The Boondocks

What's your opinion on this show? Do you like it? Was it ahead of its time?

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It's the story of a black writer telling other blacks to stop acting like niggers and failing, which incidentally is what happens to his self-insert main protagonist. It's the best fictional depiction of blacks in existence as it brutally satires every aspect of them.

Anime with niggers, wow

Wait this show had some kind of message? I only remember it being a funny black anime-like show with annoying protagonist. Also Uncle Ruckus was the best character in the show

>We must employ thing that FRIGHTEN the Nigga Demon!
>A book!
>A whip!
>A jooob application!
Now speak the chant with me!
>Nigga Demon! Getcho black ass outta here!

Nigga Demon! Getcho black ass outta here!

This is the patron Saint of blacks on Yas Forums

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it was very funny

The creator of the show (and comic) truly loves the his own people.
He slips in a lot of red pills wherever he can, like the crack epidemic being a CIA backed scheme to maintain an underclass, how Ronald Reagans war on drugs was nothing more than an excuse to incarcerate black men and tear apart black families, How certain members of our own community fuck things up for all of us, etc.
It's a must watch for every black man.

The show is really good and makes fun of niggers and hood music. Huey is based. I grew up reading the comics.

the only good cartoon blacks ever made

>This is the patron Saint of blacks on Yas Forums
only self-hating retards that aren't proud of themselves.
Fuck you for implying that that's the only type of black people on here.

the only thing i know about this show is where that one guy quotes donald rumsfeld unknown unknowns remarks

Drugs genuinely are a scourge. You're an idiot if you think drugs are an excuse to lock niggers up. You could literally legislate a lower minimum wage and you'd instantly get plenty of niggers to lock up, no war required

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Yes, Arron mcgruder is a Marcus garvey type nigger. He is semi educated and hates the retardation of his kind but thinks they can overcome it

If seems that since it's racist for white people to do anything satirical in the states about race that black people have the best angle to get in the most honest truths. Obviously I didn't agree with everything the creator was going for but it was brutally honest and I loved it.

I only liked the uncle tom and gif related. Everyone else was trash fucking niggers, especially that afro niglet.

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Best tv show ever made outside of lotgh and panty/stocking

The actors used in the show were also B and side actors mostly, and that's probably why. The few that supported the message. The voice actor for rukus was the meek black kid's dad on Malcolm in the middle

10/10, you can find any western cartoon like Boondocks in 2020.

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t. DeLaQuandrius Jackson

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I just think the show is hilarious. I can see somebody disliking it for repeated jokes, but some of the episodes are genious. My favorite is when Rucks' parents come to die in Mr. Freemans home apartment.

The show that gets funnier with every passing year.

Fuck niggers

Well yeah, it's for the 90+iq once.

I fucking loved that show. Many keks

You have to hate yourself to come into this place and leave sane.

After the show ended, the creator got assblasted over Trump's election and revived his comic briefly for some seething anti-Trump bitching

Nah, you just have to develope a mental filter to ignore shitposts/trash. I wouldnt recommend it, because this is mostly just a place to banter about fresh news.

modern blacks have instead decided to become professional victims as taught by the jews. Niggers now claim it's racist to attack their culture.
We gave them a open hand to prove themselves and they refused it so now we have confirmed it really is genetics and IQ. It's is in their genetic fate to be niggers is what they are now telling us and it's now racist to believe they could be anything more than niggers.

Don't worry dad, I appreciate your keen bantz

it was pretty shit. The part about Nigger moments, and how 30% of all nigger moments involve sneakers, was (probably unintentionally) redpilled tho.
>Wait, what am I doing? I'm /White/!
>walks away from confrontation content and at peace
yeah but no overall it was some commie trash

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It was pretty based. There's no fucking way a show like this could come out today.

I checked it but then the first scene was naked old black fat man dacing with his cock flopping around

Why would anybody bee proud to be black ?
Your whole fucking race is adicted to crack
Moonman here representing white power
I stack dead niggers higher than Trump tower

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>I got reverse-vitalygo
>it's the same thing Michael Jackson got
>only insteada gettin whiter I just get darker and darker

Yes. Most of the episodes were very well-written, though my critique largely centers around the episodes done by McGruder himself. The entire character lineup is meaningful and interesting, the dialogue is engaging and original, and the visual and sound design is solid. It all ties together to be really enjoyable and sometimes even deeply thought-provoking, even when the content is simple. Everything is just delivered well. Still strikes me just thinking about this one scene. Those who have watched the show will know the answer:
>What do you do when you can't do nothin', but there's nothin' you can do?
It's a great show, and I recommend it fully, notably seasons 1 and 2.
Nigga, get'cho black ass outta here!

I liked thugnificent.

well, that and the third world sand niggers and poo-in-thé-loos that have taken advantage of the good will of European Nations...

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Nigga demon, get yo black ass outta here

love me a good Moon Man meme

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It's fucking hilarious and true.
I don't think I've seen another show with 2 extreme opposing political figures duking it out every episode.
Huey is a Black Nationalist/Anarchist.
Uncle Ruckus is a White Nationalist/Free Market Boomer.
I like that they're both right sometimes and sometimes wrong, it's genuinely insightful into American culture and race relations which most LA productions are generally not allowed to be.
Also the side characters are all funny too.
It's ironic that this massively pro-black show ended up being a favorite here, but I totally get it.

Niggeranon here, growing up I identified as Riley but eventually came full circle realizing Huey was based on Huey P Newton and all. Extremely based and redpilled show, plus the fight scenes kicked ass

Actually, it was announced that the show was getting rebooted and directed by McGruder late last year. Though, then John Witherspoon died. Not sure what they're going to do about such an important voice being elimimated from the cast.

>look at my heckin'GudBoi blacks!!
>they're so awesome amirite


John Witherspoon's son was on Joe Rogan last year and he can do a really good impersonation of his Dad, so he could voice Grandad, but he probably wouldn't want to.
It would be a shame to write the second funniest character out of the show.
I guess they'd still have Huey, Riley, Ruckus and Thugnificent.

ruckus is our guy.

everyone else is suversive kikes.

Depicts nigger as they are, pretty based. Loved the show

We can only pray his son or someone damn good does it, then. That, and that McGruder kept the same originality and spice he had back then.

Its getting rebooted by jew Quentin Tarantino. Heard he's going to put 300 "niggers" in it just for clicks

>black writers are 10x better at being racist than literal neo nazis
How does it feel

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>No I don't think we should use the N word and I'll tell you why. Niggers have gotten used to it. Hell, they like it now. Just like when you're growing crops and you strip the soil of its nutrients and goodness and then you can't grow nothing. You gotta rotate your racial slurs. Now, I know it's hard, because nigger just rolls off the tongue the way sweat rolls off a nigger's forehead, but we can not let that be a crutch. Especially when there are so many other fine substitutes: Spade, Porch Monkey, Jigaboo.
>I say the next time you go to call a darkie a nigger, call that coon a junglebunny instead.

My old black boss. (Great guy, and family man. Not a nigger) asked me if I watch this show. With out thinking I said "yes, i love it, especially the dr. Martin luther king eppisode" he got quite and the ending of that episode came flashing back to me.
>niggers love to complain
>niggers love to hear the sound of the own voice
>ect. Ect.
And then he said " yeah... I hate the niggers too." And he bought me lunch.

And then everybody clapped.

>What's your opinion on this show? Do you like it? Was it ahead of its time?

I liked it alot. The animation was awesome, and the fight scenes were good. Shame though, since the overt racism against whites, i had to distance myself from all black entertainment. Blacks can be really funny, they tend to have their feet on the ground, mostly anyway.

How will they handle the reboot
Favourite scene

The shows creator also did some live action stuff, unrelated to the show.

It's pretty good satire on black culture.

First season is animation kino with great humor, great political commentary, and even moments of genuine emotion and drama.

Season two is good, three is decent, and four is a steaming pile of garbage.

First few seasons were pretty based. After that, it got kinda silly and less political. The writers seemed to have a good sense of humor by lightly mocking black people but in a constructive way (ie "nigga moments").

The fight scenes were really well done. What I found funny is the main character never really won any of the fights he was in other than random mooks.

Less criticism of blacks, make sure whitey is evil 100% of the time, all humor directed against whites, throw some token trannies on the show, etc.

It had it's funny and insightful moments but over all was pitched too much at white SJW's. (They wouldn't have watched it otherwise.) Imagine if you made a show that revealed the Jewish Master, white Good Goy and nigger slave dynamic to the SJW's. They would burn down whole cities to stop the truth from getting out. (I'm surprised the Boondocks got away with as much as it did and it was tame by Pol/IRL standards.)

Pol might write a similar show with more racial themes like these:

Teach the white Liberals that their self hatred was put in them by Jew psychologists to break their communities and push integration.

Teach the niggers that they are still slaves of the global plantation and that their lack of forward thinking defeats them time and again.

Teach Jews that if they don't deceive whites and niggers, they lose their power and their smug pride.

It is only natural that somebody who actually experiences how the "culture" work in reality would know better how to write and satirize it after getting sick of it all
Most people here are just harmless smelly neets whose "experience" with blacks comes solely from watching them through the screen on the comfort of their couch anyway

>more humor directed against whites
Well, that'd be gay but it's not like the show never did that before.
>gay jokes and general homophobia removed

>Teach Jews that if they keep deceiving goys, it's going to be 110.