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its a zeroburger

>1000 deaths
>in a country of 330 million
why did we shut down the economy over this

Thats per day you mongoloid

ok doomer

Let me guess, you voted for Drumpf?

i voted hillary unironically

US averages 7-8k deaths per day
many deaths that would have happened anyway (pneumonia especially) are now being attributed to COVID
really you're dealing with maybe a hundred premature deaths a day, if that, which is like a 1% increase

Op here and im also a jewyorker. People don't give a fuck about qurantine. Especially blacks and jews. This will be a crazy happening.

>many deaths would have happened anyway
No source
All counted deaths are recorded from hospitals.
Many who die in homes arent accounted for (illegals or blacks with no insurance).

it's literally 1000 deaths, you're more likely to be struck by lightning than die of this virus

>1000 a day
>number will grow every week
>its a nothing burger

it's all niggers so who cares?

Two more weeks!

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You know what a novel virus is? right?

The numbers are BS
RTBS Roll back the Stone of the cave they put you in and rise again on Easter
Open the churches spread the word
First Amendment!

the chances of being a new yorker are very small, so it's like 1000 people dying in a planet of what, 7.5 billion? That's a 1 in 7.5 million chance of dying of this virus and being in new york. It's a nothingburger.

You do realize you can have the virus with very mild symptoms and pass it on to a few people and possibly kill them.. whether it’s 5 deaths or 40000 deaths I for sure don’t want to get sick or make others sick!

in three states

with a combined population of 43.5 million

Read the image in the OP
Its not 1000 deaths a day in a country of 330 million
Its 1000 deaths a day in 3 states, with a combined population of 34 million

sorry 33.5 million. you're right, it's really happening

$.015 shekels have been deposited.
Now might be a good time to take a break and stretch.
Today’s lunch is onions patty.

>Just two more weeks of lockdown! Everything will be back to normal!


So stay inside forever and be complicit with your constitutional rights being taken away, coward

the tests are fake and the death count is fraudulent. if youre not reporting on the change in overall death rates I dont give a fuck.

read it again nerd.
the chances of dying of coronavirus in new york are low because it's extremely unlikely to be in new york.

agreed these rights have gone out of hand

the gov should punish dumb opinions by spreading virus

Stop asking questions, goy. Just take you mandatory vaccine and microchip. Stay home and don't try to stop the WHO from removing family members. This is all for your own good.

I don't know for the life of me who you think you are fooling with this trying to sound tough and smart while trying to justify your irrational CNN driven fear. The Happening bunch never addresses any argument that isn't the most extreme interpretation of what we're looking at.

It's the reverse. The death count is over-estimated because they are attributing the death to COVID if they test positive, regardless of the actual cause of death.

This isn't even a conspiracy theory. The coronavirus task force has openly admitted it.

people in Sodom and Gomorrah are dying, who could have predicted that?

How many have to die, to make the state Republican.

yeah there's no uptick of deaths in new york, they are attributing kitchen accidents and heart attacks to corona because they're testing everybody. the virus is symptomless 80% of the time.

look through old news, these health workers bitch about not having ppe EVERY FUCKING YEAR. Look at old reddits for nursedoctors etc. they're always bitching about ppe.

As another user said, the problem with a pandemic is that you'll never know if you did too much, but if you do too little, you'll know it. Better to be safe than sorry. This won't last much longer.

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O no not muh heckin constitution what about muh hooman-righterinos!

The CDC's own guidelines say to count deaths as COVID deaths if doctors think it was the cause even if there's been no test. Brix said yesterday that they're counting anyone who dies and is found to have coronavirus as a COVID death even if they died from something else. They're outright telling you they're lying and people are acting like they're not.

They've done that with smoking deaths for decades. Die of lung cancer and you ate statistically a smoking death, even if you have never in your entire life been within ten miles of a lit cigarette. Nothing new here.

*are not ate

There doesn't need to be a test if a previously healthy person is then confirmed to have covid and drowns in his own snot.

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Mostly to avoid the death toll going even higher. These are the deaths for a country on lockdown, hard to say how high it would be if everyone was coofing it up at the movies three nights a week and every club and bar was coof city. Niggers are arguing about the treatment cause there not sick so the treatment didn't work, a literal nigger 'if I can't see it and it's not happening right now it's not a thing'.

>a thousand deaths a day in three states under almost complete lockdown is a "nothing burger"

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Are you suggesting daily smoking isn't unhealthy or doesn't cause lung cancer?

there are hundreds of viruses and bacteria that can lead to pneumonia. dozens of them are corona viruses. declaring it covid19 without testing is fraud. considering all the exceptions the govt and insurance companies are making for covid19 its criminal fraud and doctors need be prosecuted immediately.

Ok doomer

You realize half the country live in like 7 states right?
Makes sense a few would have a lot of infections

Think of the 0.00001%. Why don't you have emotions! You monster, we need a police state to stop John Prine from dieing he was a national treasure noooo!

That's actually anecdotal evidence. You wouldn't know if they "drowned in their own snot" if you didn't perform a postmortem test of some kind.

vietnam has a longer life expectancy than the us and kids in diapers are given cigs over there

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"Death rates dropped two days in a row....QUARANTINE IS FINISHED! LETS ALL FUCK SOCIAL DISTANCING....OH WAIT"

>UN Flag
But the first measures were racist right? The WHO are your guys you fucking dumbass.

But in your own article they arent other diseases, they are confirmed covid-19 before death. What are you thinking? That the covid-19 patients died of another flu because no autopsy? Yeah free autopsies for the 1000 deaths a day in 3 states, I'm sure that wouldn't tie up valuable resources one bit.

It's even worse than that, it's not a quarantine because people are STILL going out to buy food, basically ensuring that out of the LITERAL 50% that don't have any symptoms but ARE infected WILL spread to the majority of the population. Which means that effectively this quarantine is useless. It's destroying economies all around the world and it's fucking useless. No politician would legitimately look at these policies and think they actually work against the virus, they'll do more harm than an indiscriminate pandemic would.

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Because of panic and hysteria. This virus is a bitch for at risk groups even though it's a burger made of nothing for healthy people. NYC is boomer central with boomers living on top of boomers stacked next to boomers, so naturally they're going to get hit hard.

>Mostly to avoid the death toll going even higher. These are the deaths for a country on lockdown, hard to say how high it would be if everyone was coofing it up at the movies three nights a week and every club and bar was coof city.
It's easy to say because states like Iowa and Arkansas have not gone on a total lockdown and their R0 has flattened like everyone else's. In fairness they have closed schools/bars/restaurants, but they did not shut down their economies. We took this too far and we are in grave economic danger at this point.

>inb4 hurr durr who cares about stocks
We're starting to show cracks in the food supply. People not showing up to work, essential businesses being forced to stop production due to lack of inputs from 'non-essential' businesses, factories closing.

It's fine to keep schools/bars/restaurants/movie theaters closed, but if they don't lift the restrictions on the rest of the economy this is going to get very ugly very fast.

12k deaths and counting

When you're keeping somebody alive with a respirator it's probable the issue is respiratory.

365,000 deaths a year is nothing

It's literally impossible to prevent that. 50% of the people have no symptoms, it can spread to a hundred people per ONE of those without a symptom. The death rate is much much lower.

stupid mutt

New York can't get it's shit together. No other state is having the same level of problems with the wu-flu.

Good question. Even more apt: why wasn’t the same hysteria found two years ago at the height of flu season?

2017-2018 flu season in the US:
44 million suspected cases
20 million visited a doctor
800,000 hospitalized
60,000 dead

Thanks to an 8 year study from Glasgow, we know that every year 7-15% of all ILI’s are caused by coronavirus. So...

4.4 million suspected coronavirus cases
2 million coronavirus doctors visits
80,000 coronavirus hospitalizations
6,000 coronavirus deaths

What were the media, government, and public’s reactions to that flu season? Do you even remember it? Why wasn’t it newsworthy? Hospitals set up tents to treat people, they ran out of masks, there was a shortage of IV saline bags... but no mass hysteria.

It’s literally just the flu.

yeah the fake quarantine combined with very very late use of masks just means we've burned 2 trillion dollars and HAVE NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT

In the 1918 pandemic the police went around and shot mask slackers.

New York wont lift a finger on anything unless at least 3 chosen people make profit

to save the niggers!

If the virus disappeared after April and 100K die in the USA would the general death rate go down for a while afterwards

the virus has been here for over 2 months

In fairness there probably will be because democrats are generally younger

Still anecdotal. There's clearer evidence that the ventilators don't work, the cause of death is not respiratory and brute forcing oxygen into someone is actually extremely dangerous.

It also means that the death rate is so fucking low that even if there wasn't any quarantine whatsoever the damage would be ridiculously smaller than the "cure" that is being used. FOR FUCK'S SAKE there are governors openly admitting they intend to do another 2 or 3 repeats of a 2 month quarantine. THAT DOESN'T WORK. The fucking thing spreads through goddamn pipes for fuck's sake.

>Three states with millions of people.
>1000 dead.
Nothing burger.

Two more weeks.

Hearing you bitches sperg out about this makes me realize this is a nothing burger

As a scuba diver, having oxygen forced into me has never been an issue. Kind of relaxing actually, seeing as with vast amounts of pressure on my chest in deep water i wouldn't be able to breathe without it.

Half of all deaths in the US have been in New York, New York isn't full of Republicans.


In one day you absolute tool.

they die not from the virus but because they're obese pigs and their atrophied muscles can't lift their own lungs after being on a ventilator

What was the average age of these people in New York?


It probably doesn't spread through pipes

>being scared of the air
lol you retards probably already had it and didn't even notice. Infection rate is almost definitely much higher and mortality rate significantly lower.

Who cares...

Should I be worried about Jewish dens and compounds being hit by Corona-chan?

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Nope. It’s been mostly liberals.

Car accident, Coronavirus
Gunshot, Coronavirus
Old age, Coronavirus
Suicide, Coronavirus
Cancer and aids and bashed in the head with a hammer, Coronavirus

Blacks and jews catching it the most because they refuse to adapt to their surroundings. They're too used to everything working out for them in this age.

you will have about a 70% chance of catching this, and once you've got it, by then the medical system will be completely overwhelmed and deaths will skyrocket.. so you've got a 10% chance of dying if you catch it, at minimum
Therefore you have at least a 7% of dying of this, right now. You are not safe, and you are not immune. In fact, because of your pride, I bet God strikes you down for added irony.