Why don’t whites just have more kids?
Why don’t whites just have more kids?
>If you live close to job opportunity your only choice is to live in a small box
>Vast taxes to fund bommer pensions and zionist wars
Kiked economy, women have to work instead of having children, many whites can't support a family on one income. Also kikes spread feminism so they think they're oppressed if they have children in their most fertile years.
1. Then start your own business and move away. My country was built by rugged old men packing up their family and traveling via wagon.
2. If it’s so hard, then why do immigrants abroad and native have higher birth rates? Are they just smarter than you? Is it because they spend money on rice and beans instead of smartphones?
Honestly, the worst thing about white people is the limitless amount of excuses they make. Just admit you don’t want the responsibility of raising a child and stop wasting my time.
You realize if all young huwhite males in Sweden impregnated white women there would be an overload on your economic system and you could collapse your government, thus saving you from Islamization?
It would just lead to whites not being able to support their families.
It would reverse your inevitable browning.
There are more white people in the world now than there has ever been throughout history.
Only mass deportations or a war could do that.
White women are virtually impossible to deal with.
OP has obviously never raised kids
Kids suck!
Because men think they have unlimited possibilities and don't wanna be men, supporting families. They are basically (men) whores. Quality women investigate men and when they find this out, completely avoid them in a search for a quality partner. The problem is, there is much less quality men, than quality women.
Why don't you illegals just go back?
>just start your own business
>just start your own facebook
>just start your own government
There are not many quality women.
Most of them worship nigger culture and are completely controlled by msm
Whites are loaded with debt and stress so they dont dare to multiply.
Because as Feminism grows so too the MGTOW movement has been growing since 2011.
>constant propaganda telling whites not to have kids
>constant propaganda telling white women abortion is super cool and focus on your career until you're 40 and infertile
>student loan scheme to funnel all youth into indentured servitude
>jew-manipulated housing market that's completely unaffordable
>real wages haven't risen in 30+ years
Pretty sure it's men who have made a cult out of Tarzan sports and uncivil behavior as part of the liberal individualism of America. Women are far more conservative and rightwing than men, generally speaking. Rightwing != asshole.
oppressed and stressed populations don't have a lot of kids as they don't think future will be bright.
Because whites aren't self aware anymore and we have lost sight of what's truly important in life. Plus, right now, we are under the wrath of God for denying him.
Pre menopause women don't want children and are only interested in Chad.
Post menopause women do want children but can't, and probably still only want Chad.
>Women are far more conservative and rightwing than men, generally speaking.
Kek, no they aren't.
You're living in a fantasy world.
Whites understand pragmatism to a fault and feel shame for burdening their neighbor.
Because they think ahead, and they see a blight future. Subhumans on the other hand don't see beyond 15 seconds.
because their women don't want them lmao
Because men think they have unlimited possibilities and don't wanna be men, supporting families. They are basically (men) whores. Quality women investigate men and when they find this out, completely avoid them in a search for a quality partner. The problem is, there is much less quality men, than quality women.
Not true, most white women avoid other races like a plague and just want a normal life and solid partnership.
Because jews indoctrinated them not to.
And no im not just saying that for the meme.
I mean people mainly jewish descent are largely responsible for the rise of second and third wave feminism in the west
se pic
Because they're too expensive these days unless you're poor and plan to use free gibs
> (You)
>>Women are far more conservative and rightwing than men, generally speaking.
>Kek, no they aren't.
>You're living in a fantasy world.
Oh, they most definitely are. Which is why society puts so much effort into programming them to go against their biological conservatism.
Here's a simple example: who has to deal with more serious consequences with a one night stand?
Another example: who has more at risk in a lawless, chaotic society?
Women have always been more conservative. It's the bullshit patriarchy that brainwashes people to think otherwise as strong women would destroy it.
>Another example: who has more at risk in a lawless, chaotic society?
This is men lel.
Throughout history, when societies collapse, the men are killed or enslaved en mass while women marry into the new dominant power.
This is inaccurate. There were some 2nd wave feminists who were Jews, with almost all radical ones rejecting and critiquing feminism. But more influential feminists were predominately not Jewish. This is actually part of why feminism was broken up in the 80s-90s, as identity politics of Jewish, black, etc feminists resented the white, Christian dominance of feminism.
>>Another example: who has more at risk in a lawless, chaotic society?
>This is men lel.
>Throughout history, when societies collapse, the men are killed or enslaved en mass while women marry into the new dominant power.
Whether it is better to be given a soldier's death or endlessly raped and forced into labor is a bad argument.
But you are talking about a change in the leadership of an established patriarchal order. When it comes to living within a society, women are much more vulnerable to roaming criminal men, both because they generally are physically weaker and because they are sexually desirable.
The patriarchal koolaid keeps you from understanding things counter to your culture.
Women were also murdered, many women even fought in wars, they go through traumas of rape and having to kill their own kids conceived that way and often kill themselves because of it. Does that happen to men? No, you just die and that's it.
>There were some 2nd wave feminists who were Jews, with almost all radical ones rejecting and critiquing feminism.
I meant to say the more hardcore 2nd wave Jewish feminists like Gerda Lerner (and not like Gloria Steinem) were extremely critical of Judaism. Many saw it as the critical switch to society going full patriarch.
American women are all prostitutes, junkies and feminists who hate kids.
Why the fuck would they?
>Then start your own business
Just be rich bro lol yolo.
Gas yourself.
>If it’s so hard, then why do immigrants abroad and native have higher birth rates?
Welfare, wic, section 8, not paying taxes, food stamps and selling drugs like every brown person does on tax payer dime.
>It would reverse your inevitable browning.
Lol, Americans are retarded.
The EU wants to bring millions more into Europe.
North American women suck.
Well that's a give away in and of itself
but lets e what brilliant fucking insights you posted bellow.
>This is inaccurate. There were some 2nd wave feminists who were Jews, with almost all radical ones rejecting and critiquing feminism.
Please provide a list, an info graph, an article a single fucking source of any shape or form that backs your assertion in the fucking slightest
I will be more then happy to go through it and affirm or debunk it when provided.
>But more influential feminists were predominately not Jewish.
Gloria Steinem wasnt Jewish?
Andrea Dowkin Wasnt Jewish?
Rosa Luxenburg Wasnt Jewish???
Come the fuck on dude
Virtually every thought leader of the second and third wave feminist movements were jewish
And if you provide any names that are bigger in feminism and arent jewish i will be happy to provide even more examples to show just how influential and all powerful these cunts really and trully are within the intellectual traditional of feminism.
I suspect however that you wont
Because you dont know what the fuck you are talking about and more over YOU KNOW you dont know what the fuck you are talking about
So you will do the normal the communist thing and run from debate like a little bitch when talking to someone more educated on the subject matter then you are insisting it "isnt your job to educate someone else" and using that as a smoke screen to hide your own blatant fucking retardation and cuckolded faggotry.
Are you an overweight blonde woman with a cunty attitude...i bet you are.
Women are not one thing just like men are not one thing you fucking nigger faggot.
>who has more at risk in a lawless, chaotic society?
Men, they have to score resources, women can just get knocked up.
And they fuck up doing that by fucking loser men.
There's plenty of white families having 3-4 kids.This board lives in a bubble
>endlessly raped
No, women will give it up you fucking idiot.
I swear commies and women are stupid.
>Niggers and spics literally living for free on food stamps and welfare, driving cadilacs, shitting out kids once a year, free education, free everything
>Whites not only don't get special treatment, they have to pay for niggers and spics out of their pockets
Gee, I wonder
Women like career more and only want chads and also mass immigration has destroyed wages makeing it harder to start a family.
Get rid of women’s rights and get rid of all niggers and welfare leeches and people will have babies again in high numbers
>were extremely critical of Judaism.
Rosa Luxenburg wasn't 2nd wave.
Gloria Steinem was a liberal feminist who literally worked for the CIA.
Andrea Dworkin was a feminist, but also alienated most other feminists.
You really don't know anything about 2nd wave feminism, do you? Have you read a single book by any of those people? What's the difference between radical and liberal feminism?
Why are you talking about something you don't know anything about?
High taxes. That's seriously the only thing. In regions where taxes are lowered, more kids are born.
lol you dumb shit, have you heard of affirmative action? Theyre basically handed stuff until society collapses from the weight. See boeing max 737 for more info
Why don't shitskins just have less kids?
Oh yeah, because they're subhuman animals with no impulse control or ability to plan for the future.
Feminism, contraceptives and a bad environment with a diversity future.
The current generation lived through the last of the good times and see it just getting worse.
> (You)
> (You)
>Are you an overweight blonde woman with a cunty attitude...i bet you are.
>Women are not one thing just like men are not one thing you fucking nigger faggot.
You are nothing more than a trash misogynist. You pretend you are "politically incorrect" but there is nothing more typical than you, however it gets refashioned as progressive.
>>who has more at risk in a lawless, chaotic society?
>Men, they have to score resources, women can just get knocked up.
>And they fuck up doing that by fucking loser men.
This is bullshit. Women work more hours than men in every single nation in the world. Have you ever actually met a real life woman?
> (You)
>>endlessly raped
>No, women will give it up you fucking idiot.
>I swear commies and women are stupid.
Yeah, rape never happens. Brilliant argument.
> (You)
>>were extremely critical of Judaism.
Go read Gerda Lerner and find out for yourself.
My god, Yas Forums, I can't believe how stupid almost all of you are. Have you ever had a single original thought in your life? Try reading a book for fuck's sake.
Urbanisation on general = shitty birthrates.
The more civilized and advanced ur society is the less people are likely to have kids. First world nations and developing nations all already have a shitty tfr whether that is in Europe, North America or Asia. Underdeveloped shitholes with an urbanization rate of less than 50% have a high tfr, I thought this was a basic concept but with the amount of threads being made about "just" having kids I guess not.
I'm working on it, bro.
I have 3 so far.
Btw, this is seriously good advice. Our governments highly subsidize childbirth.
>or endlessly raped and forced into labor is a bad argument.
Except this isn't what typically happened.
The horror stories exist precisely because they were the exception.
Soldiers on campaign had other places to go and other shit to do after sieges.
They couldn't bring women and booty with them even if they wanted to.
The rapes and looting were almost always a consequence of an army going rogue as a consequence of not being paid, eg Magdeberg, and these cases almost always prompted a revision of the laws of war.
>When it comes to living within a society, women are much more vulnerable to roaming criminal men
Again, not true.
Crime stats in literally every country on earth show men make up the overwhelming share of violent crime victims.
Yes, you denied jews so now you die uwu
I'm starting to understand the Tuskegee experiments to make them sterile. Some black people NEED to be spayed & neutered .
Because of this OP... because of this.
why is no one posting progressive hitler