop in half. Trumptards will you shelter us Bernie bros I'm changing teams

Yas Forums I'm about to break my fucking laptop in half. Trumptards will you shelter us Bernie bros I'm changing teams.

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Serves you right for believing a passive beta cuck like bernie had a chance to begin with.

built for bbc

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no fuck you, we dont want subhuman worshiping losers here.

As a pious Christian and God-loving American, of course I will, as will many. After all, if a retard simp can find salvation and see the sins of being a onions boy Bernie Bro, then the human race has a chance

Yeah I don't remember asking cum guzzling Eurotrash's faggot opinion so stay in your pussy neutral place and mind yourself when Americans are talking white ape

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Lmao that's what you get for believing in another puppet. Bernie played your ass. KEK.

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No one here unironically supports trump unless they're straight from reddit
Kind of like you

Thank you user forgive me

Shit up spic.

No, traitors aren't loyal, you get the rope faggot.

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No refunds, tho.

Don't ever call me a reddit fag in you miserable neet life faggot and that ironic talk sounds like some glowy shot

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get the fuck out cuck lover.
disgusting ugly mutt attention whore

You realize The_donald is reddit right?
Ever since 2016 you retards have been pouring in

you are welcome here as long as you remember niggers and kikes did this to you.

we get first dibs on traps coming into the fold

get your shit together


get out
fucking based
its called /ptg/ now

Hey OP, this guy is right.
I’m still voting for Trump, but sucking his dick is the job of reddit fags. You can vote for him but not support him. These shills should work for us. They’re public servants. They don’t deserve political fellatio

Maybe Bernie will let you live in his 4th house when he buys it with your money.

Honestly presidents don't matter much we live in a constitutional republic


welcome to the gang

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Break your laptop faggot. Do it.

Kys for making such a shitty thread
And mostly for being a moron

To be honest yes that bitch just had something that i dont want to fuck her, maybe is her jaw and broad shoulders, is she a he?

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>22 years old

>currentyear+5 Europe
Non-whites like you aren't American. Go to Europafrica, nigger.

Lol it was changed to a democracy in 1917, a republic means the senate is chosen by state leaders, not the people like now

Show HRT tits or gtfo.

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>You realize The_donald is reddit right?
the_donald isnt even active anymore. Check it out, admins removed all their jannies and replaced them with trannies, then locked all submissions so nobody could post to it. They effectively (((shut it down))) without banning it (which would cause media attention)

Based and redpilled

>can you shelter us Bernie bros
When you post "gas the kikes glass the chinks" on your Twitter, I'll begin to consider you sincere.
Until then fuck off.


Pretty much everyone chooses him as the lesser evil

show vag or f.o.

Checked, why does she look 50?

Sure, but we must first quarantine you and catch you up with redpills all the way to the blackpill. Only then will you be truly saved. Also, slide thread sage.

You must first renounce your Pic Rel, then we can consider your request.

yeah because sucking zog cock and having his Hasidic third temple son in law run his administration is the lesser of evils

>boomer teehee okie boomer :-D
She looks like a fucking boomer at 22.

kys faggot

please take her far away

Cutest commie ever.

Right there with you. Fuck the DNC.

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No jannines you fucking faggot for fucks sake fuck off you sweaty fucking Neets attracted them go fucking "Wellll actually" on Yas Forums you fucking faggot

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I genuinely don't understand how you fell for this again. Like Bernie could have rain third party last election, and almost certainly lost, but at least he would have stuck to his principles.

Why the fuck do you keep backing someone that cucks out?

Would you really have been better off under Hillary? Or Biden? For fuck's sake, what do you expect them to do?

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>Yas Forums I'm about to break my fucking laptop in half.

Why? we already knew Bernie was done weeks ago. Enjoy having a functional healthcare system.

Same kike spamming this shit in every thread for weeks now. Why do you do this Moshe?

El Goblino


>openly and unabashedly pro-corporatist, pushed for the bill that prevents college loan bankruptcy, sundowning which makes him easier to manipulate by porky

>does not give a fuck about corporate cronyism beyond lip service, can’t deliver significant results on immigration, just wants to play golf and brag about his poll numbers

Remember corporations are forever subsidized by your tax dollars because they don’t have to pay for dem programz. Enjoy paying for corporate bailouts while your salary gets cut. NO REFUNDS!

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This is so sad can we get 12 likes

No. Dig a 6 foot deep hole and off yourself.

i fucking hate communists
id kill you myself if allowed

KEK I look younger than her and I'm almost 34

>I hate this political ideology I cannot even define properly so much I want to kill people over it!
Typical retard, Bernie is a central capitalist at best you dumb faggot.

so you're voting for biden?

confirmed for glownigger

Brock Lesnar moved to and now considers himself Canadian you moron.

shoulda spent that boob job money on a facelift, grandma