Why is japan allowed to increase their forces in tokyo?

Why is japan allowed to increase their forces in tokyo?
Should they not be forced back by the US bases there? no jsdf planes or vehicles can pass in or through tokyo without the US's approval.
Not even in time of crises.

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No reason Japan shouldn't be allowed to have a military faggot

> This

Also OP is a shill faggot.

They lost and the restrictions are in place.
What they have is already way too much, imagine another attack on the US now.

The United States should help Japan become a nuclear power just as a fuck you to the Chinese.

Go fuck yourself, memeflag. Japan is our fren now.


> imagine another attack on the US now.
you'd deserve it, globalist authoritarian swine

The US is a collapsing empire, they couldn't do anything to stop them

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US is falling to commies. The japs need to be able to defend themselves.

Never forget pearl harbor, spic.

That face when merica tries to meddle with jap air space too. Just go home handle ur pandemics:DD


We need another Nanjing Massacre. Fuck the chinese.

you should want the japs on your side, you'll need their gundams in your war with china

We paid them back for it. Since then they've been a loyal ally. I'm not a spic, I'm a WASP. Also you're an Israeli until you show your flag.

Based leaf.

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Real talk war is coming with the chinks so the japs are getting ready. Japs are our best ally. Fuck Israel. A china run by japs would be superior in every way.

:DD bepis! suck my bepis, snow nigger!

Pic related is so fucking true. Only kikes and their useful golems hide behind meme flags

you get the virus, ablestein

Why are you so desperate for attention to make this little shit post slide thread. You have to grow up eventually and stop fishing for (you)'s because you're not getting enough attention at home.

>A china run by japs would be superior in every way.
Already tried that and they fucked it up so bad the populace turned to a retard like Mao for help.

They wouldn't. Japan's our bitch now.

>They lost and the restrictions are in place.
No they didn't. They invented high fructose corn syrup and anime. They won the long game.

Flag now.

What US forces there? The Navy? The Chair Force?

>populace turned to a retard like Mao for help
A people's choice in leadership is a reflection on who they are.

So Americans are full retards?

Fuck them nips they should have been bent over and pillaged instead USA gave them money.

Hitler was made a villain and japan's emperor was left alive ?

They should have made kiss american boots after the shit they pulled in WWII


Honestly the shit behind the Mao and the formation of the PRC goes a lot deeper than that but that's for another thread.

They kinda did m8. Are you white? Please be honest.

No they didnt they turned to the nationalist leader cheng kai shek but he proved to be a fucking typical chink. And fucked it up, plus kikes were doing Yiddish things the entire time. Tldr kikes are always the root of the worlds problems

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Only Yas Forums is pro jap, everyone else doesn't forget what they did.

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Becausae they won't declare war against
USA anymore, so why the fuck US should care?

Japan is the mutt race of koreans and chinese following and copying everything. Their culture is copied from china and korea and they have no original sense.

Japanese mutts would die for the honor of their serf master...no questions asked -- yet these people feel superior? They have no free thought or can string two independent thoughts together. In their long fucking history they have never once had the spirit of self reliance and freedom.


There should have been more than 2 bombs

The biggest reason Chinese people fucking love Mao is he got rid of the Japanese. Even people who were never that sold on communism loved him purely for that.

>yet these people feel superior?
Not related to Japs, but consciousness IS virtue.

Yea but everyone forgets about the uss liberty the dancing jews on 911 and the stolen military weapons tech that Israelis have done. Strange how that works. I wonder why that is you meme flaggot

Sure thing jew

Show flag.

Are we in a JOMON thread now?

Lies. Chiang Kai Shrek and the Kuomintang, as corrupt and incompetent as they were, did most of the fighting while Mao and frens fucked around and build his million chink army.

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They are true allies, and we share a massive common military interest in the South China Sea. I don't see any logical reason to keep them from having a strong military at this point. Our grandfathers buried the axe and planted cherry blossoms.

Jews are still butthurt over WW2.
Japan listened to Hitler, while the west trusted the large nosed men lending them money while kvetching about 6 gorillian

God we can only hope.

donald trump the best leader in the world, schlomo

no more brother wars

Why are bringing jews up? they are bad but that doesn't mean japs should be allowed to militarize this much and endanger the US bases.
They are surrounding them.

At least one user knows history in here. Good to see another non shill

Ching Chong Gay Cuck was even more of a retard than Mao


Taro Aso doesn't give a fuck he'll destroy China and America and then conquer the galaxy and there's nothing you can do to stop him.


Since this is a shitposting thread now, daily reminder that Japs are crypto-whites. It's what sets them apart from other Asians.

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Their rofl copters go soi soi soi

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Damn I wish we could have sexy nose art on our fighters again.

You mean we need it to ACTUALLY happen this time?


Are you gucking retarded? The Ainu are Abbos that migrated north. They're literally haplogroup D.

Remove the you know whos from our government, schools, media and society and we can have all good things again. Also relegate women to support roles in the military and out of command and no more faggots and trannys.

Yes I am retarded. I'll have you know that Jomons are proto-psuedo-indo-european, and because of that my heckin' nipperinos are huwhite.

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when I grow up I want to be a gun bush

Imagine thinking Japan would attack us now. That's like thinking Russia would attack China. It's just not going to happen.

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Weaboo? More like SNEEDboo, amirite?

Based Nip

Russia is way closer!

in fact, mandatory military service might make their males more alpha and likely to breed

Yas Forums ass kissing japan due to its weeb nature is cringe, but realistically speaking, Japan needs to rearm itself to contain China. It will take a decade though cause its arms manufacturing is kinda shit and overpriced.

The treaty is nearing its end date, and Trump actively encouraged them to build a military on their own dime.
Speaking realpolitik, they threaten China and we dont care about 100 years ago.

Bullshit, nip cunts were faggots. All they had to do was not bomb Pearl Harbour and not come near Oceania and they’d have been fine, maybe even celebrated today but no they went full spastic and fucked themselves over.

Pol needs to accept that nips are pedo kikes that shouldn’t be respected, they are degenerate and treat animals in inhuman ways like china. Look up frog soup, ect. on youtube.

America should have backed japan in ww2. Given them oil and real tanks to fight the chinks. Seriously the entire cold war happend because America backed jews over everyone else. Read some books everyone in government knew what was going down but didnt say a thing. The only good thing that came from ww2 was American naval doctrine.


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