Do you think toxic masculinity is a thing?

I don't feel like i've ever suppressed my emotions for fear that I'll be seen as a pussy but it seems to be what lots of women insist is happening.

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i literally never feel the emotions that women say men suppress
probably because i'm not low test ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Women complain about what they cannot control. That's about it. "Toxic masculinity" is just a woman's way if saying "REEEEE DO WHAT I WANT, RIGHT NOW, DO IT, WHY WON'T YOU DO IT!?"

No, and here's why:
no matter what it is, women can say anything they don't like is toxic masculinity,
then whether toxic or not, if you aren't that way, the girl will hold it against you.
I'd say toxic thotism is a thing though.
Imagine a generation of girls bullied for being normal sane and cute by other girls that are vapid, gross, and overly sexual. Then imagine the bullied girls turning around and worshipping their bullies.
That's toxic.

It depends on how it's directed. If you don't channel them into something constructive then you end up with soiboys and mass murderers.

>Literally this
I might be part alien or something but I don't feel emotions very strongly.

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nagging is just plan B for when they cant manipulate you with sex appeal. they hope youll do what they want to make them shut up. theyre annoying on purpose.

lmao she bald

no you're just a normal high test male

>Asking if a bunch of toxic males think toxic masculinity is real on a hotbed of toxic masculinity
It's like a fish asking a bunch of other fish if they think the ocean is wet, you're so immersed in it you can't perceive it. Coming to your board as a tourist, with an outsider's perspective, I'll tell you, you are in general toxically masculine as fuck.

i'll rape you whore
tell me where you live

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>Coming to your board as a tourist
Welcome to Yas Forums you know you'll be here forever right?

The irony of your post would be funnier if it wasn't so sad to see.

Yeah, see, this is what I'm talking about. I think I recognize this Macedonian poster, actually, he always says particularly mean things to me. He's like Alexander the Great Depression, because he always hurts my feelings.
Excuse me, sir, can you explain something to poor, confused woman? What is the difference between "nagging" and "arguing" accept whether or not a woman is doing it? I see you guys arguing with each other in ways you'd characterize as nagging when I do it, here, all the time. Are you boys nagging each other?

Don't know, don't care. Post moar bonbi pits

you're just in denial. enjoy your inevitable breakdown.

toxic masculinity is when a female wants a male to do something she would never do herself because she feels a certain way about it, wether it be positive or negative in theory or practically is irrelevant because the male has no obligation to do so also as a male because that is not masculine behaviour in itself

i see my reputation proceeds me
tell me where you live so i can rape you, whore

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the underlying reason as to why the male should do "it", whatever it is, is because he is male

"the truth is always the opposite of what she says" -gandhi

they will tell you masculinity is bad although it is exactly what they want.

>What is the difference between "nagging" and "arguing" accept whether or not a woman is doing it

There is none, a woman should not argue with her superiors.

>enjoy your inevitable breakdown
if it hasn't happened in my 30 years of living i doubt it's ever happening
just lift lad
be high test

>Excuse me, sir, can you explain something to poor, confused woman? What is the difference between "nagging" and "arguing" accept whether or not a woman is doing it? I see you guys arguing with each other in ways you'd characterize as nagging when I do it, here, all the time. Are you boys nagging each other?

The difference is that men don't argue ALL THE FUCKING TIME ABOUT EVERYTHING for no reason.

We talk to each other, yes. But if the other person has a different opinion, so what? Its alright. We step back and its done. Women? nagging nagging naggin and if you actually try to argue they get so emotional they can't even state simple arguments anymore. Pointless and annoying as fuck.

it's except you stupid hole
as in i accept that women are literal retards whilst you are delusional

Tryhards with insecurities or personality disorders exist and this can sometimes manifest in degenerate displays of false machismo. That said, "toxic masculinity" is a propaganda term meant to cause you to adjust your behaviour to suit someone else's pleasure in front of your own needs.

Never interpret whatever women say at face value. However there's some truth to what they're *trying* to say.

Men that are passive aggressive, or prone to roid fueled chimp outs over inane bullshit is definitely toxic, and not really honest about their emotions. What they mean is essentially: Don't throw temper tantrums or other copes, but try to apply some constructive approach to "processing your feelings" instead.

No, but toxic femininity is. We're witnessing it on a global scale, some of it from other "men".

Explain the irony, please, then. Please spell it out as though women are as dumb and childlike compared to men as everybody here insist they are.
So when men argue with superior men, are they nagging them, too?

I would tell you that it's retarded to care what women think but I looked at your flag and realized it was a lost cause.

Fucking spot on. Women exist to test and try and control men, they're too weak to survive on their own.
Sorry honey, this is how most men are, get used to it.

Let me show you an example to illustrate:
Man: "hey honey how's your day been?"
Woman: "I need you to do this thing for me"
Man: "sure, one sec I just need to do this thing (that keeps the house on)"
Woman: "no I need you to do it now"
Man: "Uh, I think it can wait a sec"
Woman: "No"
Man: "why not? I have a thing that my boss needs done"
Woman: "No I want you to do this, you said you'd do this"
Man: "Alright Alright quit nagging"

Now for arguing:
Person 1: "this is true for these reasons"
Person 2: "this is true for these reasons, and these things contradict"
Person 1: "this is the way this is, and this is the way that is, so this thing should be true"
Person 2: "No, this is the way that is but this isn't the way this is, so it can't be true"
Person 1: "clearly we're arguing from different perspectives without middle ground, tell me why you think this is like this"

>So when men argue with superior men, are they nagging them, too?

That can happen but if men do it they'll get kicked out of the group or punched in their mouth till they shut up.

yes but toxic femininity is an equal problem no one is willing to address

Nagging vs arguing, why not just look up the definitions if you're confused?

I believe there is a small percentage of men who, mostly out of insecurity, have no idea how to take to/handle women and as a result these women get their panties in a bunch.

I do NOT believe there is a structural problem or being manly = evil

based high test macedonian village rapist back at it again

Skinner box 101

Toxic masculinity exists but not how sjw's imagine it.
Men are different and act very differently from another. some are more open with their emotions and some like to be able to control their emotions in order to seem more "manly".
I believe toxic masculinity is when a man tries to force another man to live by his standards of masculinty.
Men should help and guide eachother.

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thank you friend
i hope your day is going well

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Literally part of a conspiracy theory about patriarchy. No I do not believe in unfounded conspiracy theories.

yes, but men get punched when they nag

How are your sandwich making skills?

you don't punch your woman when she nags? imma need some testosterone injections for this man here, doc

Well, you see, you're coming here, and sowing divide amongst a hotbed of disagreement, by saying this is toxic that is toxic whatever.
It's nagging in the sense you expect us to address your needs immediately when you really don't need it, it's also prosteletizing because your coming here and saying that what we're doing is bad just because of what we say.
Now, its ironic, because you say that masculinity is toxic, but I have never met a girl that doesn't require masculinity. And since culture has made out anything masculine to be labeled toxic, you're lambasting men for doing something that you require of them, maybe I'm wrong, but I know I'm not.
Even more ironically, I am not particularly masculine because in the absence of knowing what girl's require, I generally didn't give to shits about it, and would just la la on my way and not engage in it. Now you tell me that I have never seen a perspective other than masculinity which is obviously wrong, or at least its obvious to me, and yet you have never engaged in a perspective of going against what the thots tell you, which even more ironically, makes you worse off and less happy, because it is actually toxic.

Men are supposed to control their emotions just as women are supposed to control their sexuality. This is the bedrock of civilization. There's a reason (((they))) are trying to get everyone to do the opposite

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>implying Yas Forumstards are typical examples of men
Oh, thank God, no.
I feel those examples are contrived, and in particular, the second example has never been used to settle any dispute I've seen you guys having here. In particular, the "tell me why you think this is like this" part, that doesn't happen. You do something similar, where you assume you know the reason someone believes something, ascribe them an ulterior motive, and spend the rest of the thread berating and insulting them for it, but that's about as close as you get.
I am a legitimately bad typist, I'm sorry for that, it's one of the things that visiting here lets me work on. Thank you for the gentle correction, also you know what I meant.

Read my most recent post then

This, it's all vagina and affection/ego rubbing gatekeeping and or womb logic. Understanding this is key to living a sane life if you want to interact with women.

No, i slap her

No, what they call toxic masculinity, is often just a lack of manner of people from 3d world shitholes...

But instead of saying their culture is completly fucked to oblivion and back, incompatible with civilization, and as nearly just men flood the west, the reduce it to their masculinity.

They castrated themselves ideologically, so instead saying, what a shitty culture those niggers and sand niggers have, they, through their ideological castration, must reduce it to: fucking toxic manhood.

> Oh, thank God, no.
Lol, straight to the shaming tactics. Zero interest in addressing or refuting a point; immediately just try and manufacture the most directly hostile retort you can think of. That is what 'nagging' is.

>I am a legitimately bad typist, I'm sorry for that, it's one of the things that visiting here lets me work on. Thank you for the gentle correction, also you know what I meant.
No offense taken.
Now please provide me with your residency so I may partake in the violent seizure of your holes.

-Verily, your High-test rapist

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THIS, even then it's about towing the beta line instead of engaging in fair competition, white knights will try and undermine you every way they can

High test rules you lift and fuck sluts while giving zero fucks.

Women are more childlike than men. This is the root of so many problems.

>fuck sluts
i don't want AIDS mate
or worse, considering what these dirty holes are partaking in

>What is the difference between nagging and arguing?
You can only argue with your equals therefore no discussion with a female can ever be considered an argument. You are correcting her and she is nagging you by talking back

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Do you think women being around you and your Male friends isnt a drag?

No such thing as toxic masculinity, it's just called not being masculine while larping as masculine by putting on an act and being a meathead asshole. This video is an example of a very emasculated male and this has become the norm

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They are *top notch* and I will very happily make a man a sandwich. In fact, I'll make him five, and force him to eat them all so he gets fat, because you pricks have somehow given me a feeder fetish by demanding sandwiches so often. You'd better hope I never find you IRL, because I do, it's gonna be like a bullet hell game, but with sandwiches. And then there'll be ice cream for desert.
You are making a lot of assumptions there, chief, several of which are flatly untrue.

toxic masculinity is a thing just for boomers

Which assumptions?
I made maybe one assumption about you and its that you listen to thots, maybe that's untrue, but that was only by the end.
I also assumed that you require masculinity, I know that's true.
and then I also assumed that you're a girl which is just me believing you're telling the truth, but what I should've said was tits or gtfo as is the sacred rule.

why would that be emasculated? i happen to have a gf with a big ass and I love to shove my face in between her butt cheeks during foreplay. I could concede that it is degenerate if anything, but how am I emasculated for getting turned on by a big ass?

>how is licking the nasty sweaty smelly body parts of a woman emasculating
Based on your flag, I'm not surprised. You wouldn't get it

I don’t give a fuck about what women think


>Lol, straight to the shaming tactics. Zero interest in addressing or refuting a point;
Okay you know what? That's a fair criticism. I didn't address any point. You're right to call me out on that. I'm sorry.
>Women exist to test and try and control men, they're too weak to survive on their own.
Okay, it's not about testing and controlling men, as much as it is assessing and influencing them. I don't want to take away autonomy from any man, I just want to use negotiation and diplomacy to make them inclined to take actions with favorable outcomes for me. It's a subtle difference, but I think you're off base.

And as for being too weak to survive on our own, kindly explain why the lifespans of unmarried women are higher than those of married women, while those of unmarried men are lower than those of married men? Getting together drags our lifespans down and pulls your up. Between that, and all the lonely guys on Yas Forums, talking about how they want to kill themselves for lack of a gf, explain why you believe you're better equipped to survive on your own than I am?