/TKG/ - Ted Kaczynski General #20 - Power Process Edition

>The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>Essential reading:
->Industrial Society and Its Future (ISAIF):
editions-hache.com/essais/pdf/kaczynski2.pdf (ONLY 30 PAGES)

>Further reading:
->Anti-Tech Revolution (ATRev):
->Technological Society by Ellul
->Ultimo Reducto
->Propaganda: the Formation of Men's Attitudes by Ellul

>Who is Theodore „Ted“ John Kaczynski?
->Confirmed 167 IQ
->Man of Action
->PhD in Mathematics

>Visit our FAQ:

>Visit our /prep/ing list:

>Dumbest response yet:
"Notice how his manifesto contains multiple, seemingly contradictory viewpoints: I.e., an apparently environmentalist stance while denouncing all forms of Leftism."

>Joe Rogan saying Kaczynski was right:

>Last threads:
#8 (250+ replies)
#9 (100 replies)
#10 (100+ replies)
#11 (300+ replies)
#12 (100+ replies)
#13 (150+ replies)
#14 (150+ replies)
#15 (200+ replies)
#16 (300+ replies)
#17 (300+ replies)
#18 (300+ replies)
#19 (300+ replies)

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Thanks for the bake

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hello there bongbro

What the system subjects us to against our will:

>porn industry
>rap culture/hollywood destroying the youth
>transexual children
>opioid deaths by the million
>mass abortion - profit driven - fetuses used to make body lotions
>poisonous food, drink, and environment
>spyware products everywhere
>planned obscelence
>built by the lowest bidder
>shallow materialism and consumerism
>breakdown of family unit and gender roles
>mother earns money to pay daycare to do her real job
>divorce business
>propaganda in all media
>generic mass appeal products
>morals, laws, and culture subject to profit
>sociopathy rewarded, decency punished
>political and social systems fully controlled by corporations
>manufacturing endless proxy wars
>manipulating money is a job in itself
>debt based economy
>constant inflation considered normal
>race to the bottom wage slavery
>manufacture identity based infighting
>illusion of democratic control
>mass immigration for welfare and wage suppression
>only frivolities get cheaper while necessities rise in price
>false dichotomy of the only alternative being bread lines

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We're live!
#20 Here we go

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>general appears after a popular netflix release
how fucking embarrassing

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Solid post. It demolishes every intellectual cope that needs to be demolished.

Wish you were wrong.

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Thread theme

RIP Pentti Linkola. 1932-2020.

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>>mass abortion - profit driven - fetuses used to make body lotions
fuck, is that true? i thought it was a joke from fight club

>It demolishes every intellectual cope
Yes. You can have all your little theories about how technology will solve mankind's problems, but if you take a cold heart look at reality, everyone agrees that it looks grim. We need to destroy the copes

Did anyone else see that thread earlier about ch¡Id p0rn being hosted and displayed on y0utube, g00gle, ¡nstagram tw¡tter etc? Apparently all OP did was type the query backwards (pic rel) in the search bar and a bunch of flagrantly illegal shit came up. Of course the faggotcucks who run 4p0l deleted the thread so sorry if the sauce went bad:

But the idea is pertinent to this thread. We are not allowed to send mail bombs to child molesters, but we are allowed to expose them and report them to the police. I'm gonna go test my hypothesis on jewtube right now. I'll report back shortly.
As QAnon told us:
"Think mirror."

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This is the only other screen grab i got.

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I'm curious to know other anons view anarcho-primitivists.It seems as if they realize that there is something fundamentally wrong with our society and come to a similar conclusion to us, but refuse to acknowledge certain truths about that conclusion.

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An-Prims appear to be deluded on a fundamental level.

What dominates their thinking is the anti-hierarchy part. They believe primitivism will bring a perfect egalitarian utopia that essentially has all the post-enlightenment values.

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What kind of truths are you talking about?

Sorry for being late, frens. Been busy. What's up?

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Why do people keep making these threads. Are you seriously anarchism? Do you realize state control is the biggest in he world, you guy are pathetic losers if you're on Yas Forums and hate industrial progress

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Well guys, looks like they cleaned the mirrored ch¡Id p0rn off of youtube today, but not off of g00gle yet.
Pic rel.
I'm not going to mail bomb these people, but i am going to dive down the rabbit hole and report some kiddie fuckers. If i don't make it back, you'll know that the glowfaggots got me. Stay safe anons.
Free Ted Kaczynski!
Justice for uncle Ted!
Long live /TKG/ !

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You need to read Industrial Society and Its Future. Theodore Kaczynski is a neo-luddite, not an anarchist.

> Do you realize state control is the biggest in he world,
That's the problem, senpai. It's only going to get larger as the States get the tools to control populations. We will have social credit score in the West too. Not a single heartbeat or wrong thought goes unmonitored.

IDK wtf you're talking about but you shouldn't Google that shit. Youre on the watchlist now.

Excellent. Keep 'em coming.

I may be out of touch but If people like David Skbrina and his Buddy are the ones who are known for addressing the techno industiral society problem, then it's pretty pitiful. Even Dr Kaczynski's said The right people should prioritize DEVELOPING on what he left us in his essays and books.
Again, i may be out of touch, and i'm not familiar with Ultimo Reducto, but to me the ideology is kind of stagnating.

How blatant can you get? Lmfao

post more hunter gatherer memes

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My H-G folder is sorely lacking...

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there is no undoing what has been unleashed and the only way forwards is disruptive technology to overthrow the current elite order and save the enviroment

I wish him peace and happiness.

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What's up with this thread. Even genghis khan killed a lot of people during medieval times and he ain't a technology.

greetings tedposter, are you the same guy making the best thread of the day, everyday?
are there lots of you?

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Great sub among this shitsubs, keep it up user!

Too late frens. Kek. Besides, this is Ted Kaczynski General - we're all on a watchlist now. On a long enough timeline, all posting becomes fedposting. I just sent some feedback to the internet service provider. Pic rel.
Now, what do we do about the GlB-KCALB-KC0C p0rn with which (((they))) are currently mindfucking genZ? All options are on the table. Just remember, we're not allowed to send mailbombs, but we are allowed to meme truthbombs. Get creative, that's all I'm saying.

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are you ready for planet jeff?

Any good videos explaining Ted Kaczynski? I have only found biased MSM shit so far. Not for me for a friend.

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I'm finding Ellul's Propaganda both fascinating but at times frustrating. Anyone else feel that way? It's not frustrating because I don't understand the language, it's more that the world he depicts is one in which propaganda always exists, and while that's something I can accept, it seems like the only pragmatic answer is to propagandize for something counter to what you don't want to be propagandized against. But it leaves you with the gnawing question of "how do I know I'm not just a tool for a larger propaganda machine?"

Its true pajeet, its the jews

do you listen to luke smith?

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> "how do I know I'm not just a tool for a larger propaganda machine?"
YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO PROPAGANDA! This is the first rule of propaganda and applies to everyone. Yes, even you >160 IQ people. Many smart people make the mistake of thinking they are not independent brain-in-a-vat actors separate from the context of their society.

The good thing about propaganda is that it does not have to lie. Propaganda can be used to make people more free-thinking, more courageous, stronger, better.

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There is about 10 regulars here now.

So in the last thread we agreed that it is worth to try /Anti-Tech General/. The arguments were laid out there, too lazy to copypaste them here.

Do you oppose the idea Germanon, and on what grounds if so?

Even the krauts could not eliminate jews. They failed spectacularly, and Jews gained a lot of sympathy. They are encashing it till now

Think most were against it desu, from memory only you and germanon were for it. Personally think its too risky

There was me, an American and Argiebro slightly in favour. It was the American's original suggestion IIRC. Can't remember anyone being against it. Perhaps I've very selective memory.

We both might it seems. It matters little to me either way, I will still find this place and all of its helpful goodness.

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>Perhaps I've very selective memory
You remember only those whose view align with yours. Its called living in an echo chamber


Lmao savage

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Have just considered retiring from active contribution. There doesn't seem much interesting stuff to talk about anymore. We don't get any quality counter points and it gets very tiring very fast to ''btfo'' low tier bait posts. I know there are smart Pro-Tech people. Even on Yas Forums. For some reason they just don't get into these threads.

The racial ressentiment really got under your skin.

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What do you even do in these threads?

General anti-tech is not in the mainstream of Yas Forums focuses, anti-urbanisation and traditionalism might be, but not pre-industrial or even pre-agricultural societies. Then again, this whole board hasn't been the same for a few years now, all slide stuff and discussions within the existing political systems. Most the old generals are dying, like /sg/ and /nsg/ etc, but gems like this can still be found. Doesn't mean to say we can still give information and help those who look.

You'd have to be more specific, I can't take on such generalized criticism. Not going to deny the the ATR ideology has faults, mostly in the ''is it necessary'' question and ''how to do it''. That's just me.

I don't know what Ultimo Reducto is. Apparently something that isn't in English.

At first, was slightly against it; later, after discussing it with anons over several threads, came to being 'sitting on the fence'.

Now in favor, after giving it some thought. This one post really sums up the inherent problem with /TKG/ vs. /ATG/:

>Came up with a comparison. /Hitler General/ vs /National Socialism General/. This is the issue we are dealing with here. We are trying to discuss the ideas, not the people and their personal problems. In hindsight it's pretty obvious why we got so much shitposts about ''Ted is a tranny/MKULTRA'' since that is what the name of the general suggests we want to talk about.

>Ted's personal life is interesting not gonna lie, but his personal life is not the sole foundation of Anti-Tech and Deep Ecology thinking.
The 'muh ebil Hitler' vs. 'NatSoc as an ideology' analogy is too accurate to just ignore.


There may be some unforseen negative consequences here and there to going full /ATG/, but fuck it, it seems to be worth it. All in all, anons seem to have produced stronger arguments in favor of switching than against it.

This thread -whatever it may be called, /TKG/, /ATG/ or whatever the fuck- needs to get flooded for its own sake with PRO-tech anons.
So far, the '/TKG/' title doesn't seem to be able to encourage such an influx.

Calm down mate. You are trying to antagonize an user just for the hell of it, basically. That doesn't do anybody any good. Enough.

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The talk so far has been about the impact of technology in society, what can be done about it and what are the future consequences of tech.

>Ultimo Reducto
The irreducible set of axioms. What cannot be further reduced to simpler terms. Plus there is an english version

You've convinced me desu, im down the change to /atg/

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*with the change

Problem is that technology is just a tool which can be used for good or bad. While I do agree that most technology (even the one created with good intentions) in the end finishes with possessing people, where do you draw the line? Do you oppose agriculture? Do you oppose fire? Do you oppose rock-and-wood hand-made tools? Or do you just oppose after-steam made technology?

Don't get me mistaken, I admire what you are doing here, but problem is: what sort of society are you envisioning?

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