Australia - the continent that conquered corona

Australia is one amazing place. 25 million people, but only 93 new cases yesterday. It’s as if Australians have a good strategy against this virus.

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it's the climate stupid
also we are spread out thinly

mark my word, if this isn't a meme virus (it very well might be) then it will tick up again. Australians are unbelievably undisciplined, carefree and reckless. The old adage "She'll be right' embodies our national ethos

We had a nuclear program in the 60’s to manufacture nukes. Had the reactor work under way at Jervis Bay, but the communist Whitlam shut it down.
Time to ante up for our share in cleansing the world of the Chinese Communist Party.

We’re not doing lockdown. All our restaurants, beaches, businesses, etc. are still open. We literally did nothing and this meme virus died on it’s own because it’s the flu and it can’t live here. Lockdown is literally a kike scam. We wiould know, it’s how we lost our guns.

would have been lower if our retard government stopped ships and planes earlier.
>Australians are unbelievably undisciplined, carefree and reckless.
after what i've seen in the last few weeks, i've witnessed nothing but low IQ niggerdom and self-entitlement.

it hasn't been conquered. it's also difficult to get tested.

The only warm weather country falling for the lockdown meme is India but they're retarded so it's understandable.
Watch as spring weather rises temperatures across the northern hemisphere and cases begin going down while kikes and Bill Gates scramble to find an excuse to keep everything shut down oy vey

They're rapscallions

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> communist whitlam
it was william mcmahon that killed it off, you absolute retard, and he was a liberal party member that was no fan of communists.

Once again, saying "fuck off we're full" has saved us.

I live on a closed beach surrounded by closed restaurants and pubs you retard

Who cares about a meme virus we need to kick out the chinks

Not one restaurant open for table service in Brisbane

We're heading into our colder months, it could get nasty.

I'm honestly more surprised it hasn't hit us more. Plenty of chunks fly directly into Australia to gamble at Crown. Many with personal keys.

Truly gods country

Lucky winter in Australia is just Summer-lite and lasts about 2 months

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Depends where you are, Victoria and tassie can have some pretty cold winters

I'm in Brisbane, this place is a constant sweaty shit hole, not sure if winter even exists here

The winning strategy is to run out of test kits

Yeah I went to qld once, it was 40+ and 100% humidity, never again

There can’t be any community transmissions if you don’t test for it

you aren't even allowed to sit on the beach at sunshine coast

Don't ever go to Darwin during the summer then. It makes QLD look like Alaska

I hate chinese so much I'd cut off my arms and legs if it meant that every chinese person in Australia right now was vaporised in to atoms.

why is this g*rmoid obsessed with our curve

even if you aren't allowed a skateboard to slide around on pillow boy?


>I live on a closed beach
Based homeless user

Better looking women in Darwin though.

We have some of the highest testing rates in the world

>We had a nuclear program in the 60’s to manufacture nukes. Had the reactor work under way at Jervis Bay, but the communist Whitlam shut it down.
We gave up being a nuclear power so we can constantly suck America's dick for all eternity you nigger.

No need to lie meme flag

It’s our nurses.
They’ve really stepped up and shown the true Anzac spirit.
Kind of nice to think real heroes might live next door.

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>underrated post

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Check those fuckin digits cunt. Too right.

people move anyway with cars, domestic flight etc.
with a more sparce population the virus will spread slower but it will spread indeed if nothing is done about it (don't get me wrong sparce population is preferrable to dense population but will not be sufficient)
but from what I saw from this thread some measures have already taken place down under so maybe you were able to somewhat contain the virus
murrica on the other way...

But what if they turn into 1 giant chink plague in that form?

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Yeah nah get fucked cunt.

and anything about climate it's still to prove

Why are modern young men so fucking soft

>the true Anzac spirit.

You mean they show up late, do hardly any work and then spend the next hundred years crying about what victims they are?

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Vegemite mate.

what? ww1, usa rocks up late to the game. ww2? rocks up late to the game. ANZAC from the start. you really described yourself

>but from what I saw from this thread some measures have already taken place down under so maybe you were able to somewhat contain the virus
>murrica on the other way...

Yes, don't listen to cunts like that. If we had of had a major outbreak with many dead that asshole would be either overjoyed or complaining that not enough was done. The fact is they moved on it just in time, now the problem is what now? There will never be a vaccine for this thing, do we keep our economy closed and everyone inside forever?

I couldn't get tested despite having all the symptoms

Bit defensive there.
Australia wasn’t really that important in WW1. WW2 our input was negligible.
We’ve been memed into thinking we did more.

Become China's bitches, become multi-cultural. Coward punch people, smoke ice,drink flat whites and spend your lives in the kitchen trying to be masterchefs. Welfare queens shitposting on a Mongolian Yurt knitting board.

We don't give a fuck.

>"I'm a tough cunt because I pretend to like high temperatures"
Fuck off retard

WW1 we absolutely btfo of the turks

>shuts up the house
>turns the aircon to 22c
>fuck off retard
Lame fag detected.


See you in st ives brew

it's literally the flu memevirus lads
anyone talking about social distancing and lockdowns helping this are npc-tier retards. if anything the lockdowns and especially school shutdowns have probably added a few ancient boomer deaths to the tally. we need people to get it to reach herd immunity levels and it's always better for those people to be young families who have about as much chance of dying as they do winning the lottery over the elderly and frail who have a 2-20% chance dying.

No such thing, it's a larp normie cunts who just pretend to like it because muh beach life

our cities have good social distancing

Cunt hot weathers fucking mad ay, smash cold tins on your deck or are you an apartment dwelling faggot

This. Australians are literal retards who think they are immune to everything all because our country just so happened to avoid just about every natural disaster out of pure luck.

Most people don't get Australians. They are very law abiding.
For example an Australian would speed but stay within the road lines and obey all other rules. While a European would speed and not adhere to the road rules.
So basically when the police say fines and prison for being out everyone just says "yeah, ok"

go on step outside your house faggot

All good cobber! I'll be visit for a schooner or two and some snags when this all dies down.

Because we educate their spawn, let them launder commie bux through our casinos and realestate and sell them strawberry farms then let them FIFO their peasants to pick the crops and also sell them mining resources at bargain basement prices, australia was attacked with a far less virulent strain of the wuhanic plauge than the rest of the west.

you angry because you meme apocalypse is canceled fren?

Step outside your house chicken

What happens if kangaroos get it?

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