Do you agree with Varg that people with brown eyes are not white?

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yeah they're also not people. just a bunch of sensitive pussies

I don't find people without blue/grey eyes attractive whatsoever. Nor do I trust them, or want them associated with me more than work.

>I don't find people without blue/grey eyes attractive whatsoever
What about green?

I would maybe consider this seriously if not for the fact that a couple with blue eyes (both mother and father) are capable of having children with on brown eyes. What then, do you just strangle your kids or something?

Varg and his drug addict gf aren't white.

No because even during ancient times whites were diverse in hair and eye color.


If a child is born with blue eyes and his parent have brown eyes what do then?

Just for memes, but not really.

slide thread

My dad has hazel eyes, do those count as brown or green? Nobody in my family has straight up brown eyes, mine are grayish blue and all of my children have blue eyes.

yeah, only people with brown eyes would disagree.

No. Because the original whites were brown-eyed. Blue eyes are a recent adaptation, and an adaptation for more northerly climes. Whites are the original rainbow people---whites have all eye and hair colors.

Well, he had brown eyes before using contacts. Also, dark hair. Just google "varg young".

Italians literally overlap with Ashkenazi Jews, of course they're not white

I believe everything accompanied by digits.

My dad has blue eyes and I don't. Guess i'm a shitskin. :(

Nigger eyes detected.

Brown eyes are Celtic, Celts descended from Ashkenaz

kikes who hide behind memeflags aren't white.

>Blue eyes are a recent adaptation,
not that recent

lol what is isaac newton then?

Meh. I see a lot of spics call their shiteyes, dark green and hazel, so I am probably bias against it for that reason. But that aside, I have never had a girlfriend with anything but blue, and my 3 kids all have blue. As intended.

nice bait, sage.

i'm italian, have brown eyes, and can drink milk.

remember to sage

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You don't even have his point right faggot.
Varg says that white people can have brown eyes, but their brown eyes come from non-white admixture. I agree with that.

>I would maybe consider this seriously if not for the fact that a couple with blue eyes (both mother and father) are capable of having children with on brown eyes
That's not possible.


Yes. Green is proof of admixture.
/Green eyed faggot

my spic grandfather from el salvador has blue eys and my mom has green. everyones from el salvador.

what now white man?

how about just giving us a link faggit?

They're white.

yes, and if you have brown moles you also aren't white

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your ancestors got bleached

Are you literally fucking retarded? Blue eyes are a recessive of brown eyes. Brown being the dominant eye color. You know you little useless faggots who have never and will never amount to anything trying to rub your pathetic little dicks about the accomplishments of others just because they are white? FUCKING PATHETIC, weak little bitches. You know fuck all the actual pride in personal accomplishment. The people that you worship from history would execute you without a second thought.

Damn so only the Japanese are white?

Most European leaders had brown eyes therefore Varg is a lying piece of shit.

Tell that to Bulgarians with brown eyes.

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Well CWC has both green and blue eyes so..

Eye color divide and conquer kikes need the rope.

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only the ones with blue eyes

He's wrong. They're not human.

Fuck off Louis.

I want to know one of two things, how fucking stupid are you, or how much are they paying you?

>This level of ass pain.

>Blue eyes are a recent adaptation
Okay Jose.

No. Varg is a church burning murdering degenerate. His opinions are absolutely worthless unless rigorously proven to be correct.

>drug addict gf
proof please

I agree with varg that slurping on cock every morning is good for the viking bones

>Church burning
pic related
Murdering by definition is premeditated killing without reason or justification
Not only false, but he killed a degenerate.

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my grandparents of my mothers and
fathers side had an "Ahnenpaß",
an "ancestry-certificate", under Hitler.
I have brown eyes. And that's beautiful.

fuck off mutt

except it is possible

Yes. I am a mutt. A mixture between Czech and German.

Based on physical and mental capabilities, there are only 2 distinctions: humans and subhumans. I'll take a high IQ African over a low IQ snownigger any day of the week.

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Read the filename.

la creatura de las americas...

It really isn't. Blue = absence of brown genes. How are you going to get brown eyes from parents that have zero genes to encode for melanin production in your eyes? With green it's possible since green is just ramped down melanin but can recombine to full melanin production in offspring. But not blue.

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Varg is unironically the faggiest larpagan cringe e-celeb on the planet. Gayer than Big Bear Blowen Menjamin, and even faggier than the Dork Lord Cox Gay.
Not to mention Varg's shitty fedora music "culture" led to him killing another fedora fag in cold blood. Fuck Varg and his shitty lukewarm takes about "muh white race"

who the fuck is varg?


Yeah, sure, 2 european parents magically produces your favorite mutt meme. Meanwhile you're loaded up with kike and moor DNA (Assuming you're ethnic spaniard)

>that frontal ahoge
Is this some sort of fujo weeb hetalia image or what? I feel degenerate for even recognising that.

Piling together buzzwords like legos doesn't make you right retard

>le 56% starts barking
calm down Jamal, its not your fault


How about you google it, shill?

His mother is ethnically Jewish, too.
As well as his wife.
And children.
And he hates Christians exclusively, never attacking mosques or synagogues.

Combine all this together and you get...?

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Celts are Proto-European. Literally the purest Euro race.

Nice argument.

Indeed my friend hahaha spot on

So are darkies with blue eyes white? kek

>Do you agree with Varg that people with brown eyes are not white?
Blue eyed Venetian here, while I like shitting on Terroni and Mutts on a daily basis I understand that a single phenotypic characteristic is not enough to define a race, not even two or three, particularly if they are recessive genes.

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I don't really care what that dude says. Hes not the end all be all of white nationalism.

Blue eyes are a releatively recent mutation. Brown eyes is the standard color of the human.

>he believes in the out of africa theory

History time.

Please look at all the kings of Germany and HRE, and notice how many of them have brown hair and brown eyes.

Eye color influences facial characteristics though. Genes don't act in isolation. Brown eyes just make you have an overall nonwhite physiognomy. Even negroes with blue eyes have whiter bone structure than brown eyed negroes. Seriously think about it. I have never seen a person with brown eyes who didn't have a mutt face.

Dark hair, dark eyes. Suspiciously changed later into blond + blue eyed.

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I don't have to agree with Varg, all I have to do is to support him in his war against X-tianity and their cunt G-d telling us what to do! We are finally free to explore and express our sexuality after they burned us alive for centuries!!!!

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>Being called non white by a fucking barbarian inbred hippie while knowing that your family has 340 years of ancestry and could probably buy his whole town if we wanted to


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Tesla very likely had blue eyes and very dark brown hair.
Bach and Beethoven probably had hazel brown-green eyes.

fuck off kike

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Some fucking guy from Europe. Who says hes a white nationalist. He burnt down a church and stabbed a guy like 25 years ago went to prison for a while and that's it

hahaha snownigger cope

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>Hello fellow white people

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I have brown eyes (people call them hazel but I don't abide that gay shit) and I'm smarter than Varg. I do have to give him props for killing Euronymous though, that guy was a massive faggot.

Unironically whiter than shiteyes

Varg is a horrible Nerd Who loves Boardgames and lost track of reality a long time ago. You just listen to his music, because I have to admit, that’s the thing he is good at. Otherwise one should only pay attention to his output for pure entertainment purpose only.

My sister would h8 me, them.
at least we two have A- blood!
Fucking RH+ monkeys mulatta!

ok tyrone. You already proved you're a nigger by sticking up for them. Please talk, I want to hear your ridiculous bullshit.

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He burned all the churches, though.

Obvious D&C shill or brain dead nazi LARPer

Celts descend from the tribe of Gomer, son of Japhet, son of Noah. If that makes them Jews then everyone is a Jew.