Why do you hate China Yas Forums ?
Why do you hate China Yas Forums ?
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I don't
Delete this is annudah shoah
The art of war was a waste of time to read.
A Chinese girl once laughed at my pp.
Because the Jew said so.
What? Why would anybody hate China? Why are you even asking this? Did China do something? Is there something going on? Can somebody fill me in here as to why someone would pose such a question? I'm stumped!
They urinated in my soda.
Stop making pro-China threads using VPNs Chang. Why would someone from fucking Romania be pro-China?
Hi Chang.
It's like Japan with no anime, so there's literally no point in it existing other than polluting the world with more non-whites. Fuck them yellow rice niggers, go back to the sweatshop faggot.
Go back.
Go back to china.
>Why do you hate China Yas Forums ?
Oh, I don't know. It could be because some disgusting Jew posing as a Romanian keeps asking "Why do you hate China Yas Forums ?" Kys!
Because they've straight up fucked the world by unleashing this bioweapon.
Because they deserve it.
they cant beat us at soccer so idgaf bout em
More shills :) You're glowing...
If I paid you money, (like alot of money), would you say what I want you to say to a bunch of stupid people online?
maoism is a jewish construct, mao himself was “advised” by a small cadre of jewish intellectuals every step of the way, look up “mao’s jews”. (((Forward))) even did an article on it.
I don't.
LMAO, btfo leaf you live in country with a cuck for president
>Why do you hate China Yas Forums ?
the communist party is not china. The communist party must face justice.
Because you eat live bat
Jews are afraid.
maoism is jewish
You have just proven my point. Why would a fucking Serb be pro-China? Your ridiculous use of proxies have exposed your methods Chang. It's pretty sad really the CCP pay you to shill on here.
Literally a chink. Go back to China slant eyes.
Because China never bombed my country and caused a cancer epidemic with depleted uranium missiles?
Not to mention that once the Chinese take over Kosovo is as good as ours.
Kosovo is a real country
Serbia is not.
Simple as.
>jews said osama did 9/11 so that mean osama diddit
the kike long game is beyond your tiny minded surface level observation
i dont hate china or chinese people. i grew up in a chinese area and they are usually quiet, polite and good neighbours. i would never want to live under a communist government though.
why would a brit be anti china? your government is literally their whore, you must be a mutt shill with a proxy
Mutt detected, shoo shoo mutt'o go away !
Because they are sheep that believe CIA
Just repeat CHINA BAD, and pol nigger becomes like an NPC repeating what you tell him to believe.
>once the Chinese take over
Wut? Chang you are retarded and need to come up with a better LARP. Serbs don't want you to take over their lands. They don't eat dog meat over there, do they?
Only worthwhile post itt.
and capitalism isn't jewish right, fuck off
based bozgor
>brit be anti china
I'm anti-CCP. I'm sure the whole world is after they released their bioweapon. Our PM is in hospital now.
>mutt shill
No. Also why do chinks use Balkan/Eastern European VPNs so much? Are they cheap?
Holy fuck, you guys are so shit at this.
I've been there.
the chinese sun is rising and we eastbros gonna be the new kings
A better question is why wouldn't I?
This is just your threadly reminder that all chinks are racially self-serving insects that will do everything in their power to subvert your country and loot it for the chink motherland:
>Chinese corporate espionage costs the US hundreds of billions of dollars a year.
>Chinese immigrant and Naval officer was arrested for spying on the US for China.
>Chinese immigrants are systematically spying on western companies that employ them.
>Chinese are buying up massive amounts of US real estate and subtly colonizing the US.
>Chinese Born New Zealand Minister found to have studied and trained Chinese spies at Chinese spy school.
Kill them all or drive them out of your countries before it's too late, all Chinese immigrants are the vanguard of further Chinese colonization. The only good chink is a dead one.
go ask your orange clown to start another trade war about it faggot
>i-i'm not a shill
ok shill, see two can play this game
Kill yourself gook
based, soon brother
I have had no reason to declare war on China or Nuke them in Civilization 6
Because it is home of the Chinese.
They use the same VPNs. It's fucking ridiculous. I'm waiting for a Polish flag shilling for China now.
>mutt talking about spying, subverting and stealing
LOL the irony, how about you get your fucking troops out of other countries before you start talking
They are subhuman
>go ask your orange clown
Kek chink shill detected. China profits big now from bioweapon. Chink stronk! Because that's all you wanted from this.
maybe if you wage more trade wars it'll fix it
Because it is full of chinks.
You are ancap, how can you not hate the most statalist nation of them all?
Maybe I did before, but after this I have no sympathy towards you.
I'm sure you would like to watch these videos too:
>worse than whips
yada yada whatever you say mutt shill
>no argument
Kek, the CCP need to hire better shills than you. Guess it fits the stereotype that all chinks are weak.
>Overpopulated, leading to massive levels of pollution and the risks of viral pandemics
>Floods global markets with cheap products produced by borderline slaves, decimating Western manufacturing
>Chinese tourists are some of the rudest people in existence
>Dystopian government programmes like social credit, surveillance, etc. give Western governments ideas on where to go next
>They treat animals like shit. Just go on /gif/ and eventually you'll see a thread full of videos of them burning dogs alive, eating live animals, etc.
Am I missing anything?
Keep trying, vpn cia nigger.
You'll get there one day.
low iq anti-murican whitoids genuinely believe in "china is national socialist" rhetoric lol