Dominic Raab

So, he'll be replacing Boris Johnson?
What do we know about him?

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Boris Johnson is fine. He is growing stronger every hour.

No he's gonna die.

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He is a hardcore eurosceptic and the left who will literally have a street party if BoJo dies will wish they had never been fucking born. Better than BoJo in my opinion.

Robojew 5000

They're telling us he's recovering but I just don't buy it.

Interesting surname.

If Boris dies then there will be a leadership competition that Dominic Raab could never win. But Rishi Sunak might and the counter-colonisation of the UK by South Asia would be complete.

Well it's certainly not Jewish

He's one of (((them)))

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I need a sauce on that, I'm not in the habit of believing screenshots from mutts.

raab is an anagram of arab


>His background: Raab’s father, Peter, was a Jewish refugee who immigrated to Britain at the age of 7 from what was then Czechoslovakia following the Nazi annexations there in 1938. Peter Raab died in 1986, when his son was 12, according to the Daily Mail.

That's it boys, confirmed Jew

Raab would beat Sunak. Gove would run though and maybe win

How fucking ill do you have to be to need the better part of a week in intensive care?

He is probably unconscious and being ventilated with a 14% chance of survival.

China knew exactly what they were doing. This is their gift to the world.

Are you goys ready for the (((new))) world order?

first class cunt. Brought up in the hard freemarkets are best adn poor people can just die school of economics. In other words - idiot with no graps of reality.

Boris is a cunt too, but has some grasp of political reality - this one has none of any reality at all.

he's just another jew waiting to take power

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His son is one of the Jackass dudes. Pretty cool.

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Just like cons of England passing progressive marxist laws.

You're fucked up.

Check this thread

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He was on his uni boxing team so obviously a better PM than a sedentary fatass.

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Rishi Sunak is being shilled hard across the UK right now. Sincere question, not trolling, how would most Brits feel if an Indian was in charge of them? How would Indians in Britain act?

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He must be really hot like a dog during those Builderberg parties.

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Great English name he has there. Holy fuck.

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>If Boris dies then there will be a leadership competition that Dominic Raab could never win
Wrong. Raab was appointed "designated survivor" by Johnson himself. It would be a one-candidate election because no one would jeopardise their career by being known as the weasel who took advantage of the PM's death to promote himself.

He's jewish

The guy's a retard. This video is immediately before he was hospitalised. Rubbing elbows with foreigners and shaking hand after hand. Super-spreader. His gift to the community.

He strangled prostitutes on Thursdays

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Is Johnson ded?

Thank you smellcheck you over zealous little fuck

Why do this? With bitches you do sweet love

Only in his brain
Doctors were trying to revive it
Then he caught corona virus

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That's a video from when he was mayor, it even says so in the description lol. Do you really think the PM is allowed to go around London on a pushbike?

They wouldn't vote for him. He would be accepted as chancellor of pm if appointed, but not voted in. It's just the way it is.

He's massively sexist and doesn't back down to feminists.

Father was Jewish

Sounds pretty based, then.

100% chance he is a Zionist.

Can someone confirm that he is a foreskin muncher? If so, why does England allow Jews in the government?

He's a Jew and born to a Jew who fled from the Nazi's.

He rides to work on the back of tetradactyl called Berty and he once married to David Icke.

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wikipedo says that his father was jewish, but he was raised Anglican.

Why do you allow Jews in the government? Your president is basically Jewish, as far most of his staffers.

His father was Jewish, his mother Christian. He was brought up as a Christian and married a Brazilian Christian woman. It's a massive cope to call the man a Jew.

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It's an anglo thing

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Damn! That's what I get for using wechat as a source. Thanks.

Tbh hes openly advocated mens rights and written books about it, regardless of the fact his dad was jewish (which by jew rules stops him being jewish) hed be alright, never heard of him celebrating anything jewish

I wouldn't object too much to an Indian, since they integrate well with British culture and seem to be pretty based and also hate Muslims and Pakis.

Case in point: the smirking right wing immigrant hater that is Priti Patel.

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>Jewish genetics
>Not Jewish

Obese fuck

Cope, focussing on just jews ignores the fact that 95% of people who fuck us over are not jewish

>“From the cradle to the grave, men are getting a raw deal. Feminists are now amongst the most obnoxious bigots.”

Raab is a disgusting BIGOT

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He's an Anglo
So he's probably very hungry for some jewjew cum

I'm liking this guy more and more.

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He looks gay as hell

I'd fucking kill myself from embarrassment Mayor of London is pretty fucking bad but Prime Minister would make us a national laughing stock

No shitskins please.

He's a good bloke though desu

Based Brit


>we give jews a pass now because he said some le based and redpilled things XD
Make your minds up, Yas Forumstards.

So he's a jew pretending to be white and then promoting race mixing?

he looks like a gay porn actor

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