No Dutch/German Eurobonds gibs for Italy

Why should disciplined Northern countries pay for Italy with it's corrupt and dysfunctional government?

You spend all your money on frauen und schnapps while we raise taxes and cut back and now you come begging for gibs?? Not gonna happen.

Here's my suggestion for the Italian government:

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Other urls found in this thread: profiting from crisis&iie=1€56-billion-out-€6-billion-now-allocated-support_en

How was your metzitzah b'peh this morning?

lmao shut up barbarian

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you should be flooded


Germany will fold. Someone just needs to call us Nazis, that opens the floodgates

>Greece has the most Tanks in EU

Guess why, debt slave.

Not every toothpaste flag is a Jew.


You should be annexed by us and France.

Italians are really seething, they want unconditional Eurobonds TOPKEK

Dude your ID literally spells GAY.
Lol what a fag

yet NATO gibs to israel

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Will that work for Italy, though? It's not Poland turning the tables on Berlin this time, Italy was allied with the Nazis.

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Theyre seething for 1500 years.

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>No Dutch/German Eurobonds gibs for Italy

We literally have our own fucking crisis. Our deaths per million are stupidly high as well. Let your boomers die, Italy. Fuck off.

Of course that works. Italy = brunette tanny medlets, poor working migrants and Ausländers. How dare you nazi germany.

Southern Europe can suck it.

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Israel has been entering Eurovision for ages, too. What the fuck is all that about? Suspiciously at around the same time it turned super gay, too. It was always a little bit gay, but suddenly BOOM ultragay.

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it's even funnier if you compare the median wealth of the three countries involved
shitalians are a lot more wealthy, at least it's normal citizen, by a factor of several whole numbers
>more gibs for shitaly and greece

They didnt give Austria ever a single point. But as Conchita Wurst tranner faggot was on the table, Israel gave full points.

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Israel is also part of the United States European Command

Italy wants to party with northern money. Spending everything on booze, pizzas and women. I do not have a problem with spaghetti bros btw but this is what you get if you do not have your finances in order.


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its cause they are gay

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you live up to your ID

Lol is that shit on his dick?

Finland is willing to give aid but not "corona"bonds.

>median wealth of the three countries involved
Because more northerners rent, if you take the mean wealth shitalians are richer than Germans but not than us. But yeah you are right they should just use their own wealth to get out of this crisis and not beg us to be the guarantor for their loans.

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>Why should disciplined Northern countries pay for Italy with it's corrupt and dysfunctional government?
Because we Celto-Germanic people of Northern Italy have been paying the Mafia infested debts of Southern Italy for more than a fucking century, now we are in the European Union and now Terronia is your problem too. (that and their Greek brothers debts too).

How do you like your Moderate Socialism now you clogs wearing kraut eating cocksuckers?

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Listen carefully you manlet: NO GIBS.

The EU really is falling apart. I knew it was coming, just didn't think it would be so quick.



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South Italy is only a problem because EU forces it to take immigrants in instead of repelling them as it should be.
When the average south Italian worker earns less than a fucking immigrant does (35 daily euro checks are you fucking kidding me) of course they turn to corruption and tax evading.
Also let's not forget that south Italy is paying the price for Lombardy's corona screwup because they sold hundreds of industries to the chinks. South Italy didn't need a fucking lockdown that is going to kill millions of jobs, population density here isn't high enough to justify it.
So yeah let's not pretend everything is terroni's fault when they get treated like dirt from Italy and EU alike.

fuck Italy
the only good thing about Italy are italian prostitutes

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What a goddamn mess, even more reason not to loan you a single penny.

thanks to netherland and the jewishness of the germans, we have an accelerated decomposition of the e.u..
once the southern victims leave the party, they have to jew each other with exporting scams and "countermeasures", such as exclusive weapon deals, for help.
finally, turks will take over their northern european colonies and we'll live happily ever after.

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We give and give and give and all they do is spit in our faces.

They should fix this themselves, lazy fuckers.

Before that it was your problem. What does that say about your socialism ridden shithole?

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I'm getting some real shadenfreude from this thread. Seeing all these flags caught in the mechanisms of the EU raging at each other. It's all going to end in tears.

But not for me. Keep going lads, I'm nearly there.

>We give and give and give profiting from crisis&iie=1

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The Italians tried that already, it dodnt work

Please stop. We have no standing to talk about the economics of Europe.

Seething Greeks, you are just as bad.


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Also you're not Celtic-Germanic, get it out of ypur head.
Every single north Italian girl who comes over in the south for summer holiday without being accompanied by a boyfriend gets fucked by us. Every single one. The whole north vs south Italian gene distinction is no longer relevant.

Why does this guy in the middle trigger Italians so much?

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Nevermind them wanting gibs, we should show solidarity. But no unconditional hundreds of billions (!) so they can live easy off our frugality without having to pay for their retarded debt and endless gibs.

jy praat kak

I mean why do they ask for money when they can sell Coliseum and Sevilla palace? Here are potential buyers - Baruh, Shlomo...

It will work. Germany always pays. It's just games about words now. Germany will pay for the entire damage in the EU. We will also take in all "refugees" from Greece

>Seething Greeks
as I said before, I am really happy that coronachad made it into europe.
turkey is having elections next year, better prepare to host your future priminister's talks.

>we should show solidarity
They have more wealth than per capita than the Germans. they should sell some assets if they need money, fuck solidarity. Every nation is going to be hit by this virus, just because they were the first they don't deserve a special treatment.

Fuck off with your Afrikaans, aka niggerified Dutch. Fucking Croach.

who is that guy?


OP is as usual a faggot lol

seething Dutchoid
acknowledge the superiority of Africa, holnaaier

Our Minister of Finance.

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>What does that say about your socialism ridden shithole?
The same it says about that "socialism ridden shithole" that is the current EU.

The EUSSR has been giving Gibs to all the poor states in the East and Ireland, now comes the Mediterranean!

The Dutch will pay for our olive skinned greasy Terroni whether they like it or not, remember Muh European Solidarity. Maybe these people instead of emigrating to Milan now will go to Amsterdam and work in dildo factory or something having to do with tulips.

You are paying for them, you might has well take'em and work'em till they repay their debts.

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say this after this image

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>this kills the EU

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>superiority of Africa
It is called Afrikaans and it is a niggerfield language.

kinda hypocritical coming from you.
you only managed to conquer subhumans who used sticks as weapons.
what makes you think that you are in a place to threaten countries with tradition in wars and military?

Keep conveniently overlooking who gave that money in the first place.
The instant Italy leaves EU is short-circuited by the lack of their #1 immigration control and the entire lower half of our country finally gets its rightful purpose as keeping that trash out of our borders. I can tell you a lot of people here can't wait for that to happen, nothing better than a 3000 euro/month job that lets you release 30 years of stress on subhuman invaders while knowing that the rest of EU is begging us in tears. Also that will finally shut the north Italians up about the south being useless.

kys dutch we won't be replaced by niggers and homosexuals

>It is called Afrikaans and it is a niggerfield language.
ok draadtrekker, ek het nie gevra nie

>The EUSSR has been giving Gibs to all the poor states in the East and Ireland
Because they actually have been developing, and they are worth investing in. You nigger on the other hand have not been paying enough taxes and create a huge debt, Now it will be time to deleverage your economy, by taxing your citizens properly.

The average Italian has more wealth than the average German.

Italy's finally gonna leave this dumpster fire called the EU and won't have to deal with nord subhumans

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It won't they won't leave because they know they have no right to us guaranteeing their loans, and they have no better alternative either.

Give me the neuro and the zeuro

Or better, give me the GULDEN

we gave money to east euros, now poland is more developed and wealthier than shitaly and shitpain and shittugal and they still work like slaves

we gave money to ireland, now ireland is one of the most richest countries in west europe

we give 100000000000000000000 of euros to medniggers every year, you spend it all on drugs and cars and designer clothes and STILL demand more money

no, fuck you mednigger, your kind should've never been allowed into EU, we made a huge mistake making UK leave instead of kicking YOU NIGGERS OUT

gay nobody here cares shit about eurobonds,but this in the open press ignited a hatred towards the dutch.

Next time I see one I will beat him

>Also you're not Celtic-Germanic, get it out of ypur head.
You are right Calogero: We Northerner are Celto-Roman-Lombard.
Look at haplotypes maps, we are more Roman than you greasy Greeks.

>Every single north Italian girl who comes over in the south for summer holiday without being accompanied by a boyfriend gets fucked by us.
Same thing that happened to Hollander and Kraut bitches that come here in the Summer.
Beside any Padan woman that crosses the Rubicon without her husband has seen more cocks that a prison urinal, you can have'em Calo'.

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Same here. I've heard it described by comparing Italy to a neighbour who's house was on fire; we offered to help them put out the fire, but they didn't want to let us in their yard to help unless we also agreed to co-sign on their mortgage.

An absolute Chad, dare I say
I'm already seething by looking at his picture

>olive skinned greasy Terroni
That's an interesting way to say suntan, the one you polentonis like so much getting in the summer here on holiday since 10 months of fog a year leaves you with creepy-looking cumskin.

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wtf you are the one behind the white supremacist meme flag

as the toothpasta retard said.
>the Facility for Refugees in Turkey, bringing the total amount already allocated to €5.6 billion out of €6 billion since 2016, with the remaining balance due to be allocated over the summer.€56-billion-out-€6-billion-now-allocated-support_en

>hurr durr, why we northtards have to pay dying europeans, when we can pay healthy turks

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>and France.
ew gross
all the low countries belongs to us

remember that dutch women were the whores of Nipps.

Remember this always

Refugees != wealthy italians.

>buying of Turkey to stop immigration is bad
Ok skelkelstein.

He's also 2m tall...

>no, fuck you mednigger
That's what you don't understand, we are not Meds here, far from it, we are a mix of Alpine and Nordics, like Slovenians are not Meds (that is pretty self-explanatory) (Welshmen have more Mediterranean blood than us Northern Italians, and that is motherfucking indisputable fact, look at the map). What I am saying is that Socialist Italy has forced rich regions to pay for poor regions since it inception, and that will happen to the Socialist EU too.

>your kind should've never been allowed into EU
Fuck the EUSSR, Lombardy and Veneto should have joined Switzerland with Baden and Baviera.

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>we Celto-Germanic people of Northern Italy
kys, we fought Germans for centuries

Aquafresh, your country is not relevant by any stretch of the imagination, it's Germany's little lapdog and gets to cheat with drugs and hookers stealing money from others, 90% of the reason people even know or care about it.
You damn well know if EU falls it will be the one who gets hit the hardest and this is why you're the only country in these topics who keep shilling this trainwreck that is penalizing every other European country not named Germany.
Even the French and some Germans here realize EU has run its course and it's now doing more harm than good to Europe, it's just you toothpaste who keep clinging on it.
I suggest you start building an economic that is based on something more useful than drugs and prostitution, both of which I have my doubts on regarding their lawful regulation.

Hmmm, sounds more like a habsburg revival.

No, some are pic related, and all of them are degenerate drug-addled child porn-enthusiastic dog fuckers.

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you are a complete retard. someone from syria should seek refuge in the nearest country with peace, or the one that's on the other end of the attached continent?
what exactly did you buy, retard? you paid turkey 2bn euros/year to release all the 20+ yo rapist 3 years later and all of them together.
on top of that, you gave military equipment to turkey for free that later on was used to break the e.u. borders.
you are dumb as a rock.

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>I suggest you start building an economic that is based on something more useful than drugs and prostitution,
Imagine getting economic advice from an Italian. You know jack shit about the Netherlands. Go spend your money on schnapps und frauen.