When will whites admit the Jews won?

- Entire world in lockdown

- surveillance and tracking systems being set up to monitor every individual (in the US its being headed by Kushner ben Benjamin)

- alongside this, 5G is being installed which can be literally be used to precision fry someone's lungs to death or make them severely sick (then blame it on the 'rona)

- social and economic collapse following lockdown, once the pawns get uppity its either martial law or select individuals "taken to the hospital for having a high fever" (ie. CIA style interrogations then put in psych ward until the meds rot their brains)

- all that whites have left are 'muh superior blue eyes' meme, and other distractions/psy-ops decades and even centuries old that they still follow

- their only 'options': turn to (Jewish created) Communism, (Jewish controlled opposition) Nazism, (Jewish originated) Christianity, (Jewish manipulated) paganism, (Jewish influenced) nationalism/incelism/nihilism/UFOism/bunch of other shit

Meanwhile: men of ancient Caucasus ancestry who were squeezed by Europeans and Semites are awakening to the long lost culture and religion of their forefathers that is pure of any ((stain)) and build up the new world with an army of super-feminine East Asian tgirls

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They won in the 60's, this is only cope.

Based and trannypilled

they actually won over 2000 years ago.

and (((you))) are also flooding Yas Forums with all these demoralization threads pretending to be black pilled Europeans.

however much control they have, its only because they've been able to set the rules. However, they only make the rules as long as whites let them make the rules. jews and elites have to maintain a very very very delicate balancing act, and one bad enough slip up is all it will take for 110 time. some even think that already happened with the trump election.

either absolutely 100 percent of everything goes your way for 90 years, or you lose.

>he thinks trump isnt jewish

There is nothing whites can do. Even if some of them try to be rebels the owners of the entire system can frame with a false flag, get infiltrated, bribe others, and use minorities against them. It would take the majority of whites plus other races to collaborate but that's not possible.

When will kikes admit they're desperate
>overplaying their hand with a bullshit lockdown that even the most brainwashed npc inevitably will question
>expending the last ounce of credibility the msm has with a big nothingburger. People might not trust the media about hurricanes and shit after this.
>Attempting to crash the economy - fail so hard its not even funny
>Oy vey they goyim know, quick crash the economy and blame it on the kikeflu. "B-but we printed so much and its still not crashing???
>enlist an army of Yas Forums shills - all legit users know its a hyped up kikeflu

learn how to use (((echos))) properly newfag. It's three parenthesis or more. Never less.

True but it woke up millions to the kike question when Trump cucked out

Of course they won you stupid faggot, that's why we're here in the first place

Didn't read, girl is absolute doll tho.

the people who voted for him weren't

Kina Shen
Creepy bitch but it make my pp hard

progress has been made in four years. imagine after a couple generations.

They won near the end of the Bronze Age when they took over Egypt and destroyed everybody else.

I'm not afraid. Jews literally killed my entire family in the holodomor. All that's left is me and my sister.

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Those high waisted bttoms ruin it.
Fuck that 80s fashion should have stayed in the 80s, how dare they ruin midriffs.

Also truly obvious kikepost. Mixes truth with lies and says Hitler was a kike which he truly wasn't. The asian cunt meme is old and stale Chaim, back to the yeshiva with you, your petty hasbara is embarrassingly obvious.
>we can fry your brains if we want to, we can push a button and you all die, trust me goy!
If the kikes could do any of those things they already would be, you don't employ an army of shitskin shills because its fun. You do it because you're scared.

The only way for the jews to win anything is having the other side never be aware of the fight. Whites can't admit jews won, because first whites must realize they're fighting jews, and then the jews would inevitably lose.

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>When will whites admit the Jews won?

Your question is built on a false premise. Jews cannot win until all whites are eliminated, so even if those of us remaining admitted the jews won we would simply be incorrect. We're not pets or slaves. We cannot be conquered. The jews will not win.

This. The game is never over. If Trump did anything at all, it was getting more people to ask questions they've never asked before.

איך בין מיט מיין ברודער

I don't speak upside down kike.

1. nothing to do with jews
2. ok schizo
3. so when we all get back to work then the economy will collapse? k
4. that's a jewish meme that we only care about "blue eyes, blonde hair" you retard
5. nazism is a jewish control op, ok top kek bro

meme bread, retarded op, mostly likely a jewish fag too. eat a dick and hop in an oven. faggot

>We're not pets or slaves. We cannot be conquered.
But you're literally bred and genetically selected to be passive to government with the benefit of being 2nd place in society. The only reason you have any pride is because they allowed it. The veils are lifting and everyones starting to get a good long look at eachother. This Corona thing basically showed this entire system is a joke along with politics.

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I already sent the trophy two weeks ago!
Probably some kike've stolen it. Damn!

Even if (((they))) have won--and they haven't--you can't extinguish the drive and desire.
Who is the most recognizable person the world over? What one person would be recognizes if you showed them a picture of person in question in any country, in any province/state/region?
I'll give you a hint: It isn't Trump, Obama, Merkel, Sargon or Winnie the Flu.

What's the most recognizable symbol and aesthetic in the world? If you wore a red armband with a Swastika on it , you'd get recognized by indigenous tribes of Papua New Guinea which are isolated from the rest of the fucking world.

The dream will never die because the dream was real, it was tangible; it gave people purpose, a cause and something to invest their efforts into that would invest back into them.

Your shilling here only broadens the base of people and opens their eyes. The open shilling of you, China and others is blatant and laid out bare for all to see. If anything, Yas Forums and particularly Yas Forums is a double-edged sword to your efforts.
Eat a fucking dick, kike. You've had nearly 100 years to squash the the ideals laid out in the Third Reich and you've accomplished nothing but broaden its' message.

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Jews bred whites to be their slaves for centuries, starting with their kings. All jews have to do is dangle money, "Christianity" or 'muh racial purity' and they have the whites dancing to any tune.

Who helped jews taken down governments? Who help them collapse economies and currencies? Who helped them start wars? Who spread Jewish tainted culture and religion around the world?

When the parasite is embedded deep inside the host's brain there is no other solution but for the host to die. In the society of the Hurrians, Jews dont even exist. But you wouldn't exist without Jews.

Thanks for pimping this mentally ill in the pic. I couldn't live another day without seeing another.

>based whitepill

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>I'll give you a hint: It isn't Trump, Obama, Merkel, Sargon or Winnie the Flu.
then who is it?

Newt Gingrich.


Yeah maybe. Either give us help with fighting the jews or go be gay elsewhere alien peasant faggot.


We're men. Slime like you wouldn't understand.

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any anons have a /wg/ version of this?

10/10 based post.

>When the parasite is embedded deep inside the host's brain there is no other solution but for the host to die
Its unfortunate, I dont hate whites but the jew's golem needs to be dismantled before any progress can be made, even if the result is absolute calamity. Jews are trying their best to freeze humanity in an infinite loop to consolidate power. Even now you see the infestation in all forms of media, its all synthetic. Gold must be tested in fire, to burn away all imperfections, time is being held hostage.

>Help us
You're simply too far gone, it would take a miracle to rip the parasite from your skulls at this point.


Not possible? Wait and see jew bitch!

did the jews also do covid virus? jesus, they deserve to win at this point. G fucking G

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user. They lost 109 times in a row. This time won't be any different other than being a global rather than a localized awakening to their nefarious machinations.

Actually it would just take one bloke with a spacefaring craft capable of resisting Earth's relatively small nuclear arsenal armed with a shitload of napalm and a transporter beam. Napalm should be usable both externally and internally. Also a lab suitable for processing DNA.

Unless the jews have advanced weaponry beyond monitoring alien capability, in which case I'm dubious about the self consoling nature of the "it's too far gone" claim. Keep your experiments on a tighter leash or accept responsibility for the consequences.

But who will impregnate your Jewesses, who love BWC?

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looks like bitch girl


Why even wear pants?

Don't worry the BCC obsessed keyboard warriors on Yas Forums will save us.

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is coffee good for you

As I die I salute your vision.

Are you kiddin? Only preppers and survivalists can save us by moving with their families from cities to the woods! Everybody knows that!

Their version of "Won" is stalling for time

Their defeat is inevidable

They had their good time when the goyim consumed the TV as their only media
Now times have changed and no amount of tech can protect them
hurr durr surveillance
they already know who the bad goyim are
they can't do shit about that
IF they start arresting people on the bassis he is a bad goy what do you think will happen
everyone is a martyr

who are the "whites"?
most whites are faggots who have no problem with jewish bullshit

contraceptives are a relatively new thing
the only groups who win long-term are those who don't use contraceptives, because they outbreed contraceptives users

that means the only winners are people too religious to use them and/or people too stupid to use them

think those africans who don't want to use condoms, or the amish or those cap-wearing jews (who are too busy being religious to be controlling things)

so the ultra-rich elite are the winners, but anyways winning is subjective since everyone plays by their own rules
so then i guess the top tiny % of jews are the winners, but really they're not winners because they inherit a muttified shithole
like controlling brazil, what would be the point?

Images like that are causing people to feel lust. Please don’t post that stuff. Help us out some.

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>they already know who the bad goyim are
>they can't do shit about that
Correct. Their pace is becoming increasingly frantic because they have access to the raw meta data and know exactly how far certain ideas have penetrated into general discourse. They are done.

it would be so comfy to be out in the middle of nowhere during a real apocalyptic event

i remember around jan 25 when everyone was freaking out because more dead than recovered from coronavirus, and the cabin-dwelling anons were laughing

Ironically with this Corona virus
almost everyone is at home and at the internet
By the time this has ended I doubt there will be people who haven't been red pilled about them
Not to mention the Federal Reserve and the other central banks going brrrr is now mainstream

I admire jews because the only power they have is the power gentiles give them.
Did you know that the US porn industry is now larger than the Hollywood box office? Well over 10 billion! But ask anyone if they watch porn and you will likely be told NO!.
Who is the evil, dark force here? The entity who understands human lust and provides for it? The consumer of the lust? Would the porn industry exist if its services were not in demand? Would it end tomorrow if people chose to NOT watch porn? Of course. So, pick your evil!

This guy gets it

Porn is a weapon not just a business, in israel you have to send an application to be able to watch porn

>yes goy the wikileaks were all made up! assange is russian!