>release a plague on the earth because you're filthy fucking savages >literally every first-world country has to shut down because of it >now no one wants to do business with you >economy goes in the toilet >civil unrest >your society collapses >a billion bugs starve >CHINA WINS LOL how delusional can one chink be?
SINK THE CHINK. SLAY THE CHANKORO. EVERY BUGMAN IN CHINA IS A RAPEBABY SLAVE. THEY ARE NO BETTER THAN NIGGERS. What do you think about Grosse? Dark she is not, but she is quite the matronly botegirl.
Imagine thinking that Trump's slow corona virus response wasn't the reason why the stock markets crashed, US economy entered a recession and why thousands of Americans are dead
>Top White House medical expert, Dr Deborah Birx, says US hopes to roll out antibody test within 10-14 days as a potential means to get millions of Americans back to work dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8201111/Antibody-test-rolled-10-14-days-Dr-Deborah-Birx-says.html all of these "experts" always seem to be lagging behind the latest findings. the body barely generates any antibodies against the virus during "recovery" in most cases. the presence of ADE also means that you're not immune even if you have them.
Michael Garcia
The chinks are assassinating American feds rn, that's why they're shilling muh china bad here
Chinka oppose Israel They oppose jewry Enemy of my enemy Burn jews and their assets
>HELLO DONNIE BITCH, BRING IT ON MOTHERFUCKER Um... Mr. Biden, you're talking to a lamp. Come. Your 'nanner pudding is ready
Evan Harris
Israel made the corona virus, you and your children and family will be held complicit for shilling for Israel fed. Understand this.
Dr. Charles Lieber was arrested on January 28, 2020 in the United States. There is a press release on the Department of Justice website relating to his arrest. The press release explains that he was arrested along with multiple Chinese nationals. It also mentions they were arrested, among other things, in relation to sneaking vials containing biomedical research material onto international flights. The Criminal Complaint and Arrest Affidavit against Dr. Charles Lieber is also online. The word "Wuhan" appears 11 times in the document. Dr. Charles Lieber is a Harvard professor. Dr. Charles Lieber is also a Jew. Dr Charles Lieber is an Israeli dual citizen Dr Charles Lieber has ties to mossad and cia through involvement in 90s endowment fund scandal at harvard
Grayson Sullivan
Isaiah Morgan
>yfw Astroturf as hard as you can, faggot. Your impotent mewlings change nothing. Enjoy his second term.
reverse psychology post by a cia agent/mossad asset trying to polarize ppl against china die fed your family should burn
Kayden Bailey
She's too young. VP has same age requirement as president.
Landon Morales
Nolan Miller
Nolan Johnson
That's because women are nonessential. They're literally only hired because the government mandates so. They're the most useless class of person, if you can even call them that.