You Amerifats will never have this. You will never know what it is like to serve a country actually worth fighting for
Nine European Kings in One Photo
Maybe not. But you gotta admit, peak America is entertaining as fuck.
Monarchy is overrated, a government for the people by the people is the way forward, a foreign king leading a foreign nation is a long-term impossibility ever since nationalism and liberalism
You're right, we will never know what it's like to be owned by the State.
We cheerfully say "pass" on being a subject, and choose instead to be free citizens.
dayyyum whiteys got a an eye for bling
Thank you for noticing Tyrone
giving half your shit to a bunch of inbred pedophiles and kissing their feet for the privilege
europe is ultra-cucked
If they shaved and grew out their hair they could form a pretty cool glam rock band.
What a bunch of pompus homosexuals.
fun fact - almost all of them are racially German.
you shouldnt be kneeling to your leaders, your leaders should be kneeling to you. you britcucks will never understand.
Laughs in 1812 and Canadian militias
False, a true leader has very strong loyalty from his subjects, and every nation needs a strong, determined leader for the people to rally around. Otherwise you get the shit the West is now, complete social decay and lack of direction.
yea, the last 200 years was great for your "empire" or whats left of it
the absolute state of the eu cuck
the actions of the nine faggots directly led to the EU, globohomo, and islamic horde. ENJOY FAGGOT
true. fuck America. fuck civic nationalism.
but brit user, you are not in a place to talk much shit.
deal with your shitskins , we all need to fucking revolt!
also we BOTH fought against National Socialism dipshit.
>you shouldn't kneel to your leaders
>proceeds to stand and salute Barack Hussein Obama as "Hail to the Chief" plays
>>proceeds to stand and salute Barack Hussein Obama as "Hail to the Chief" plays
no one does this but the military, ahmed, as a commander in chief role.
Their actions led to WWI, you idiot mutt.
The absolute state of the directionless West, wandering into the abyss while bickering over gay buttsex and gendered language.
Kings are bluepilled just guillotine them already
You think Louis or Napoleon would have let your country fall this hard, in this embarrassing suicidal way?
>Israel isn't worth fighting for
Instead you worship Nicki Minaj's ass, overpriced junk and a bunch of pedo faggots in Hollywood. Is it really any better?
Thanks for this thread, OP. I clapped when i got that reference
What is with you Europeans and Aussies throwing away rights & freedoms our ancestors killed and died over?
Parliamentary governments.
would you rather live in north korea or in south korea?
Imagine thinking the royal families of europe, and particularly the UK, aren’t inbred pedophiles
There hasn’t been an English king of England since 1066
If only they had to still earn it in battle...
Imagine worshipping kangz in 2020...
All thanks to that moor son of a bitch
who would you have supported in the greek civil war?
yeah, if youre a nigger or a basedboy. the average white dude with a 9-5 and mortgage doesnt give a fuck about that shit, unlike the rest of the world that cant seem to stop buying Minaj's albums or (((Disneys))) movies, the fact you even know who she is, proves my point.
Peak decadence and complacency that led to WWI and ultimately the downfall of western civilization.
It’s both scary and fun to look at from up here we’ll be here for you burgerbro!
he's probably an Abdi
Neither will you, faggot.
The 'liberals' are the ones who got us Minor Asia back, I'd support Venizelos over the man who single-handedly turned the war into a catastrophe
What does your royal family do? Absolutely nothing. The royal family exists for no other reason than to tax you so they can be well taken care of, and oh boy do they cost a lot.
These kings are evidence that whites dont need jews to commit white genocide
>retard europeans die by the millions fighting for 'muh king and queen' like good little serfs
Works for me.
And then they all went to war with each other ending this glorious time with the Czar being killed by kikes ushering in the worst evil in the history of the world in the form of the satanic soviet union...
lol & Frederick VIII manspreading.
How many of them currently have any real power?
inb4 muh figurehead and CIC of military
It doesnt need to be a birth right to have a strong leader with respect, communism is gay but stalin had respect and power
We don't know much about North Korea, but I am leaning towards it because I highly doubt it is possible to have a functional family with a South Korean woman.
Still better than Nicki Minaj.
The Napoleonic era was the last time France has deserved any respect, you annoying, rude, pompous assholes.
fucking based and Gallic pilled
>Monarchy is overrated, a government for the people by the people is the way forward, a foreign king leading a foreign nation is a long-term impossibility ever since nationalism and liberalism
Most kings respected their countries. Our kings were hohenzollern sigmaringen and converted to orthodoxy and even in ww1 they fought against the germans for the good of the country even if that caused the king to die of a broken heart (literally, he got so sad he died)
Imagine being a brainlet who believe in the history (((they))) wrote...
>So gorgeous was the spectacle on the May morning of 1910 when nine kings rode in the funeral of Edward VII of England that the crowd, waiting in hushed and black-clad awe, could not keep back gasps of admiration. In scarlet and blue and green and purple, three by three the sovereigns rode through the palace gates, with plumed helmets, gold braid, crimson sashes, and jeweled orders flashing in the sun. After them came five heirs apparent, forty more imperial or royal highnesses, seven queens - four dowager and three regnant - and a scattering of special ambassadors from uncrowned countries. Together they represented seventy nations in the greatest assemblage of royalty and rank ever gathered in one place and, of its kind, the last. The muffled tongue of Big Ben tolled nine by the clock as the cortege left the palace, but on history's clock it was sunset, and the sun of the old world was setting in a dying blaze of splendor never to be seen again.
But my family were loyalist.
We even have a castle named after us in Wales.
I'd strangle that old crone in her sleep if I had the chance, fuck the divine right to rule. Cromwell did nothing wrong
He did nothing right
Whites "awakening" is always followed by white genocide, and always by their very hand. Whites and their random ideologies, always dying for them. They are so proud they take pride in dying for ideas, they say "at least they died for what they believed in" lolz.
Do you honestly believe France is better off now than it would have been if you still had a ruler like Napoleon? I have visited your country tens of times throughout my 30 years. You are third world mate.
>appears to be
Which one's the straight one?
He did everything right! And we killed him for it!
>But my family were loyalist.
>We even have a castle named after us in Wales
And thats 100% not a coincidence.
My name is Stan, did you know that this place was also named after me?
rightmost one standing, King Albert of Belgium.
Better than dying after seeking nothing but safety and shekels, and even trying to fool God and trying to bend his rules.
Cromwell let in the Jews and died of natural causes, nobody killed him.
>fighting for and paying taxes particular rich family who dictates law
>actually defending this
You’re gonna be history just like those fags for a reason
>people familiar with their thinking
Every nation you've ever heard of is now a jewish golem state, or so worthless they didn't care to subvert it. You're retarded.
It's Napoléon who let kikes out of their ghettos that they got the chance to fuck France and Europe this hard you retard
>You Americans will never have something you specifically banned
>You will never have a nation worth dying for, so excuse me while I start WW1 & WW2 and die by the millions for my country - only to have our kings abolished and our people enslaved by kikes
Yuropoors always this dumb?
Global poker face
>only to have our kings abolished and our people enslaved by kikes
We wouldnt had been enslaved by them if you didnt cultivate them and let them feed on you like some kind of wild kosher yeast
He tried to get rid of them through dilution into the French population.
Kings respected their countries to the point where they got them into jewish wars like WW1 over their own selfish interests? Nah, the king here wanted to keep Greece small and disunited for example, real nationalists had to pressure him to even take Crete and Thrace, which he lost half of when he came back
>i dare say. we seved kIngz, and shoite..
Pride vs freedom. Freedom gives anyone the opportunity to build your empire while pride limits you to the whims of an egocentric leader
All those fuckers were related. WW1 was nothing more than a family squabble that got out of hand.