We're gonna fucking die

We're gonna fucking die

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Impressive numbers!

Burgers what are you doing? How are you getting schooled on hygiene by the fucking Chinese and poo in loos?

It will pass. Here and in Italy it peaked already and we'll start lifting confinement in a week or two. Now it's your turn and France's, then it will be others.
You will miss confinement when it is over.

>Almost 30,000 new cases in one day
Holy shit

Remember you wrote this garbage when you're fellow country man infects you. Can't wait to see 350k dead when Italy lifts the stay at home order.

We were told to act as if it’s just the flu.

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How is France getting away with no media attention. There at a worse rate than Italy and not a peep

No we won't. Urban people will. Have fun!

Another attempt at demoralizing.

Freedom ain't free

It cost a buck'o five


Lol New York making us look bad again. I hope they all die.


Went to bed yesterday before 400k. What happened?

The growth and betterment of a species evolves overtime by the species ability to adapt and overcome things that threaten its survival. Those who can survive do, those that can’t die off and their genetic weakness is lost to history.
Since the dawn of modern medicine humans natural threats have gone to the point we now have to carry and support those who would have died and they in turn get to breed more deficiencies into out “herd”.
What we need now is to overcome this nonsense of a need to save everyone and let those who will die to go..
Those who remain will be immune and the fittest for moving the species forward
> stop trying to slow the virus and save lives
> we will be a better and fitter society for it

And what Will happen when you go back to normal? Think the virus Will go away?

reverse leaf rules. when you die you win.
therefore, never listen to your hat

People died. Corona chan got stronger

its the fucking black people. they're getting their revenge for slavery

we're doing periodical mass antibody testing and the lifting will be adjusted depending on how they progress.
Also I'm not obese like 90% of Americans so I don't worry personally about the virus, just its effects on society.
Fat people fall like flies from this btw, get your asses ready cowmericans.

by dying at a disproportionate rate

And Belgium, they are worse off than almost every other country by deaths/million people.

2k dead, 10 million population. Not a peep.

We have 577 dead, 10 million population, and yet we are the only focus on pol, the target of all attacks, as always.

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How the fuck can accept your surgeon general telling you, that you don't need masks. The major of NewYork told people, that they shouldn't be afraid and go out. I thought you were the country that didn't take shit from their leaders. You've been cucked again and again.

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What did Trump say?

not because they're black per se, but because they obese, even more so than white americans.

>giant country has more cases than smaller countries the size of our smallest states
>reports real numbers unlike china


He said "don't worry goy you're fine keep giving me and my friends money

are you saying, that the Chines numbers aren't 100% accurate?
That's gonna be -10 good boy points for you

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>real numbers

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We're gonna fucking die

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lying fuck. Gives instructions on how to make them says "Don't substitute social distancing for wearing a mask"

Happeningfag cope. Deaths and new cases are in constant decline. Intensive care units are freeing up 50 beds a day because recovered are skyrocketing
>muh 100% death rate
>muh you never recover
>muh China is lying
>muh second wave
>j-just wait two more weeks bro!
Lol, cope

I won't haha suck shit boomer

>be nigger
>dine solely on fried chicken and greasy takeaway
>filter detroit smog with newport menthols
>immune to all calibers under .38 due to being shot fifteen times by the age of seven, hence immunity
>chronic hypertension and asthma due to poor leif choices
>get lungfucked by corona chan and in a cue for ventilator, but waaaay downt he list because youre a nigger, you smell, you tried to steal the water cooler and claimed it was just your bbc
>in you final moments, wheezing the last scavenged ciggy butt you found behind the dumpster of carpark level 2
>i be goin into the heaven, and its the whypeepo.....aaaarrrgghhhh biiiix nooooooooo


fuck niggers

I'm sorry I had a stroke while reading your post. What are you trying to say?

Lifting confinement is retarded.

I won't repeat my topic more clearly to someone who has no idea what he's talking about. link me some month old article

Holy shit 2k deaths in one day. What the fuck?

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fuck you for ruining sweden by inviting hordes of cancerous niggers and muslims who hate you and your culture.

Kek how the f is that relevant to Corona? Mr 56 % (probably 46 % atm).

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It's gonna be gradual and set by the results of antibody testing. Here in Madrid stats say it's possible we're close to herd immunity, this will need to be confirmed by the testing, but seeing that every single senior home was affected it seems likely.

I worry every day that covid is going to go away. I love quarantine so much. Why are the numbers so low bros?

Oh you did get past 30K yesterday, that pic is outdated

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Have fun going back into lockdown after 1k more die

>believing ccp numbers
>believing india is capable of large scale testing

so... this is the power of asian iq...


because you need to go forth and coof, coof my fren. coof everywhere. smear pee pee and poo poo on elevator buttons, smear spittle on car handles, spread the WORD of Corona Chan. its your calling user. absolute rookie numbers.
these numerals command you

Die from what?
I dont get it.
The funny beer flu, quite literally, didnt kill a single person in the world yet.
Why is /pol infested with schizo normies all of a sudden?
Pol is supposed to be at the front of debunking this hysterical imaginary flu, not being the first retards in a shopping queue for toilet paper.

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Made a post some where else but how long until our own govts lie like the ccp? Fuck this shit

well fuck. that was shit

Rolli ing for 15k deaths by today

Na we're all going to make it, so long as it don't |||mutate|||


Based corona. too many fucking boomers on this planet. i cant buy a fucking apartment. there is no reason why 75+ should allowed to live anymore.

im convinced this shit is a nothingburger. 18k cases in canada? how? this shit should have destroyed us by now.

Our numbers are higher because our healthcare response is better. We are identifying cases more efficiently and accurately. We are quarantining patients earlier. Published numbers from any other nation are incomplete.

the beer flu is killing literally nobody so your "boomers" are still going to be there.

Imagine *wanting* an apartment

Have you ever seen streets empty? What do you think would have happened or will happen when we all go back out? Cmon

Our deaths are getting higher too. 2,000 a day now.

Pretty sure we just peaked
I doubt we’ll see that number topped today but I could be wrong we will see

this would be great if i didnt have to work still

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All i'm asking is a simple roof over my head.

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Imagine your countries flag being so irrelevant burgers dont know what it is.

I hope you're right senpai but then again they did say that during this period of time we're in shit was gonna get bad. Doesn't mean it's gonna stay that way forever but who knows.

nothing special, boomer remover

>pretty sure we just peaked
Deja vu

Does anyone else compulsively check this shit: worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/

History proves otherwise.

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Imagine wanting an entire generation of people to die. One at that leans more to the right than younger ones.

the paradox is that old people take up apartment space, which causes expensive living for the young, which causes low birth rates.
The cost of housing is the main burden on everybody (in the cities).
The old, by living too long, cause their own nations to kill themselves by below replacement fertility.

In most countries just slightly poorer than top 10-15 this generation is already dead.

at least boomers are more socially right than zoomers and aren't a bunch of browned queers. No wonder older gens oppress these faggot new generations.

i was asking myself the same question

How did you find this board, grandpa?

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a shot for every israeli expiration

This, unfortunately.