If jews are so awful

if you hate us so much then why are you staying in the first world? just move to a country without a so called jewish central bank where there is no public or private debt

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imagine thinking they weren't 1st world until the central banks came along.

You kikes sure love to talk about yourselves.

Hmmm, I wonder why...

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How about we just expel you again


But they don't like when they're exposed.

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If we hate you that much why dont you just all commit kys or move to Israel and stop manipulating the word, and stop ruining our world?

>if you hate us so much why not leave your own countries?

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>just move to north korea or Iran

no thanks, Rebbe.

Whenever I hear someone blaming Jews, I assume they are buttmadd Islamists
My new response to them is
Ok Kaboomer

yes you are right you have far greater right to be in a country than its native populace allow me to show myself out

t. pedophile

There aren't any, except North Korea, which you can't really move to. Besides, I hate the Jews because I love Europe and Jews are slowly destroying Europe. Therefore, it doesn't make sense to move away from Europe over this.

The only place left is Iran and please go get turned into a lampshade leaping kike

>Why don't you leave the land that your ancestors build for you?

low life goys keep coping

Not so
Donald Trump has just nationalized the Federal Reserve
It was tucked into that coronavirus bailout

well I moved to israel and that didn't exactly make anyone here hate us less

While I actually don't hate Jews, your theory falls apart when you consider that there is a Jewish presence in pretty much every country on Earth. If a person really wanted to avoid Jews, pretty much the only place they could go would be Antarctica.

How about we change 109 to 110 and we solve all problems

Hahaha good point user, they don't have a brain to organize that, one Rebbe said that whoever is no Jew is animal itself, and he was right

Shut up horde, you are the ones that talking about Jews everyday

following Yas Forums's logic literally every entrepreneur that ever took a bank loan to start his business took it from a jew. you might hate us and scapegoat us for doing this necessary thing but we've helped build industralized countries just as much as your ancestors did.

besides, you're the ones pretending shitholes like iran and north korea are so based because there are no jews in control of them, not me

Well thats all the Sins comming back at you, and Rather just kys as you know Israel is rightful Vatican Sand. You too hate Christians in Israel and as that shall burn in hell.

I'm fine where I am. you get out

we would kike, but there is no more countries like that

>just move somewhere not controlled by Jews, goy

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'western world' without Jews would have been like Bolivia and India cow worshipers, they are still worshipers but yet...

If us goy are so hateful, why don't you kikes fuck off back to the chimneys where you belong?

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your own behaviour causes the anti-semitism but you rats will never understand that

Based Mountain Jew.

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The Bible and the quran teaches against usury.

Your vile sectant talmud teaches to divert and steal from the goym as much as you can, it's not that it's not sinful- its encouraged. That is how you have risen to power. Usury.

There's no such thing as "own behaviour" when it comes to collective, retard.
There is only blame for the people who did said acts.

all jews are guilty, lurk more newfag

yes, and catholic countries are there MUCH poorer than protestant ones. it's hilarious to think you'd have a computer without usury

Even the ones who didn't do whatever it is you hate them for?

There are no countries to move to without a Jewish Central Bank. Literally the cause of WWII.
>North Korea

No place left. Every time someone tries to escape Jews and want to live alone in peace, they get attacked.

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yes, lurk more


You mean the areas you are shit starting warstyle.

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>implying it isnet jews leeching off the 1st world
When Hitler banished the jews, Germany became a superpower and the most scientifically developped country in the world in just about 5 years.

It's not even just those two, Aristotle was talking shit about usury long before Christianity reached europe. Literally everyone except money changers thinks it's predatory.

Thank you for your service

No expulsion of the Jew is a better option

Just kill yourself, you you're God's chosen people, you shouldn't be worried about the afterlife

>low life goys keep coping
They can't cope. Stupid goys lol.
I like how they're all trying to find a way to blame us for this virus but it's clearly Bill Gates behind it.

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Dumbass correlation. You know what other countries have no kikes? North Korea, Malaysia and Indonesia and pretty sure literally nobody wants to live in those places.

There is no such thing as sin for existing.

OK place to be honest.
North Korea is awesome too.
I don't have any problem with mudslimes and goys, I just enjoy the salt.

Never has there been such a social and infrastructure rebuild in the history of man. Bombed out post WWI, Weimar degeneracy... and then completely turned around within half a decade to rival (or actually overtake) British hegemony. Fucking amazing feat. All it took was kicking out jews and investing in your own people. What a better world we would ALL live in today if Nat Soc took off. All countries choosing their own destiny. Working for the benefit of furthering mankind. Instead we are all goy slaves devolving into animals. Even Israel isn't immune to their propaganda. Tel Aviv is gay central. Reform liberal Jews are being replaced by Ultra Orthodox that refuse to work or contribute.
TFW Jews out jew each other and will ultimately destroy themselves by their own parasitic nature.

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kikes favourite treat

>needed usury to build computers
A jew who doesn’t understand economics? Rare

Asia works under US Judeo Policy and Jew world bank. Saudi Arabia is best buds with Israel. They need those shekels. Malaysia and Indonesia are backwater powerless countries compared to Saud. Malaysia sucks American dick like nobody else.

They often confuse usury based finance with economics.

You fucking kikes follow us wherever we go like rats following breadcrumbs. What you need to do is get the fuck out of our countries you don't belong here.

I hate kikes so I must leave my own country?
just when I thought I maybe chinks were worse
it's almost like you enjoy being despised

Uh, legal exchange of ownership trumps racial inheritance.

>just move to a country without a so called jewish central bank where there is no public or private debt
Why? You're the nomad faggots.

i don't understand you goyim
you keep posting things like on your pic related to paint us in a bad light, but it paints us in a good light
and yet, you seem to think it makes us look bad. are you retarded? seriously asking

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>Dumbass correlation. You know what other countries have no kikes? North Korea, Malaysia and Indonesia and pretty sure literally nobody wants to live in those places.
It's absolutely relevant, we have an example of Germany run by jews, the republic of Weimar. It was a miserable hellhole with rampant degenracy, you got the first tranny surgery and shit like that. And then Germany without jews, the most advanced country in the world.
>There is no such thing as sin for existing.
Why live in this antisemitic world when you can directly go to Heaven, it's as if you don't actually believe your own lies.

Creates system of usury where they get paid by creating money Out of thin air to give loans to people who work and create things while the Jew expect to be paid back with interest on money they just made up. Your welcome. A: it literally cost you nothing B: you feel your untitled to take credit for something you didn’t achieve while being a parasites.

>We waz civilization builders and you couldn’t have done it without us

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Yes let's move to a countrie being pummeled by every major globalist into submission (see iran, best Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, etc). Nty we'd rather change things from within.

No such thing as collective blame.

In many countries in the past jews were ONLY allowed to work in usury jobs. If anything it was pushed onto them.

Nice LARP VPN faggot. If you were a real Jew, I'd be able to smell the foreskin on your breath from here

You literally called him cattle and wonder why everyone hates you, are you retarded?