Brit/pol/: Norfer! Edition

>UK coronavirus death toll increases by 936 to 7,172 after deadliest day

>Coronavirus: Covid-19 detecting apps face teething problems

>Jewish Chronicle and Jewish News to go into liquidation and staff to be laid off

>Coronavirus: Bet365 boss Denise Coates donates £10m to NHS trust

>Coronavirus broke the jobs market. The data hints at a far bigger crisis

>Coronavirus: Essex crash driver went out because of 'lockdown boredom', say police

'ate survivors
luv sosig rolls

simple fuckin' as.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Amazing edition lol

Left for Bazza

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>Coronavirus: low antibody levels raise questions about reinfection risk
reminder that reinfection is a confirmed fact and that there will never be a vaccine.

henlo frens

What a boring thread


from my bike ride just now
>oi kids you got a license to be playing football in the park?

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First for big Welsh arse.

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Watching the Chekist, and I want to vomit

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lol ffs

Is Boris dead yet?

Best live ever made for this song

SPFL are voting to end the leagues under the championship on predicted points. This relegates thistle even though we are only behind by 2 points with a game in hand. If this goes through its an outrage.


my gf used to let her fanny hair grow wild and I kinda miss it because now she shaves

Don't care Wallace

He's "stable" apparently. But who knows how he's actually doing.

Based and bushpilled

Mine used to wax the whole thing but I told her to leave a bit of bush on the front.
Not in to that completely hairless shit.

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Any youtube spastics sperging out lads?

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this lockdown and being sick shite has got me fucked up

Mine doesn’t exist XDDDDDDDD

mine used to get pissed off if i grew a beard.
she's back in china now so god knows what happened to her.

Who is she shaving it for?
Tell her to quit it
She should be happy

Lads I just had a vision of the future.
If Boris pulls through, whenever he returns to work, there is going to be an absolutely obscene amount of national clapping.

Too much eye makeup but wowzers, would plow daily, who the hell is fugging her? Some asshole in a beanie?

need to find myself a working girl that does tick t b h

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Welsh princess

shes shaving it for herself you dinlow

if you find a nice Indian one she would do it on dick

In the last 3 months this Wu-ping coof has done more for the white race than 50 years of nationalist politicking.

Nice mate

No one clapped last night for him in our village. Tory area so I thought they would, but nope, not one soul.

>Wake up
>Shops might already be closed

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>for herself
Oh user....

>tfw miss kissing my gf on the lift at work

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I’m warning you


There was an organised clap last night?
I don't have a Normiebook so I only find out about these things if the gf tells me.

Mate, she'll shave it however her man tells her to shave it, and if she doesn't oblige then the man needs to start asking questions.

not until the 10th

Ow that's so cute lol; I hope you will see her again soon

LMAO thanks la!

if anyone is looking for a workout routine to keep fit indoors this looks pretty challenging!

>Prime Minister Boris Johnson is "improving" after two nights in intensive care with coronavirus, Chancellor Rishi Sunak has said.

>The chancellor said Mr Johnson was "sitting up in bed and engaging positively with the clinical team".

My eyes have seen the glory of the trampling at the zoo,
We washed ourselves in niggers blood and all the mongrels too,
We're taking down the Zog machine jew by jew by jew,
The wuflu marches on.

where is that yellow fever faggot

gonna send him to the excel center faster than he can say corona

Yeah was trending on twat too. Looks like nobody actually bothered though.

So previously he had been lying down in a semi-conscious state shouting abuse at them?

I said "I like it here can I stay,I like it here can I stay"

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that would have been hilarious to see

Which one of you fucker was it?
>Somerset planning meeting interrupted by pornography noises

>not positing Eric Prydz and Dua Lipa


Lads I'm now 29 and been single a year. Popular with women but I'm picky n prob a bit autistic. Finding it hard to find a good trade wife with big titties. Feels bad. Just want to buy a house and settle down.

He was in that Scottish soap Rivercity. Remember when I was living in Glasgow.

Oh good grief lol
That's amazing somebody posted a remix of this, the other day

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i'm 22, and just as things were starting to look good for me, this shit happened.
get me out of this disgusting craphole of a planet TODAY!

>Hopes of lifting lockdown fade: Britain's extreme coronavirus measures WILL be discussed at a COBRA meeting tomorrow - but Rishi Sunak refuses to 'speculate about the future' amid fears lockdown is to continue for weeks
the lockdown can't end until the virus goes away. we're past the point of containment now though, so everything's fucked.

here's a suggestion
if everything is apparently as bad as you think it is, why haven't you offed yourself?

These organised public clap things are modern narcissistic chain letters.

Oh you poor poor cunt how ever will you manage

>fears lockdown is to continue for weeks
I'm betting at least 24 weeks.

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>Death toll is 936.

Hang on. Is this the total number of deaths or is this 936 deaths in one day? Number's been confusing me since they started counting.

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Sick of staying home t b h lads

Lol feels like most people around me have got their shit together n settled unless they live in london, where I spent some years

learn to read, lad

>coronavirus death toll increases by 936 to 7,172

936 in one day, but they're underreporting. the real count is always 3-4x what they say it is.

>increases by 936

you daft cunt you barely even read the sentence

>Still don't know anyone with it or anyone who knows anyone with it
>Must have asked at least 50 people by now
The fuck is this bullshit.

936 deaths is just today's deaths

It's pretty scary.

Deaths per day.
You can check it out on here.

Hate Kurds simple as

very not lindy, better to steal a house and do bride-napping

Forgot the link

one day. but these are people who died *with* coronavirus. it didn't necessarily cause their deaths.
plenty of people have recovered. even really ill people.

I remember when they wanted to keep the total to 20k.
Not looking likely.

>these are people who died *with* coronavirus. it didn't necessarily cause their deaths.
this pisses me off more than the fucking virus itself

The British (specifically the English) are the most hated and reviled people on planet Earth
Most Americans/Cans/Aussies ect have English ancestry yet are utterly ashamed to say so.
Europe hates us
Reddit hates us
Pol hates us
why live?

>t turk
Kurds are good people, Turkey, Iran, Syria and Iraq deserve to lose land to a Kurdish state.

>plenty of people have recovered. even really ill people.
135 is "plenty"? "recovery" doesn't mean anything, by the way. you can still be reinfected and the virus does permanent damage to your organs, nervous system and brain.

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Regarding the current 7000 total deaths, is there a graph showing where these deaths are concentrated. This is the last graph I saw that broke this down.

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For my part I'm fine with all the brown people of the world so long as they are not in Europe.

It's cringe as fuck. Not quite as bad as the Corona survival pack the Vicar put together; cringest thing I've ever seen.

hought for the day; If the Labour Party had won the last election and Corbyn contracted covid 19 and was put in Intensive Care, Diane Abbot would be running the country.

That is not true how many times do I have to tell you: brits are beautiful and brave, witty and all around good people.

Be brave and make me proud!

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why? it's true
also coronavirus is a bioweapon designed to take away your freedoms

>Most Americans/Cans/Aussies ect have English ancestry yet are utterly ashamed to say so.
Uh, no we're not.
Where did you get that?

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thanks for the share Penebro

Not him but, the recovery number has not changed for 2 weeks. Even when the media knows raab and charles had it and recovered, the leaderboard hasn't changed.
Strange no?

>caring about what inferior people think
Dont let it get to you abdullah mcshane.

Stop it, I'm not very bright.

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please forgive me for posting this,

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Be honest with me now.
Are you an Englishman in Italy?
I refuse to believe a native Italian or of another country can like us.

>these are people who died *with* coronavirus
Nailed it user, they've changed the language very subtly.

Be like 60% of brit/pol is a retsrded Muslim permavirgin that nobody likes.

>Europe hates us
>Reddit hates us
>Pol hates us
You say that like it's a bad thing user.

The missus just got back from work lads. Might try for a cheeky stood-up quickie from behind in the bathroom in a minute, so when she inevitably goes upstairs for a piss I'm going to follow her.
Shes gonna fucking be stinking too coz shes been grafting all day but idgaf t b h.

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It's over.

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London outstripping everyone.
Uh, isn't London where you guys keep all your muzzies & shitskins?

>imagine being beaten by an old man on his early stages of dementia

I have loads of tallies on kikebook and they like me. No one else does though.

quarantine getting to you huh?

I don't consider Muslims British.
Nobody does.

I am Italian lad; why is it so hard to believe?

Cheer up lad, :)

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You’re welcome.

Red house painters and Sun Kil Moon are the depressed thinking man’s choice

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