Friendly reminder that ancient civilizations werent racist at all. They didnt judge a person's skin color, they judged you by what tribe or empire you came from. The fact is, the low-status white people on this board would probably be enslaved by the Greeks/Roman's before the blackies. Racism is a new concept. As is homophobia, which was only frowned upon if you took the submissive role in bed. We unironically reached peak civilization over 2000 years ago. Then christianity and the Renaissance happened.
Friendly reminder that ancient civilizations werent racist at all. They didnt judge a person's skin color...
They were also pedos
the romans were niggers and quite possibly the worst civilization of all time.
T. Snownigger barbarian
Hurr durr Murica rules! Y'all jus jealous.
bullshit Alexander could not unite Persia among the other nations he conquered, and nobody tried to unite beyond his rule because it could not be done.
The only dark skinned people that the Romans were aware of were Africans and Arabics. If they had seen your demonic temples dedicated to torture and dismemberment they would have completely eradicated your society and banned intermarriage with your kind. They wouldn't have even made you slaves, they would have just destroyed you.
what you're forgetting is that race is the new tribe, the internet and a shrinking globe has created the massive tribes you see today. Race is the final tribe, race is the ultimate, first and last common factor that binds people together. Yes, race is a new term, but it's an old idea. One owes their alliance to one's tribe, and today that tribe is race.
they were also massive faggots. the romans would kidnapp germanic bois and turn them into their boipussy sexslaves. im not even kiddin look it up
Thats fucking stupid , there was no racemixing either any mixed baby was lowest tier as he was a rape baby, possibly a slave. They were hyperracist is what you mean when you say their prejudice was based on tribe/family.
And the faggot shit is from the decay of them civilizations, camille paglia has a book on it
They coexisted some better than others, but no matter what there was always a problem with faith/ hereditary conversions of the earliest empires.
U.S.A. is modern Phoenicia.
(33 BC) Diodorus Siculus - Historical Library [C. H. Oldfather]
The majority of them, and especially those who dwell along the river, are black in colour and have flat noses and woolly hair. As for their spirit they are entirely savage and display the nature of a wild beast, not so much, however, in their temper as in their ways of living; for they are squalid all over their bodies, they keep their nails very long like the wild beasts, and are as far removed as possible from human kindness to one another; and speaking as they do with a shrill voice and cultivating none of the practices of civilized life as these are found among the rest of mankind, they present a striking contrast when considered in the light of our own customs.
...their [Ichthyophagi] level of life being much the same as that of the wild beasts which make their homes in dens...
...furthermore, they lie at this time with any women they happen to meet in order to beget children, being relieved of every concern because their food is easily secured and ready at hand.
>Thats fucking stupid , there was no racemixing either any mixed baby was lowest tier as he was a rape baby, possibly a slave.
Ever heard of Cleopatra, retard?
What in the fuck are you talking about, the Romans had wars with Judea you fucking fruit.
>Friendly reminder that ancient civilizations werent racist at all.
racism was the fundation of pre christian europe
both marc anthony and Caesar banged her but it was to unite the nations and not kill her. look at the last couple hundred years of egypt and how little they innovated and its kind of sad.
also, ancient civilizations engaged in homosexuality and society accepted it
of course they did less genetic competition. One less person to subvert for power.
this. feminine twink bois where greek and romans number one fetish
Thanks for proving my point. This literally sounds no different from how the Germanic tribes were described. This writing is clearly disgusted by their culture and way of living. This was very common for many people of superior empires to feel this way back then. This wasnt a race thing.
I don't see a problem.
We wuz cleopatra n sheit.
Yeah, the Greeks were mad he married some Iranian women and made his generals do the same. A bunch of them divorced after he died.
everyone was adopting Hellenic norms from Greece even though the Romans conquered Greece they envied the sophistication so the world followed suite.
>marc anthony and Caesar
I wasnt even talking about that. I was referencing that Cleopatra was of Greek and Persian descent. A literal mixed baby.
>Friendly reminder that ancient civilizations werent racist at all.
Lmao, women who had children with blacks were seen as bottom tier even in greco-Roman times you dumbass.
They believed that a woman just being NEAR a nog might forever taint their children.
>We wuz cleopatra n sheit.
This wasnt what I was arguing and you're a retard that spends way too much time on this board if that's the first thing that came to your mind.
they had many wives. People would offer up a daughter to spare an empire overtaken by a more powerful foe.
>Ever heard of Cleopatra, retard?
Kleopatra Ptolemy, of the Greek Ptolemy dynasty?
Are you trying to WE WUZ KANGS us here?
They didn’t need to because all the tribes back then where mono racial. A lot of groups killed faggots. The only people who where even some what accepting of gays where the Greeks and to a lesser extent the Romans ( even though to be a full on gay back then was seen as an insult and they usually that to slander their enemies.) Any one spreading these lies are kikes or the retards who get all their historical knowledge from the history channel. /thread.
>ancient civilizations werent racist at all. They didnt judge a person's skin color, they judged you by what tribe or empire you came from.
Congratulations you played yourself, racism is an evolutionary trait just as tribalism nice straw man
Greeks and Persians are white
I was saying that egypt did dick for the last 500 years before she sucked off Caesar just so they could live out their days.
No, retard. Read
Cleopatra was a Greek retard. The Greeks conquered Egypt and installed themselves as Pharaohs.
>Persians aren't white
and rome fucked the greeks up the ass and took everything from both of them.
Imagine actually believing this.
Imagine using pic of a civilization which ostracized even people born outside of their city state, let alone different continent.
Imagine actually thinking people were not somehow able to use their eyes.
Imagine actually thinking that tribe is upstream of race.
Of course only mutt hands could produce retardation of such amazing degree.
For the 100th time: read That's correct.
This. They were even whiter back then.
>They didn’t need to because all the tribes back then where mono racial.
Until the 3rd century AD, only Romans (and later on inhabitants of the Italian peninsula) were Roman citizens, with some exceptions here and there for exceptional individuals and auxiliary veterans.
When Ceasar conquered Gaul he wasn't throwing around toga's and Latin dictionaries. They remained filthy stinking Gauls in the eyes of the Romans, and none of them had any rights under Roman law (they remained subject to their own traditional laws).
I would argue that being to liberal is what brought down the Greeks. They were sophisticated but they got destroyed by the roman military that they underestimated. They never saw the problem because they were too smug.
I don't consider albino africans white you retard
Nah, the Romans conquered the Greeks and made the Greeks the primary culture and capital province of the empire.
And what exactly makes them different looking from the typical Arab? Have you ever been to Israel?
>Have black childeren!!! Cleopatra was greek and persian!!! Have black CHILDERN BETRAY YOUR RACE
>They didnt judge a person's skin color, they judged you by what tribe or empire you came from.
>As is homophobia, which was only frowned upon if you took the submissive role in bed.
so racism and homophobia still existed
>They didnt judge a person's skin color
Neither do racists.
Niggers aren't shit because they're black.
This. Persia ended up being browned by the invading muslim arabs after Muhammed. Original Persians (Classical Era) were Aryans: pre-European master race.
And that's the very reason why they all fell. Due to slavery, importing shit skins and mixing with them en masse (think Rome, Greece etc).
They did take everything from them though did you even read what I said?
>the truth is what I say it is!!
t. brainlet
>goes into detail to list racial characteristics
>goes into detail to discuss cultural characteristics
Now that everyone has similar access to technology, the only real differences are genetic ones. Calling ancient primitive societies "barbarians" is fair, calling modern whites and blacks equal is ridiculous.
I think that if you want to make a good country it’s good to not judge people by their gender, skin color or age and instead judge them for their merits!
Betraying your race is normal.
They were germans tho
She VERY cute
The Greeks were racist as fuck but the Romans only cared about who could serve the empire not their skin color. Guess who conquered who?
USA is more like Carthage seeing how they actually have an army and a strong navy...Phoenicians only cares about trading tho Tyre was able to hold out against a siege by Babylon for a couple years so who knows
it's Mark Antony as in Marcus Antonius, his full name.
I mean when the Gauls were taken over they dressed like Romans and learned their language while being educated like Romans and yet despite being able to pass as Roman by our standards they were still thought of as outsiders and cast out even after being invited to the senate
wow I guess the bbc was right after all
To compete in the Olympic games you had to swear you were of Hellenic blood and be approved by an "Assessor of Hellenes."
>sole world superpower
>all founding fathers were classicists
>government is a mix of humanism and greco-roman values
>decentralised religion
We're more like Rome than the HRE was lol
Shame most Iranians bar a few northern ones have been mutted now via Arab invasions.
nice cope mutt.
>homogeneous society's REEEEEEEEEEE
the truth is revealed, now go fuck off mutt
>makes an explicit that there was no racism in ancient world
>gets absolutely destroyed in seconds by proof of racism in the ancient world
>declares self victor
Well, you've got a lot of chutzpah, Chaim. I'll give you that.
>werent racist at all
They had very little contact with other races.
>didn’t judge people based on skin color
That’s because everyone was the same race. It was an ethnostate since the beginning of time