Your posts are influencing and radicalizing innocent teenagers on the other side of the planet. Can you live with that...

Your posts are influencing and radicalizing innocent teenagers on the other side of the planet. Can you live with that? I am starting to have doubts about the effects my shitposts my have so i am going to tune it down.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I just see anons telling each other to repent and choose Christ. This makes the kike owned media SEETHE

>oh no the CHILDREN!
You must be 18+ to use this site. Not my fucking problem.
This is explicitly stated in the rules.

This. Also fuck normies

>d-don't let your kids browse the internet, they might find the t-truth out there

>"Accept Christ"
Do they do this deliberately?

>Boomers need to die
>Bible is real. Accept Christ
Wow, such radicalization.

Do they fear the bible? Why?

the moment the media starts writing articles is when some topic that was posted struck a nerve with those trying to control narratives

> hey kid, don't let pedophiles castrate you with hormones
> the media: "WoW tHaT's LiTeRaLlY aNuDaH sHoAh"

Because (((they))) rejected Christ.

Based and breadpilled. Jesus bless you all. Pray for your families and mine too.

Just come out and say it.

maybe they should watch what their kids do online retards

but they're (((being groomed)))
and that it a beautifull thing

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>2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
besides, childrens browsing habits are at the responsibility of parents
MSNBC are massive faggots and I hope they see this

>Your posts are influencing
Ban porn.

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My based info-terrorists, how many kids did you brainwash today?

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Someone post the Tarrant dragqueen news papper


Funny because you talk like an edgy 14-year-old

Never gets old.

Glad it's changed from "far left extremists" to "far right extremists" and now to "radicalized extremists".
All in all it's great advertisement.

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yes, it's almost unnoticeable

>immediately poison the conversation by titling the person with a name associated with other 'bad people'
>don't address the argument or point, just attack the character of a person by libeling them
>say something along the lines of 'rational people don't believe this stuff'
>mention how all of this is nonsense anyways
>immediately resort to angry shouting and maybe assault
>run away screaming about how they are right and how you are morally irredeemable for disagreeing with their perceived universe

I never used to believe in the satan is a deceiver thing before, but something is afoot

the media popularized Yas Forums to begin with just so they can have a constant boogeyman


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because they get exposed as the synagogue of satan

god forbid we allow anyone to form their on views on the world

Is this stuff that gets journalists shot and killed, and rightfully so. Shame on you CBS, you support pedophiles and Zionists.

>oh no!! Our social Marxism and liberal college brainwashing are being destroyed by a Mongolian basket weaving image board!!

>Joanna Schroeder, a writer and mother of three, was looking over her son's shoulder as he scrolled through his Instagram "Discover" feed. When a meme depicting Hitler appeared, he quickly liked it and kept scrolling. Schroeder, confused, stopped him and had him scroll back. Her son had thought the meme had an anti-Hitler message, but on closer inspection — and to his horror — the meme was actually pro-Hitler. A seemingly harmless scroll through Instagram immediately turned into a learning moment for both mom and son.

>"We read it and he was horrified," she recalled. "Of course he unliked it. And I was like, 'You have got to slow down and read what you're liking, because your friends can see that you liked this and I know you don't believe that way.' ... It was a big moment for both of us."

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textbook attribution of an individual's actions to the whole group. a basket of deplorables.

Hey, i read that thread. Oh shit, oh fuck. Am i radicalized now?

Wonder if Yas Forums will be shut down in the coming years, major internet providers ban the site etc

this is the last big site that 100% accepts free speech, no upvotes, profiles etc. Basically everything the left hates, they'll probably find some bullshit excuse to take it down eventually

>2 posts from based Christposters


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but not all black people

>Your posts are influencing and radicalizing innocent teenagers on the other side of the planet. Can you live with that?
Of course,Yas Forums's purpose is spreading chaos.

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Impossible. No one under 18 is allowed to post here.

>boomers need to die
>"There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it – in that prejudice and racism – and they just have to die." - Oprah


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>that third reply


Media recoils at the sight of Christ and his followers. Be blessed anons.


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Hope the boy realizes mommy is the reason daddy left, KILL MOMMY!

>OMG mom, I can't believe it. I thought it was... an ANTI-hitler meme!

>I was expecting this dark, dark boarded up room
Oh lordy this shit is as bad as faux.
>Megan identifies as a wizard
Nigger you're a glow-worm and an attentionwhore at best.

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>Your posts are influencing and radicalizing innocent teenagers on the other side of the planet. Can you live with that?

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i used to just lurk for keks but I started posting when I found out I could help radicalize kids.

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All of them.
All your children are belong to us.

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jornos are so narcissistic they always choose to include teh bread they made in their "articles" like a sore fucking thumb or should i say nose

Well, they are dumb and full of hormones, with stupid parents. Of course they turn out to be your average Yas Forums sperg. These groups make you feel like you are excellent. You are 'it' just for existing and for doing absolutely nothing other than being born, which is highly addictive for the average loser, it's intoxicating for them to FINALLY belong, fucking lemmings.

This is a 18+ website. If younger kids are getting influenced then it's their parents' fault for allowing them to view it.
Remember kids:

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Yeah, primative sandnigger worship is the answer...

based and redpilled...

Its that Yas Forums forum with lots of incel nazis and black cock pr0ns!
Fucking americans! What led them to do this?

>not showing your mommy pro-hitler memes as she gives you nursing handjob

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Uncanny resemblance

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That's totally what's happening here. I mean look how many newfags there are recently with their juvenile verbal ejaculations like "based" etc. I bet that kid posts here.

I mean I am also 12 and what is this?

I just see people saying what they really think. This is the most honest website on the internet.

-real news and heard first here
-warned about dangerous predators
-taught to be alert to real dangers
-liars are called out
-exposed to all angles of viewing an issue
-political agendas are gleaned through study
-taught how to think for oneself
-awareness brought to indoctrination, and blatent lies and racism in jewish media, warping minds towards faggotry.

sounds like a future gangweeder in the making.

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>Yas Forums becomes pic related
Oh lordy.

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>boomers need to die

only stupid people are susceptable to stupid ideas,

I only come here to check quite how stupid people are at any given time,

sometimes I try to help a little, sometimes I just have to laugh at the level of confused thinking displayed here,

I'm unsure whether stupidity is nature or nurture at this point.

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>Mothers. Fathers. Let me tell you about shitposting. Welcome to the seminar.

>Her son had thought the meme had an anti-Hitler message
biggest crock of shit since the golf rumors, kids love that feeling of being in a secret villainous organization, they like places like Yas Forums because it offers them companioship and an air of mystery and knowledge. You offer the children no community and break down the family unit, so they will just join the alternative next to them, doesn't matter the ideology or goal.
You think those football hooligans actually care about their team? They are there to drink and have fun with their friends, they just see sports as an excuse, same shit here for most people

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CBSM also posting drive by hits on Q

Fuck your kids. This place is for fucked up adults.

>Global Rule 2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

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>are your kids being radicalized
>Bible is true. Accept Christ.
What did they mean by this?

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You're the newfag. Based has been used en-masse on this site for many years.

hitler loved /ss/ too

Beyond based.
Remember the Isrealis say the messiach comes today. The one minister, (health) said hes already been in contact with him.
Let's see what anti-christ they offer up.
But yeah get right and stay right with God, even if you're one of those "god needs no church" types.

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The whole system is designed to make them complaint wagies, even when their retirement funds, and bank accounts are being raided, they should know the truth, about the politicians and agencies who monitor them every moment, the unopposed power banking systems wield, and being able to see through our judeo-masonic two party system that manufactures problems and how they never implement solutions that undermine globalism.

Wait are these the journalists making their own radical posts?

god mainstream media is such pozzed garbage

Yuck, this is ICP tier cancer.

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I really enjoyed being a charter member of the Internet Hate Machine back in the day.

Kids are being radicalised by tumblr/twitter trannies to cut their fucking cocks off but no one speaks out about that huh?

Based. This needs to be pushed more. Using bible/wholesome posting absolutely causes the kikes to seethe uncontrollably

Fuck off, it was never that common until like 2017.
We even word filtered earlier cancer like baka-desu-senpai.


So being truthful, conservative, and traditional is now considered "radical" and "extremist" by Jew media?
What a, "surprise"...

Of course, pic related is not radical or extremist, at all...

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>was looking over her son's shoulder as he was scrolling through his instagram "discover" feed. He quickly liked ot, and kept scrolling.
>Was spying on her son
>son uses instagram
>son "likes" something without reading it
There is so much wrong here, and that's not even half of the excerpt.

Mate, I came here for these types of lulz.
You need to go to >>/srsbsns/ methinks.

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Reminds me of this

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thats exactly what this is. they filmed someone typing NIGGER live into the post window... kek

i hate my parents >:( and neck all jannies :DDDDD

It's such a ridiculous amount of attention it almost glows...

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I still remember these fucking articles making Yas Forums out to be some sort of a Deus ex secret org
Damn right you do, that's exactly my point. Most people join this place because they like the atmosphere, and they stay because they get reshaped

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eff pee bee pee

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As I said, it wasn't as cancerous as it is now. Nowadays it's just gotten stupid.

OY vey!

fuck off zoom zoom based was used all the back in 2010

now back to trannyera freak

Radicalized by what? Bantz? How will they ever recover from the poo in loo and shart in mart memes, some racist jokes and ridiculous conspiracy theories (which happen to be true).

A bit of both, but it seems to be nurtured to the point that it's self perpetuating and becoming nature. And human stupidity is infinite, so the bwerorst is yet to come.

lol it's that caleb nigger's article. The fake "alt-right" kike.

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>Joanna Schroeder, a writer and mother of three, was looking over her son's shoulder as he scrolled through his Instagram "Discover" feed. When a meme depicting Hitler appeared, he quickly liked it and kept scrolling. Schroeder, confused, stopped him and had him scroll back. Her son had thought the meme had an anti-Hitler message, but on closer inspection — and to his horror — the meme was actually pro-Hitler. A seemingly harmless scroll through Instagram immediately turned into a learning moment for both mom and son.

this is a classic case of edgy pre teen behavior being misinterpreted by an overbearing parent.

"no mom, of course I don't think Hitler is funny! I clearly didn't read what the meme said, OBVIOUSLY i wouldn't have liked it if it were pro Hitler"


I told my parents today if they keep telling me about this covid crap, keep filling up my email box I'm disowning them.

Everything they send me is from CNN, MSNBC or some other propaganda arm.

I wouldn't piss on a mainstream "journalist" if they were on fire, in fact I'd grab the extinguisher and run.

>he doesn't know everything posted here is ironic

we do it for the lulz

Yeah, now it's just parroting to show assimilation.

>Bible is true. Accept Christ
Of all the threads this is the one they pick? Are you fucking kidding? Kikes really need to be exterminated

Thank you, Britanon. Newfags really need to learn to archive media shit like this before posting it here.

I might start larping as a leftist and use all their quotes.

>everything posted here is ironic
it really isn't

Remember, it's not radical to be radicalized.

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>I still remember these fucking articles making Yas Forums out to be some sort of a Deus ex secret org
Do you, sir, deny the obvious existence of the hacker known as Yas Forums?

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Not so much now, people are genuinely retarded.

Holy Shit!! This thing just flew over my house! what the heck! REEEEEE

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Don't worry I got your back user. You tried.

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Omg im famous