I'm having a great time.
>feminism absolutely destroyed
>faggots completely silent
>traffic is nonexistent
>only have to see family and friends
>we're just running as a pack, as humans were meant to be
>wife can no longer pretend she has a real job and is actually fulfilling domestic roles
>neighbors are banding together and helping our community be more sulf sufficient
>huge gardens being planted
I could go like this forever.
Anyone else enjoying lockdown?
With the inevitable collapse of society (due to this extinction event), you will see barbarism (overt whoring, wretched pimping, brutal pillaging/raiding/sieges, wanton rape/murder without consequences and proliferation of warlords/cartels bonded by kinfolk) come back with a vengeance. All these frivolous jobs/politics/lifestyles were sustained by the comfort and safety of soft, civilized society. With the pop of this "Good Times" bubble, the attrition driven, primitive life will return.
Yep. My crops are doing better than ever. I'm able to workout twice a day finally, all the sex and steak I could handle. This is great.
no it sucks
>can be fined for being out without a good reason
>havent seen friends or family in weeks
>even when I call friends and family there's nothing to talk about as nobody has been outside for ages
on the plus side my neighbour across the hall came over as she's also alone during the lockdown and we seem to have hit it off
Yeah this isn’t bad. However I do miss restaurants.
Sweet. Working on my mullet.
>fine for no reason
That's where you live nigger. We do what we want.
yeah england is an authoritarian shithole at times
fookin suid afrika, man. zeph style kanker
Wouldn't know, I'm not on lockdown.
>put stress on capitalism; it breaks down
>put stress on communism; it breaks down
>put stress on people; they become natsoc
>Neighbour across the hall :^)
>Bantu knots AND a shitlocks mullet.
Did it die from aids yet?
I've always been a germophobe and hated sweaty niggers touching my food. Wearing masks and social distancing is just normalized what I wanted all along. Fuck strangers.
>they become natsoc
Fuck off faggot. If you don't live in my valley, you're not my nation. If you're not in my tribe, fuck off. This is how humans were meant to be.
I’ll be fucking your mother and sister in exchange for a can of spam by the end of the month, faggot.
I'm having a great time. I'm working from home and exercising every day. Lot of people out doing the same thing. Feels like a vacation.
It sucks here in Idaho . Boise Scum keeps coming up . Boomers, Libshits aka Boise Scum . Traveling always . Fuck off Boise Scum .
So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in a little domestic discipline when required?
That we should vote for far right christian fringe groups that have no chance of winning, so that the mainstream parties (conservative / republicans) politicians will start to represent the above values and people like you? (moving the needle)
stop bitching and do something about it, and vote
Bride price now
“I, (Bride), take thee, (Groom), to be my wedded Husband; to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health; to love, cherish, and to OBEY, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth.”
Napoleon Bonaparte Quote
Women are nothing but machines for producing children.
>my neighbour across the hall
There's your problem. You have neighbors that live too close to you.
We have to blenda boyeee
>work remotely
>work out in home gym
>go jogging because no commute
>learn and try out new recipes
>don't feel lonely because we're 7 people in one house including gf
I could do this for a few months every year.
I'm in a city where i do college and work, i waited to long to go back to my home town (16hours in bus from here) and now all buses are being canceled. I was about to go back in a bus at 9 a.m. today but was fucking canceled. Now i have to remark the bus to day 10, but they said that it can be canceled again. What is do, i just want to go home
>Neighbour across the hall :^)
do only jews live in flats or something
no, the problem is that my family live too far from me. if they were within walking distance I could go down there and claim "shopping" or "excercising" as my excuse to be out, if stopped
Ok dude... take your meds you happooooooner queer.
behold, a s oy boy SIMP having a mere glimpse at a real man
you would never die in Denmark out of principle. if things got too tough (or too brown) for you, you would just white flight away like a fucking faggot retard
nothing will stop you watching another game of thrones episode or star wars bounty hunter tv show hurrr rick and morty pickle rick le epic tyron lancaster cock joke star wars captain america beat up big purple meanie. you had it easy your whole life; your people weren't thrown away and discarded by ZOG golem states like the UK and their jewish handlers so you can be exterminated to extinction and have your people raped.
1st worlders genuinely deserve a lot more than the suffering you are experiencing right now. your entire family deserves rape. you have it SO easy you can sit at a computer gestating like a woman complaining about people's hair styles. the situation of self awareness must be completely lost on you
fucking faggot.
the greatest testament to your own untermensch lesser man existence is you'd shit yourself if you had to say what you just said in front of him, knowing he would break your bones.
Adolf approves
>feminism absolutely destroyed
>faggots completely silent
completely untrue and would become undone the instant the lockdown ends anyway.
You up in cda?
Reality deniers are the most funny.
2 hours without internet any you will go nuts
Sounds like you are now muslims
I enjoy it currently, my only worry is that by the end of it I will become fat :(
gaining a bit of weight and then working it off is fine.
i love it too
try fasting. good way to build up your willpower
because you became a slave, and didn't even notice it
I've had time to clean up my property and prep the garden (nights are still too frosty to plant). Done some reading, finally got back into Jung. Overall pretty good.
My bro is bored as fuck and has decided to have an orgy on soon and has invited me to it. I’ve never done one of those before and I’m nervous as hell but I wanna give it a good before I die. Any of you guys have any experience?
this is mad comfy.
Lockdown is comfy. Work remote. Fully prepped. Haven’t left the house in a month. Win.
Go with the flow. Have a breath mint or a shot of clear liquor before.
The break from feminism and the associated woke garbage is indeed extremely welcome.
>(due to this extinction event)
what a retarded faggot. not even going to kill 1% of the population.
don't go there if you have a small penor
I feel better because the pollution from normies going to their fake jobs in their cars is down.
You’re being extremely hyperbolic.
How can you have a great time and not be stressed out...
I’m hung but I get nervous and find it hard to get hard sometimes.
>hit it off
time to seize the mean of 'production' then comrade
I got a new deep fryer and a library of UHD mkvs. I'm loving it.
you'll be fine just get a couple drinks before, but not too much
Cant go to the gym, so im pretty mad. Otherwise its alright.
>you will see barbarism
Barbarians ain't shit, unless your people are soft. Rome only fell when they went soft. Barbarians hated Rome for being btfo by Centurions for centuries. 21st Century Romans will just kill them all.
My fuckin live didn't even change
>still go working
>don't meet friends because i don't have any, not because of lockdown
>doing the same shit i did the last 3 years
An-Cap paradise soon!
that barely happens in africa now you deluded fantasy prepper nigger. fucking kys
i agree. as long as we can just keep enough of the economy and infrastructure going this pace is much better. less bullshit. nature returning to life. i love it.
I agree with most of those except my wife is still fighting pretty hard. this may end up in a divorce. not even kidding my marriage is going nowhere thanks to this quarantine. I think I married the wrong woman
I was just going to say service jobs will disappear but you do you
>Good Times
Getting a bit sick of this LARP desu
Enjoying it so far.
>Working out still (home gym).
>Sleeping 9 hours a night.
>Not working but still getting paid.
>I was chronically bored prior to this and actually talked about how I'd love a "hibernation" every now again.
>Live alone, so don't see anyone.
>Can't see my girlfriend and I don't jerk off or look at porn, so I'm getting ridiculously horny.
>See this as a precursor to far worse violations of our rights.
go with the flow and just relax m80
Same here. Its based