
If you had the opportunity to leave and move to the UK forever would you do it?

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Depends, do I have to live in someplace shitty like Bristol or Halifax?

fuck no

My sister already has been living illegally in England for years. She’s white and minds her own business, so no one suspects a thing.

>leave large land with good pay, less taxes, cheap property, car, two houses, Didney worl, and business
>nanny state, spoon loicense, overcrowded, high COL, dirty, multiculti, public transit, high taxed, BBCd, orwellian dystopia
no thx

Never ever


I'm very much a fan of Boris Johnson and am praying for his recovery, and happy they got Brexit passed. But no, I'm an American and love it here. Luckily I live in the Midwest and not on the coasts.

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The UK is an Orwellian shithole that simultaneously is in constant anarchy. At least I don't need a license to go outside.

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Are you shittin’ me? Hell no!

>My sister already has been living illegally in England for years
Bro, how does one go about doing this?
Asking for a friend.

LOL fuck no.

Lolno, literally the only thing the UK has over the US is health care, and even that won't be true anymore if Biden wins the election.

Just don’t brush your teeth for 3 months

>if Biden wins the election
found the paid shill.

Hell no, man. I’ve visited the UK; not a terrible place to vacation if you have a little bit of money, but fuck living in that no-guns, utterly emasculated parody of a nation.

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Lol no. Only bongs or shitskins can live in that shithole.

I might visit someday, that's it though. life really is good here even in california

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no but I wouldn't mind having a cheeky time with the lads now and then. Ideally we could ship all the leafs to the UK and you guys could move to Canada

>no guns
>anti-free speech
lol no

No. I would never move to an Islamic nation.

Is this a troll?

I hate American culture but I am unironically considering moving to America so I can buy a few acres of land for cheap and live a comfy rural life.

>I hate American culture
>I want American culture

why the fuck would i want to live there?

the food sucks, the accent sucks, the people suck, the weather sucks

>oi bin your knife mate and go to the pub to fight 300 pound drunks over ugly chavs

As I mentioned in my post, the key is to move to a low key state controlled by Republicans. The majority of the Midwest with the exception of Illinois falls into that category. DON'T move to the coasts, especially California, it sucks there.

No. As bad the US is, every other country is worse. We at least still sort of have freedom of speech and the right to bear arms. Every other country they dropped the veneer years ago.

Low population density, cheap land and nice scenery isn't a culture you retard

Or is it?

Fuck no, shits fucked over there.

Having been to the UK about six times in my life, no, I would never live there. The UK is a place where dreams go to die. You can’t even own a house unless you’re wealthy or you inherit it in which case you will be taxed upon the transfer of property to your name. You can’t own guns. Cars are prohibitively expensive. You can’t say NIGGER without fear of receiving a fine. I would rather live in Southern Europe where the people are at least proud of their culures.

Theyve got that on 3 different continents outside of the US. Don't feel like moving to Guatemala? Or Thailand? Why not? Land is cheaper there than in the US. Something about the culture maybe?

Hell no, you nigs live under tyranny. No doubt about it, between the muzzies fucking all your kids, the faggot police, no guns, etc
England is a cucked nation

We don't want you

it is the defining value of the vast majority of states in the US...

i fucking hate europeans. every time i travel and talk to some faggot european
>so are you from california or ny?
>oh so you are from texas?
>wait there are other places...?
>ive been to NYC

>join a nation of Royalcucks in their disarmed CCTV-ridden Ingsoc multiculti hell
For what purpose?

Nah, you’d rather have Caribs and Pakis. It’s obvious.

Ok yeah well obviously western culture > all other cultures but that doesn't stop (((American))) culture from being the worst western culture there is

he ded

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Just move there, look for simple work, and don’t leave.

Naw. I like to visit but I don't see myself living there unless I could have like 200 acres in the middle of nowhere (which I have here in the US).

>look for simple work
Don't you need to be a citizen to work officially?
Also, I imagine she's not able to come back home to the US right?

Wait, does this mean the phone companies are profiting from people leaving their homes? Talk about a conflict of interest...

Move to Alaska. They’re always looking for national park employees, fishermen, etc.
Watch out for the burrs and drunk injuns tho

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SCREW YOU THATS WHERE MY QT LIVES (and desperately wants to leave)

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>give up guns
Yeah no

Why the fuck would she do that?
Why the fuck would your friend do that?

Lets address your concerns:
£25,000 deposit for £250k house (avg price) then payments of £1000pm for 30 years
I drive a bmw 335d it costs me £406pm
My Utility bills Food etc come to around £450
Thats £1850 a month, split down the middle with gf/wife is £925 each a month.

It costs $1150 per month to have good things here. If you cant afford that your a disgusting peasant that doesnt belong here anyway.

Is that supposed to be a joke? Why would I want to do that?

his sister is a whore user. they make $ and dont pay taxes

you can come back to the US anytime you want

>paying 385K for a 250K house
>paying 406/month car payment

lol what nigger tier finances

Is your sister a paki?

>Hey guys I am a debt slave lol

That is what happens when you get a loan for a house anywhere.

a debt slave just like most of americans

Fuck no. Fuck royalty, fuck gun bans, fuck knife bans, fuck oi mate loicense bullshit, fuck the fog, fuck sticking extra u's and r's where they don't belong, fuck being arrested for Twitter comments, I could go on all day. Other than cool historical architecture, I can't think of one other reason I'd even want to visit, let alone live there.

I don't know.
Britain seems ok, but it appears to lack nature, loose gun laws, labor jobs, varied biomes and a culture I can at least partially enjoy.
I will stick to Wyoming. It may be a desert hellhole, but it's my desert hellhole.

Thats a 3% interest rate on mortgages over 30 years. Whats wrong with car payment what do you pay for?
What is your comparison?



>Hey guys im poor

I would not. People don't realize how shit the culture of the UK is from a depression standpoint. It's like a somewhat less orwellian continuation of grey bloc stalinist "we are all the same , stop trying to aspire" horrific aspects of lifeless urban 20th century cancer. nopenopenopenopenope.
> inb4 but what about this one really posh wealthy rural area where people are based!?!?

basically the main difference between america and the UK is upward mobility. we both struggle with degeneracy and mental health issues but the culture and often the actual government of the UK actually pushes these problems on people.

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Don't expect to make many friends with that attitude

With dual citizenship possibly. No interest in cutting ties with America wholly.
The pozed as fuck freedom of speech and gun control is a huge turnoff but building some big ass house in the rural area is certainly appealing.

if you cant afford to put a signicant portion down, pay more than minimum payments and finance the house for 10 years tops you shouldnt be buying the fucking house

30 year fucking mortgage what a joke

Have you tried some beans and bran?

All the jobs I have ever had have required proof of the right to work in this country and I was born here so yeah unless his sis is a literal whore or drug dealer or something and so off the books I've no idea how she has managed it.

america's per capita income is higher than the UKs, and if the UK was an american state it would be the poorest state or the second poorest state depending on who you ask.

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Hell no

i own my car faggot. what kind of cuck shit is paying $500/month lololol god what a nigger

buy some rims for it too? you can finance those as well

I wouldn't even ever visit.

No concealed carry. Loicense for butter knives. Geriatric queen. Why oh why would a mutt Want to become a bong?

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As much as I'd like to leave this shithole, I wouldn't leave it for that shithole.

Not worth it unless you live somewhere upper middle/ upper class here.

>Having a phone on contract
You deserve to be price gouged, just steal WiFi idiot

In a fucking heartbeat.

nah i ain't gay nigga

it's not that i can't move my bowels, it's that i got no privacy to shit in peace and my ass says no whenever i try to shit while i know people can hear me or see me, the window is so retarded my housemates in the garden can see my head through the window while i'm sitting on the toilet

that’s how this whole fucking mess started

you can have a health condition without going bankrupt

No fucking way, and my grandmother’s parents were born there.

It's fake dipshit

What car do you own you fucking spic

>just steal WiFi idiot
Not so easy these days. All the routers come password protected out the box.


We fought against those faggots, and won, TWICE.

Why the hell would I move a country that we violently broke away from?

>oi mate me life sucks but at least i can plan on having a health condition!
>just 6 more months of waiting and national health system gonna fix me right up

I mean, that's what happens when you receive high quality and swift care when you have a serious medical emergency and don't have insurance.

Whereas in the UK you'd just be dead sitting in an NHS waiting room for 5 hours to see a token paki doctor

Haha check out this poliski thinking he's white and rich
You can buy a Toyota for £2k cash and that Japatainium rollerskate will run forever and cost nothing to keep road worthy

2015 nissan versa. bought it straight cash. only expenses in the last 4 years have been putting gas in it and oil changes

>muh bmw
>muh $500/month car payment

literally nigger logic

Lol beta incel

All the shit you have heard about the NHS is worst case cherry picked shit for the purpose of convincing you that paying ridiculous sums for it in America is preferable, by the people you are paying it to.

Which is what most people do, you can get a mortgage 10-35 years. What is a joke ive lost you?


Yes. I want to retire in the UK.

Make firearms legal and pass stand your ground/castle doctrine so I can shoot the mudshits and I'd consider it.

>most people are smart
>i brag about my 30/yr mortgage and BMW payment

good goy

Fuck no - muslims everywhere.
no freedoms of any type.
Whats the upside for me?

Hahaha wtf is that i had to google it you old cunt why would you want to drive that? how much did it cost new like 10k??

I'll take capitalism and living like a king most of my life unless something catastrophic happens, rather than living like a serf paying 90% taxes just in case my health eventually suffers cuz I'll be covered.

Same I'm pretty sure user is bullshitting or literally saying his sisters a whore which isn't nice user even if she is.

>buying new

literally a nigger financed up to his eyeballs. enjoy making minimum payments for the next 30 years debt slave

After the Great Union, when they ratify and swear allegience the Constitution and its jurisprudence, and we give figure out which DC building should be the Queen's.

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British is the original cucked country by the banks and royalty. That's why the country is still so awfully poor and backwards. Fucking hot water bottles, single-pane windows, drive on the left because of your right-hand swordarm, and fucking poop on the train tracks in London.

This is a mess.

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no you didnt.
Also, the revolution was an English civil war if ive read up on my history. I hate you both though so i dont care

pure hyperbole
thats you guys

You keep on paying those Jews man. MURRIKA!

most brits are knee deep in debt or on bennies, but are most americans not the same?

>Coping this hard

I love the USA and it's culture and would love to live there with
I am an Englishman with an Englsih wife and one child.
Please dont hate us lads

Our salaries are higher and our housing is less expensive, what do you think lad?

i would say younger americans are mostly cucked by student debt but my wife and i have played the game well and its pretty ez mode life here if you arent retarded and dont burden yourself with debt

its really just the lower class retards that think they need the new $1000 phone, lease a car for $500/month, buy $200 shoes with a credit card etc and then blame the jews for being poor and trying to keep up with their interest payments