She ordered 11 cargos of stuff from China and the first one just arrived from Guangzhou...

She ordered 11 cargos of stuff from China and the first one just arrived from Guangzhou. It contained two million surgical masks and 230 000 respirators. However, ministry of health reported that it was disappointed with the quality of the protective equipment; they were not suitable for hospital use.

Attached: 4932.jpg (414x496, 54.1K)

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Good call

Shes aswome

>she knows its a meme and treats it accordingly
>Finland refuses to publish fake statistics on deaths
>Resisted being shut down, only in soft lockdown

If she used Paypal she could get the money back.

Nice lion symbol... the tail makes a number 8 and it has a scimitar under it. Is she jewish or bloodline related?

it's the finnish coat of arms

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Oh... interesting

I wanna hug her and tell her it's ok


god she's sexy, should be home raising kids tho

Stronk Indahpendant Wahmen.
So Stronk.

Her penance should be blowing every adult Finn male.

She is so strong.

Stop disrespecting Sanna.

Attached: sanna.jpg (1600x1360, 251.28K)

Built for you know what

so what?
just resell with profit

>Chinks disrespect meme-tier female "leader"
When will people understand that nobody respects women?

Built for BMC . Big mongolian cock

Why do her eyes look so dead, she is half hot, half spooky, feels like necrophilia.

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You really think China sold us shit because they "disrespect" women?

My father works in industrial construction industry and industrial architect engineering. Most of the stuff, ordered from China from their subcontractors is 50% of the time too low quality to be used for. Certain parts for industrial use, like boilers, have to be sent back 75% of the time because the Chinese people cannot do high quality.

Go watch some Chinese building crumbling videos too, these people cannot manufacture anything of quality: all of it is total shit that barely even passes the European standards.

Chinks cannot do anything right

>made in china
did the cunt really expect a quality products or something?

Eh. An honest mistake. She still cute

she is just retarded leftist scum. Social Democrats already fucked up this country and now this braindead tard came to power

A leftist would ask you to use a chink's asshole as an airfilter.

Chinas stance on it: try and get things cheap, you get cheap products back.

Imagine submitting to death.

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I don't get why we should ever trust those narrow-eye fucktards with anything , ever again.

Takaisin iltalehden kommenttiosioon idiootti.

and now that you mentioned it,
it's the new ''modernized tranny version''
poor thing got neutered some years ago'

She's not ugly, but she always looks like she has air under her skullcap.

literally who the fuck are the Finish? Are they Germanic? Nordic? Slavic? What?

What the fuck? Explain.

>we didn't send them back
Fucked up.

95% nordic and 5% mongolian.


> who the fuck are Finish?
Mongol chinks :D

>Lead by a woman
>P-people still respect us! Everyone has the same problems with China!
Kek. Every country with a female leader is a joke and everyone is laughing at you.

lmao women

Why are this (((world leaders))) still filling up orders from gyna?
Are they ever going to fucking learn?

We need to red pill the sheep, this shit needs to stop

No, the point is that even if the Chinese would try to do the highest quality possible, it would not be guaranteened that it would pass the EU standards

Same goes for meat hygiene and even electronics. Keep consuming chinese products, goy.

Great, more dead female niurses and "doctors"

>Lead by a woman
Finland still has a conservative president

Bitch saw a compromise and went right for it. "OH WE CAN USE THE SUB-PAR MASKS IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR."
At least a king would have sent that shit back and demanded that we get what we fucking ordered. NAH MAN. Instead we're ordering another pile of Asia masks and hoping for the best. PRAISE JESUS. Bullshit. Irresponsible shit eating cuckoldry.

>these people cannot manufacture anything of quality:

Yeah try building something of quality when you have to work 16 hours a day 7 days a week and your fellow commies are cutting every corner to save on production or else you get your micro dick chopped off

Cope. China had been making the majority of the world's N95 masks for long before coronavirus. Somehow they were up to the EU standards then, but not now?

It's time to get off the computer, Wei Ping

Back then they only had to pretend they work to keep the ponzi scheme going, now they actually have to work

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Kek, the fins are literally cucked by a feminist government. Its leadership is practically missing; reactionary women destroying what men have build. Pseudo-ruskies, trying to be different but failing.

This picture is horror movie material. There is something wrong with this woman.


they just don't want to help europe. chinks just sell shitty masks all they want is money.

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Marin was brought up by her mother and her mother's new female partner.

Did she leak nudes?

is this real

Your version of conservative is to the left of Biden. It's a joke

ofcourse no

still better that this feminist robot

lmao compared to these bitches but no way in hell is sauli conservative

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My government also received masks that weren't up to standards.

That's fair

and besides finland is now a shitty parliamentary republic which means the pm is the actual ruler, not the president

This so much, stripping President of most powers was a mistake, but you guys reap what you sow.

You shouldn't have let SDP back to power.

>disappointed with the quality of the protective equipment; they were not suitable for hospital use
then why are they still importing that shit from China
its fucking masks and coats
something they should be able to source locally
the pandemic truly is putting the idiocracy in the spotlight

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90% of what you own is made in China.
They can do quality but it has to go through a Western company that does the quality control.
When you order DIRECTLY from China you have no way of telling the quality.

well let's just hope they fail in the next elections

>stripping President of most powers was a mistake
It was coz of kekkonens long reign
It was luck mostly that his leadership didn't ruin finland, better not roll the dice again.

Why do I want to submit to this woman so fucking bad?

We are a mix of them all + Mongolian and Baltic

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