What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Reddit was delusional.

What went right?
Doomed from the very start.

Black people


Never trust a hippie !

Speaking of which, /Ridin With Biden/ here we come

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Nothing. Everything is going according to plan. Trump will be re-elected, and Don Jr. will run in 2024.

"the ineffectual socialist" is a common motif in american politics.

Americans heard the word "socialist," and immediately flew into a panic.

75 years to early for the US

He lost a lot his core support base.
Some of them grew up, moved on, and realized that socialism isnt cool or hip anymore. A lot can change in 4 years, and these last 4 years have been pretty important. It really seemed like he didn't evolve or change his strategy at all for 2020.
There's also the fact that he suddenly adopted some neoliberal positions despite being against them in 2016. People caught onto that and it he lost more support since it made him seem fake and just desperate to gain cred with the DNC. I said before that he didn't really change his overally strategy, but that only really applies to his whole 'social democracy' brand. Him trying to preach social democracy while also shilling for open borders was a massive turn off and really exposed him for what he is.

Finally, the last 4 years have NOT been kind to Sanders in terms of public image. More and more news came out about how he basically supported Castro, owns a bunch of vacation homes, has a bunch of wealth hoarded away, etc.
Not a good look for someone who claims to be a soc-dem.

Fpbp, The delusion was so horrid, they imagine him already running.

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He was a scammer. That’s what’s wrong.

“No refunds”

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Nothing. He did exactly what he wss meant to.

Despite having revolutionary ideas, he's still fully aligned with the establishment, delusional retards unironically believed he was fighting the system when in fact he's part of it.

it's more appealing to have and spend wealth in a consumer based society than distribute it to people in a lower class

There must be something going on behind the scenes. He campaigned through worse in 2016.


Nothing, he won the hearts of millions and changed the system forever, you can never take that victory away from him. Bernie will come back in 2024, refreshed and in a better position than ever before, deal with it Trumpers.

> Convince thousands of Millennials you're running for president
> Solicit millions of dollars in donations
> Drop out of the race
> Issue no refunds

Fast Forward 4 years...

> Convince the same thousands of Millennials and now thousands of Zoomers that you're running for president
> Convince them you support the working class while owning 3 houses and an Audi R8
> Solicit more millions of dollars in donations
> Drop out of the race again
> Issue no refunds again

God I hope he lives until 2024 just to see if he goes for the hat-trick

>"joe is a good friend of mine"
>"joe can beat trump"
That's what went wrong

>Bernie will come back in 2024, refreshed and in a better position than ever before,
He'll be 82 at that point. If he's still alive.

Yup. Someone awhile back posted a good point. Blacks already have the free shit Bernie promised so they don’t care.

And this proves yet again the Democratic Party is not anywhere close to being socialist or communist.

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Would unironically rather have Pence be president instead of Bernie.



he was too much of a pussy to call out Biden's dementia.

Nothing. Bernie did his job like he was supposed to.

He was too nice to the party that was openly trying to fuck him, he should've taken the green partys nom and burned the dnc to the ground in the hopes of a party splitoff so that his ideals could actually one day be reached

Antisemitism, unfortunately.

nothing... he was a nice distraction for far left retards who think everything can be free and it'll magically all work out

should have seen that coming from the uk labor shitfest
>but how can the revolution fail if 99% of my twitter circle support it?

The DNC and local voter suppression in the wake of a pandemic. Made it im possible for Bernie to win.

Biden has no chance and Bernie voters now this, and even the DNC knows this, but the DNC would rather have Trump (who wont go after the rich) win and it remains status quo than Bernie who would make the rich pay what they owe which includes the DNC as well.

Voter suppression and Biden being just as likable as Hillary has all but assured a Trump Re-election. But once boomers are dead. Trump will probably be the last republican for a long long time. Hopefully the members of the DNC hang for this.

Bernie voter voting for Trump.. again. Fuck the DNC

It was just a stunt performance.

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>What went wrong?
The democrats literally rigged the election, they just made up the results. Look at the exit polls.


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The media and journo class kept lying about him, and he's a cuck so he just took it, and democrats are retards who are the only group in America that trust the MSM unlike independants and republicans so they listened to what the media said and voted biden

Doubled down on bolshevik, antifa, wayciss, woke, tranny freakshow politics when he should have gone for a simple working class anti-corporatism. But leftism is a package deal and you can't have the good things without the freakshow. That's what he gets for allowing niggers and women to run his campaign.

LMAO those are certainly words. But he otherwise was offering nothing to the elderly and African. A couple million broke zoomers don't deserve a candidate to call their own.

Wordswordswords aside black people simply don't trust jews.

you don't get it.
nothing went wrong.

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When he started winning he was actually shocked it was happening and didn't know what to do. When Biden counterpunched in SC he didn't know how to properly hit back. When Biden started winning he just kind of gave up. Even when the economy tanked and the virus hit the country hard he didn't go HAM on Biden about how "muh socialism would fix all this", he just kind of went 'f-fuck u drumpf, plz donate to me' and then dropped out a week later.

Dems refused to elect the New Communist Party.

It's a no brainier OP, kids don't get out and vote they just whine and seethe on twatter. He's an anti white rat no boomer would vote for and the left needs their boomers . The niggers didn't like him, so no nigger votes.

One of the biggest reasons was the loudmouthed trannies that supported him. They are a very small % that are sure to drive away a lot of voters, no matter how much virtue signaling you see from the left when the chips are down seeing a mentally ill man in a dress saying he's a woman and to vote for Bernie so him and his fag husband can get free surgery to cut off their dicks paid for by everyone else's tax dollars will always disgust people.

this. also, champagne socialist

Well. Now he's multimillionaire - thanks to contributors just like you. lol.

Bernie got a better deal

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>What went wrong?
Incumbent president

That old rat will be dead in two years tops son

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Based and truthpilled

took one for the team in 2016 instead ripping the dem party a new hole for their cheating
at that point
the dems knew they could roll him when ever they wanted
and the critical thinking knew, he wasnt the ONE

The right soundtrack and appeal to empathy gains sympathy for blindly ultrapositive hacked brains of social media labrats. These ideals are spread like a less infectious SARS-CoV-2.

Dont worry, they just paid him off again and he is buying his 4th large house and estate.

All smoke and mirrors and sucking cock jews.

The Dem establishment was smarter and more unified than the Republican establishment. It’s as simple as that.


This, Sanders never wanted to be president, he know he would get whacked by Mossad if he didn’t anything anti-Shitsrael like JFK.


Glad you agree, seemed fairly obvious to me. He never really had a chance, I can't wait to see all the salt, it will sustain me until Nov when a fresh back of lib tears drown the nation

China doesn’t have the balls to run a commie progressive so they’re gonna do another Clinton using Biden. Same result in the end. Xi might actually be retarded

ncpa gottem
kgb did 911 via iran/saudi arabia. youtu.be/l5aZJBLAu1E
bangkok 83
iranian revolution 4 yrs prior
Jan 1978 – Feb 1979
wuo=falseflag directors
2014 leak of 20 yrs of hand transcribed kgb noc lists etc helped expose this.
>Overflights, mapping fiber-optic networks, “strange activities.” Moscow’s West Coast spies were busy.
here's the road map they potentially followed
>take your meds
harassment campaign
>mk ultra
>mk = Member of Knesset
kgb backdoored the jews w/ humanitarian aid bait, blackmail, threats of war w/ muslims that they psyoped into unknowing army for political gain like video related
get clued in. dodge red pill bullshit
q is putins spy net operating in the white house
trump might be being held hostage in open air for all we know.
learn the code to filter trash out.
war on drugs started by the new communist party of america by leveraging church ideals to create a spy net. the wife beating was done by everyone but mostly by immigrants to boost stats for the cause.
the stock market crash was financial terrorism as payback for workers rights as was the titanic.
view death list. built to sink.

Nothing. Bernie's role was to swindle stupid kids looking for free shit into donating to a party they would have otherwise never supported. He never had a chance and anyone who's been paying attention would have known this. A judge even ruled in 2017 that the DNC could hand pick their candidate in a back room over cigars if they so chose.

What? It's the complete truth, I don't think anyone can fault my logic on this one fren.

Hi media matters share blue jew faggot! You will never win.

>anti establishment
>thinks he can run against the people that run everything

He was doomed from the start.

Oh no no no no


Bernie Sanders was a cuck

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He didn’t get enough votes.


The anti-Hillary vote was stronger in 2016 than the progressive movement in America.

Listen Jack, I approve of this message...why did I stop talking

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Neither of the candidates are anything like that retard

No I'm from the future Bernie died of a heart attack during the 2020 democratic convention

What coronavirus outbreak suppressed Bernies vote in SC? Don’t fucking start, Bernie supporters insulted and demeaned every single person that wouldn’t join their communist cult. His supporters were a literal extension of his mean-spiritedness.