Comet C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS) apparently has a huge 5500 year orbit

Comet C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS) apparently has a huge 5500 year orbit.

Apparently, it's just started to break up. After all those millennia, just now as it shows up in our skies, it's breaking up.

Seems legit

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Nice link there mate

No dude, you don't understand. He heard it from a reputable source: a schizo, Q-believing retard on YouTube. You're just sheeple.

>gets closer to the sun
>is kill
It happens to many comets.

That’s OUR word you degenerate faggot, fuck off

This type of post is so boring and shit, so many posts like this all the fucking time, why

Comet ISON also broke up when it got clise to the sun. Comets do it all the time.

Be more obvious retard

>72 million miles from earth


Around suns, guard your buns

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this, there was one a few years ago that was supposed to become visible once it looped around the sun
instead it asplode


If you believed it was wormwood, your right. And it's the deepstate either seeding that tought of deception or the entire sky is deception. Chinese scientists......we know,how,that goes. Believe in god, and it will emerge

Why? It's not even close to it


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it heats up and is going fast af, and has greater resistance from the solar wind the closer it gets. same reason they have tails.

Extremely symbolic, as the world hides inside their homes scared to come outside, ATLAS has begun to fall apart.
As the celestial Titan fails, heaven will fall around us and the prior eternity will end. Our internal maps of the world will soon be re-written

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Why does this post exist I don't understand? Comets disintegrate all the time when they come close to the sun and the earth also went through a comets coma and tail multiple times, like haley in 1910. gtfo bibbering r/conspiracy redditfag

Astronomical shit happens

>A comet is made of ice
>It melts as it approaches the sun

Theres no heat in a vacuum

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Consider why you are not right now freezing to death.

Well memed, Bhuttan.

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Because I'm not in a vacuum

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I'm an expert in memetics

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Earth is. There is no convection in a vacuum. There is however radiation.

>No you dumbass, stop arguing against the deep state conspiracies

It breaking up while on a collision course makes it more likely to hit us. Think buckshot instead of a slug. And all the chemicals frozen in it could poison our water easy.

Solar wind carries superheated particles which can't radiate their heat away during the journey. Though small, the particles impact en masse, constantly, imparting a rapidly significant energy on the interrupting body.

Earth isnt a vacuum dingus. There is an atmosphere

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We are fucked even if we hit some shitty rock from it's tail.


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And after the atmosphere, between us and the sun?

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>still thinking space is real

Yeah this happened with that big ass comet like 3-4 years back too, it was supposed to be a huge deal and it literally melted when it got past Jupiter and fizzled out. That's what's happening now with this thing.

But think about it, comets don't magically accrue new matter, they fly out into no man's land and then come back and get blasted by the sun and lose a tremendous amount of matter. All comets get weaker with each pass from what we know. Some people were saying this comet could be four times brighter than the sun a week or so ago, they will be quiet now that it's literally melting like an ice cube under a broiler.

The comet breaking apart is just (((their))) new hoax to make Q look bad.

You have to have a lot of contaminent to poison the earths oceans

There is still the threat that we could pass through its outgassing tail. If it's made of volatile chemicals (which are the most likely to outgas), we could catch some in our atmosphere. Think sudden chlorine storm.

Just getting the very surface of the ocean with cholrine would wipe plankton out and starve the rest of the ocean.

No kiwi would claim that you fucking tool. Any Ausbros wanna chime in here?
Do your homework next time.

3 hours..... really? Is it possible to condense down to the relevant info? Or an overview?

AHEM. who's word is it?

Heat travels through vacuums as visible or invisible light, and radiation.

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Fucking kiwis and australian are such cunts. You claim every bit of slang as your own buts its fucking BRITISH. I meet so many of you cunts who act like you've litterally invited slang , honestly go and fuck yourself you nounce.
Also, no one likes your shit original slang either, prick.

We could have been a space faring civilisation by now but we got fucked twice by events 13k years ago (impacts) so hard that it even ended the ice age by heating shit up.
The last such encounter was a shitty rock from a comet in 1900~ that exploded in the atmosphere and flattened what we know as Tunguska today.
We also find smaller impacts that literally look like atom bombs impact zones in areas where there are signs there was a settlement, the ground literally turned to glass and you can find micro diamonds in the ground cause the forces were so strong.

>There is still the threat that we could pass through its outgassing tail.
No there isn't.

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take your meds schizo

Chur bru no cuz’e bru’s would devolve themselves to our standards ow.

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Gas yourself jew

Did space force kaboom nibiru???

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>Comet C/2019 Y4
imagine 200bc calculating sun distance to 2% error

It's science and facts ignored because it invalidates stuff like "muh climate change cuased by humans". The Earth went from minus 10C on average to + 10C on average in a span of a thousnad years and since then we are in cylce of cooling and heating up a few degrees every few hundreds of years.
The sudden shifts of temps back then idicate massive impacts and if thise didn't completely fuck up all settlements the melting of giant ice caps terraformed them while at the same time removing the load from the land increasing the landmass in areas covered by it while sinking other oreas far from it. Like a seasaw but with tectonic plates.

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Have you ever heard about SUN?

Shit like this was cpmmon for what we thing as not such advanced people of the past. But they couldn actually see the milky way every night while i bet that 98% of the people on this board can't see a single star these days.
They build extremely precise monuments that were basically celestial clocks.
Every such civilization that we know of talks about the flood and extinction of old kingdoms/people.

yeah isn't like that mk ultra just that ancient glow niggers placed a lamp shade made from genocided interstellar races so we could live on earth?
oh yeah, I'm also really amazed by that (and most people also don't have enough time to study starts or even the movement of the sun or think about how such angles change through the year) just no time and of no great importance probably (i mean it's lovely, interesting and gives good insight into big things)
I'm especially amazed by things like late stone age and early bronze age people trying to build such clocks and devices, be it mountains made from rock next to particular looking mountain tops, stone henge or the brittish earth mounds build in a way that twice per year you could see the sun run perfectly around the top when you stood at the right place, each one hour the sun needs to travel to stand in zenith away from each other
or the first geodetic work done by people
and while sure, they understood math at the earliest stages of it, I have my doubts it was very formal math until they even tried things like sun discs and calculation mechanisms
that suddenly sprung up in many places, as if ripe with zeitgeist to be found
found by triangulation of three massive chevron dunes, so massive that most geologists will not believe that is even possible
with sediment layers and ice cores from that epoch showing diatoms and other marine life from the indian ocean almost anywhere on this planet, excluding those few places in the "rain and tsunami shadows" of all that
almost all other seem to share at least one (and sometimes two) flood events

just check out the size of it, the depth
only things like yucatan come close, arizona crater is a tiny hole in comparison
>Diameter ~29 km (18 mi)
>Depth 3,800 m (12,500 ft)
>Age ~5000 years (Holocene)

>Diameter 0.737 miles (1.186 km)
>Depth 560 feet (170 m)
>Rise 148 feet (45 m)
>50,000 years

>be iceball
>get exposed to sun
Many such cases.

Some (or most, idk) are also held together only extremely tenuously. Sometimes the increased differential radiation (between sunny and dark sides) is enough to break it up. The one other anons are referring to broke up because it got extremely close to the sun, at that point radiation of massive particles and a steeper gravity gradient play a role as well.

also the two depth describe different things, burckle's just describes how far below sea level it is while arizona describes the indentation it left
Have fun.

have a cry lol

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That's a really stupid take by an absolute layman. Try to conceptualise the scale of the coma, Earth and how much shit falls into the atmosphere every day. Also, almost no volatile compounds on an object so old and so close to the sun. Why? They're volatile. i wonder how much soup meteorites have hit earth

based space force

>fook ju straya coont

you're probably more effective than them taking meds at containing schizo

>Iceball didn’t take meds

you are glowing nigger