@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

VISIT Coronavirus.gov
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump on Hannity 4/7/20
>TrumpTweet: #AmericaWorksTogether 4/7/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/7/20
c-span.org/video/?471020-1/ (pt1)
c-span.org/video/?471020-101/ (pt2)
>Pres Trump Conf Call Update on America CARES: Sm Biz Relief 4/7/20
>Team Trump ONLINE! 4/7/20
>ArrrNige on America 1st w/Gorka 4/7/20
>HUDSec SleepyBen on FoxNews 4/7/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on FBN 4/7/20
>LabSec Scalia on FoxNews 4/7/20
>LabSec Scalia on CNBC 4/7/20
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 4/7/20
>NECDir Kudlow on F&F 4/7/20
>SECChair Clayton on CNBC 4/7/20
>Trump2020SrLegalAdviser Ellis on Tucker 4/7/20
>StateDeptSpox Morgan on FBN 4/7/20
>Pentagon Press Brief (ATSD(PA) Hoffman/DOD Officials) 4/7/20
>StateDept Press Brief (SoS Pompeo/PrinDepAsstSoS4CA Brownlee) 4/7/20

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:





Attached: >doxxingyourselftoownptg.jpg (1280x2141, 594.07K)

OP is dead

New baker needed

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Imagine actually being black. Lmao.

Have a good day, an-trap.
Thanks for baking

Based and death to all chinamen pilled

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Have a MAGA morning, user

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Next one is on me, thanks for baking


Attached: ICE tricks.webm (720x480, 2.16M)

That was a funny as hell video lel

Reposting. Seems the corona virus (cov) displaces the iron (fe)

Attached: 20200407_212130.png (649x2448, 304.75K)

>every patient dead after catching covid is considered a covid casuality no matter the cause of death.
>The lockdown will continue as long as there is casualties.
>Police will stop enforcing all laws regarding theft and other smaller crimes.
>However you will be arrested, fined and prosecuted for going outside without a mask and services will be denied to you if you dont take the new mandatory vaccine.
>Your firearm will be confiscated and people with second residences will need to hand them to the governement to house migrants and homeless ppl.
Just a glimpse of the future.

Kek, why are ICE agents so creative?

Attached: bump.webm (882x494, 1.92M)

Good read.
thanks, user


Attached: Screenshot_20200404-162309.png (2048x1462, 897.74K)

>US Coronavirus deaths are now being attributed to racism as blacks are more affected by it
>live in tight spaces with family
>ignore lockdown guidelines and continue to go out in groups
>don’t practice basic hygiene
>this is somehow the fault of racism

Attached: approved.png (1887x1078, 2.44M)


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100% legit too
> ICE finds out the “signal” illegals use to find their ride
> ICE dresses like spics, get a beaten down truck and gives signal
> spics come out of hiding, jump straight into ICE truck
> truck drives them for detention and deportation
Smooth as fuck

Dis a smart nigga.
Fire Fauci, hire him.
On a non niggified response, this makes a lot of sense. It also could have something to with dormant sickle cell genes in the melanin enriched population responding differently?

He knew. Despite all the negative press.

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It's morning in America, by the way, make it an awesome day.

More than 2000 Americans will die today who would have otherwise been alive

Good shit, thanks for baking m8

Attached: 11202.970.jpg (960x720, 64.01K)

>Your firearm will be confiscated
>implying that my hands wouldn’t be cold and dead
>implying that I only have one firearm

Sickle cells carry less oxygen.

wait did trump really know?

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This is literally why I voted for Trump.

And have an awesome day lel

>spends weeks fear mongering over the virus and claiming the world is ending
>now says the response was over blown
Just Cucker Carlson things

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well in 2030 they break out the nerve staples. you ever play alpha centuri boy


I really can’t wait until hydroxychloroquine is proved to be the most effective treatment we have now. What will the media say? How will they spin it? I hope more Americans are watching the White House briefings. I’ve been enjoying Trump exposing media lies more and more and I hope more Americans are being redpilled. Of course there are the lost causes who refuse to watch yet regurgitate the false information the media gives them about said press briefings

> who would have otherwise been alive
Zannen, my real concern is that 150 million Americans are idling at home right now that would otherwise being productive. I would take twice that body count to have the economy up and running, specially considering the markup of most of the deaths

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But, I do not expect niggers to understand that.
Asians have the gene that makes them more susceptible to catching it, niggers have the genes to respond worse to catching it.
Dat virus rayciss!

Can someone link a video of Trump confronting a Chinese reporter about being a China government shill?

this but unironically

Attached: champions.jpg (1680x1050, 625.06K)

Likewise mate. Also: you and I briefly talked about Megumovie and, while watching, one of my thoughts was
> yeah, that bloke will surely appreciate this more than mostly anyone
Sylvia could be the perfect MILF tho, but I’m not sure due to nature of the “chimerism”. If the original body is over the age of 35 and woman (female) it’s a go!


Millions of people will go overweight because of reduced activity and that health risk alone is worst than coronachan.

Ok Ching Chong

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well some guy came on cnn saying it was a rumor that it only affected white people and tried to convince blacks. then 30 minutes later cnn said it killed black people. so, it's kinda funny

>More than 2000 Niggers and boomers will die today who would have otherwise been sucking at the teet of government largess

Why were you watching cnn?

>my real concern is that 150 million Americans are idling at home right now that would otherwise being productive
That's also my primary concern but there's been round opposition to stating that work and earning is essential everywhere including here. The voter will care about dead people en masse and the only ones that don't are conspiracy theorists.
>I would take twice that body count to have the economy up and running, specially considering the markup of most of the deaths
Certainly but it's not at all necessary as so many countries show. Work and have little death.

Cheers, user

Well you're not wrong, I wish you could have watched it with the mates but I understand your schedule and preferences of course. My schedule is a little dumb and erratic on top of governmental absolute fucking stupidity, if you catch me.
>Sylvia could be the perfect MILF tho, but I’m not sure due to nature of the “chimerism”. If the original body is over the age of 35 and woman (female) it’s a go!
It's a man but a woman m8 no two ways about it. You will be arrested and electrocuted for your sins.

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I haven't listened to the radio lately... Who is the new cool skank this week saying to go sick that dick and turn gay?

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Enjoy! delicious Coca-hydroxychloroquine

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I usually find the 'chink' memes pretty funny but you are being retarded right now. Ignored.

You should kill yourself

because it's funny. and fox kinda agrees the whole time which is boring. i don't really know why.

oh no that sucks

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Niggers have genes that activate due to malaria adaptation that makes them more likely to die from Covid.
It's almost pottery.
Interesting question of note, how do black people respond to malaria treatment medication like chloroquine and doxycycline?

A huge proportion of the dead will be white because whites are on average much older and voting right wing, which hurts us. It isn't surprising that the accounts of death in the south and other degenerate places are massively nonwhite, cities are the centers of it due to density. The voter in America cares about the death toll and the sooner you realize that the sooner you won't be dismissive of the facts and you will think about some substantial policy.

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> It's a man but a woman m8 no two ways about it.
If the OG body is female and the male parts are attachments it’s Pence approved, you can pray it away
> when related

Attached: Pence approved love.webm (640x360, 2.14M)

Attached: Manlet-Psyop.webm (874x1280, 523.07K)

please livestream your inevitable suicide

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>tfw you filter the OP because he's a meme flaggot that deserves his throat cut

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He was right it was serious. He never said destroy the US economy and place everyone under house arrest for a year because of it.

When you go to confession I hope you are recounting this encounter and sinful thoughts because I'll have to mail the archdiocese of PT if not.

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DEFEND THIS! Is this the America you voted Trump for?

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Wrong. The faggot went total chicken little over it

The absolute state of consciousness.

Attached: retarded.jpg (501x671, 35.22K)

You should be doing your duty and harass him for being a faggot

>sitting here naked playing video games while in a meeting
>start shredding ass
>shit on the couch


With the current (fake) pope it’s more likely than not that I would get special treatment and be exalted

whens uncle cumo on?


Why is this entire race of people so GODDAMNED ugly?

About the same as everyone else.